Wednesday, October 19, 2016 – Rev. Dr. Jen Garbin
Please note that * indicates when the worship leader will ask people to stand if they are able.
Welcome & Announcements
Good afternoon and welcome to worship. We begin our time together by inviting members of the community to share announcements….
…We also welcome Rev. Dr. Jen Garbin who will be our preacher and presider today. Rev. Dr. Jen is the church planter and pastor of Sugarbush Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and she is the newly appointed Regional Minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Canada. She is the mother of two teenagers (Rita and Victor), wife to Gianni, and a life-long student. She completed her Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry at Emmanuel College,focusing on exploringhow Christian emerging adults who don't actively attend public worship are living out their faith and re-imagingwhat it means to be church.
Jen is a total church-nerd.She believes that faith is something that should be as natural as breathing, and she believes that when we create safe spaces for real dialogue, build relationships instead of programs, andgive permission for folks to explore and ask questions about our traditions, scripture and our shared experience, amazing things happen.
Jen hails from Maple Leaf,a tiny village inthe Ottawa Valley, lived for 18 years in Toronto, and pastored in small-town Nova Scotia. She was raised in the Brethren in Christ movement as a child, spent adolescent years with them as a camp counsellor but taught Sunday school and worshipped with the Baptists. As a young adult, shefell in withthe Disciples of Christ where she found a faith community that built on her deep scriptural roots, but gave new language and permission to explore God, church and spirituality in new, progressive ways.
Jen spends free moments growing green ediblethings in the backyard andpracticing abstract and landscape oil painting.
…If there are no further announcements, let’s begin our worship by acknowledging the land. For those who are able, please stand.
*Territorial Acknowledgement
We acknowledge this sacred land on which the University of Toronto operates. It has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nationsto peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.
Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Islandand we are grateful to have the opportunity to work and study in the community, on this territory.
…You may be seated.
Reflection (instrumental)
Opening Prayer
Let’s pray:
Dear God, we come together to worship you.We come recognizing that it’s you who brings the rain and the sun. And it’s you who fills our lives with daily blessings - things we need and people we love.Quiet the doubts we came in with and hear our prayers. Guide our worship and accept our praise. Bless us as we come closer to you in this time of worship.Amen.
…For those who are able, please stand, and let’s all sing “Rise Up, Rise Up.”
*Hymn:“Rise Up, Rise Up” (More Voices #130)
Scripture Readings:
*Psalm 65 (Voices United #782)
Joel 2:23-32
Sermon:“After the Locusts: Daring to Lead in a New Age”
Silent Reflection (30 seconds)
Prayers of the People
Voice #1After hearing Holy Scriptures and a message from Rev. Jen, let’s lift up our prayers for all people in our world…Dear God, you provide abundant rain so that the land can yield good crops… And yet people are starving and face famine in Yemen and in other countries - not due to dry land but because of war and violence. We pray for the end of these wars so that people can have access to food and live in peace.
Voice #2You silence roaring waves and the tumult of peoples… So, we pray for the people of South Australia who face relocation, and the devastation of homes and crops because of massive flooding. We pray that they will find relief and support as they repair, rebuild, and move forward after this natural disaster.
Voice #1You pour out your spirit on all flesh so that daughters and sons can prophesy, the old can dream dreams, and the young can see visions… So, be with those whose prophetic voice seeks justice and reconciliation amidst apathy, intolerance, and violence. We pray for Black and Indigenous lives and for those whose faith calls them to seek justice and reconciliation.
Voice #2You save all those who call on your name... Yet, we live in a world where people do not see themselves as children of God and people of faith do not see each other equally as your children. We pray that there will be unity amongst Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhist, and people of all faiths – unity amongst all people. We pray for unity, solidarity, and love for all people. And we pray that this change might start in each of us, in what we say and do,
Voice #1We pray for all of these things – of people and our broken and beautiful world. Amen.
…For those who are able, please stand, and let’s all sing “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness.”
*Hymn - “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness” (Voices United #375)
*Peace –
Before we come to the table to share in this bread and juice, let’s greet each other with the hope of peace in our world, by offering a handshake, a hug, or by simply saying, “Peace be with you.”
Invitation to the Table
Words of Institution
*Communion(by intinction) –
*Music during Communion – “Long Ago and Far Away” (More Voices #195, instrumental until all are served)
*Music after Communion – “Long Ago and Far Away” (More Voices #195)
Please be seated.
Blessing & Sending Forth