PHClinicRelease Changes– and

Screen Name / Screen
Number / Change Description
Appointment Scheduling / AS-02 / The appointment type column has been relabeled to A Typ and an S Typ column has been added for service type.
Appointment Scheduling / AS-02 / Appointment notes now display in a browser at the bottom of Appointments AS-02 when the appointment is selected.
Appointment Scheduling / AS-02 / Changes have been made to the 270 Electronic Eligibility file which is still in beta testing.
Appointment Scheduling ADD / AS-05 / A field has been added to the appointment for Service Type. To add lookup codes to the table, search for table code SVTP in Cote Table Maintenance or use the Alt+F1 hot key.
Payment Selection / BL-09 / Client Billing Ledger BL-02 and click Enter Payment to get to BL-09. Direct Deposit has been added to client payment. Client direct deposit payments will report in the direct deposit total on the Daily Balancing Summary report and are not included in the total drawer amount.
Daily Balancing / BL-36 / Direct deposit (DD) has been added to the client detail on the Daily Balancing Summary to report client direct deposit payments.
Medicaid Billing Claims Processing / BL-66 / An issue with duplicate diagnosis pointers on Medicaid claims that have procedures on the VFC Service List has been corrected.
Miscellaneous Credit Detail / BL-90 / Version 7.0 Only - The mismatched number of parameters error when adding a miscellaneous credit transaction has been corrected.
Guarantor Information / GR-28 / Go to Client Register and click Guarantor. A browser has been added to the bottom right to display percent of pay according to all program sliding fee scales that are set up in System Maintenance, Procedure Menu, Sliding Fee Scale Maintenance.
Procedure Maintenance / SM-42 / Version 7.0 Only – The mismatched number of parameters error when adding a new procedure has been corrected.
Import/Export Table Conversion Maintenance / SM-106 / The External Description field display size has been increased and a check has been added to extract type values to not allow a semi-colon in the description field.
Import/Export Table Conversion Maintenance / SM-106 / Logic has been added to the check for CPT to CVX table translations when the user clicks Ok on SM-106 for procedures translated to CVX 999.
Data Cleanup and Reporting / SM-107 / Credit Bureau has been added to the fix to “Mark old Ledgers as Paid”. When run, the fix will mark ledgers in transmittals with DOS prior to the specified date with a P, but not post a payment amount. The ledgers will not be reported as receivables and will be excluded from the Unpaid Ledger Listing BL-103
Import Immunization Registry File / SM-109 / KS – HL7 Interface users – recommendations prior to client DOB issue has been resolved. The Kansas Immunization Registry query response now includes VIS dates with segment ID’s PHClinic displayed in recommendations. The code has been changed to not display VIS dates in recommendations.
Clinical Data Elements Listing / SM-130 / Duplication of clinical data form elements when forms are activated should no longer be an issue.
HL7 Send Updates / SM-150 / An issue where clients marked “Do Not Update Registry” were included in the list to update on SM-150 has been fixed.
Vaccine on Hand report / SR-62 / The Vaccine on Hand report that can be printed from Vaccine Inventory, Physical Inventory Worksheet or Vaccine on Hand now limits the manufacturer name to the width of the column.