GSE Executive Committee Checklist
for New Graduate Course Proposals
Attachment D – Duplication Check
CEP 586 is different from other assessment courses offered by the university because other assessment courses are either foundational (i.e., primarily dealing with concepts of reliability, validity, standard scores), profession-specific (e.g., clinical psychology), or limited to child or adolescent client populations. CEP 586 will be a new profession-specific assessment course relevant and necessary for the practice of mental health counseling. Descriptions or syllabi of other assessment courses were reviewed and systematically compared to the CEP 586 course content. Below is the list of the potentially related courses and reviewer comments:
PSY 653 Personality Assessment I – this is a profession-specific course (restricted to clinical psychology majors) and incorporates both intelligence testing and assessment of organizational systems which are beyond the scope of the proposed course.
PSY 654 Psychological Assessment (Clinical II) – this is a profession-specific seminar course (restricted to clinical psychology majors) and focuses on assessment theory and practical applications to clinical psychology.
PSY 655 Personality Assessment III – this is a profession-specific seminar course (restricted to clinical psychology majors) in personality assessment with a focus on Rorschach (projective) techniques.
SW 514 Evaluation in Social Work – this is a profession-specific course (social work) that focuses on social worker self evaluation and program evaluation in a social work context.
SW 576 Assessment and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect – This is a profession-specific course (social work) limited to assessment issues in child abuse and neglect.
CEP 502 Use and Interpretation of Educational Measurements – course content is focused on the applications of tests in educational/school settings, and does not address mental health applications.
CEP 503 Tests and Measurements – this is a foundational testing course that introduces psychometric concepts and provides an overview of various tests used by counselors. CEP 503 focuses primarily on basic psychometrics and types of tests in use, but does not specifically address other assessment strategies used by mental health counselors (e.g., the DSM-IV, clinical interviewing).
CEP 507 Topical Seminar in Psychological Measurement – this is a specialized topics course with varying course content/foci, depending upon when it is offered.
CEP 509 Educational and Psychological Measurement - this is a course designed for doctoral students and is focused on item development and item analysis. It does not address applications of assessment information to mental health counseling.
CEP 538 Computer-Based Psychological Assessment – this course focuses on computer-based psychological assessments only.
CEP 590 Individual Intelligence Testing – this doctoral level course focuses on intelligence testing only.
CEP 591 Psychological Assessment of Infants and Preschoolers – this course focuses on assessment of young children.
CEP 592 Psychological Assessment of Children and Adolescents – this course focuses on older children and adolescents.