Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority held its Monthly Board Meeting on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. at the Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority Water Treatment Plant.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Barry Sutton, Steve Miller, Joe Albright, Henry Heath, Bruce Parson, Terry Koonce, Stephen Tripp, Greg Smith, Clarence Mills

MEMBERS ABSENT: Sammy Aiken, Jamie Cannon, Jimmy Cousins, Virgil O’Neal, Mike Hill, Neal Baggett

ALTERNATES PRESENT: Rusty Byrd, Rhonda Barwick, Ray Baldree

NRWASA STAFF PRESENT: James W. Norment - Legal Counsel

Harold Herring - Executive Director

Debbie Purvis - Administrative Assistant

Sharman Griffin - Administrative Secretary

Charlie Colie - WTP ORC

Jacob Brown – Assistant WTP ORC

Kyle Smith - Distribution Superintendent

Special Guests: Brandon Holland – Town Manager, Ayden

Wes Wolfe – The Free Press

Call to Order

Chairman Barry Sutton called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and welcomed Special Guests.

Revisions, Additions and Adoption of Agenda

Mr. Greg Smith moved to adopt the Agenda as presented. Seconded by Mr. Steve Miller and upon unanimous vote, the motion carried.


1. Approval of September 2014 Minutes Chairman Sutton

Mr. Greg Smith moved to approve the September 2014 Minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. Clarence Mills and upon unanimous vote, the motion carried.

2. Approval of October 2014 Treasurer’s Report Chairman Sutton

Mr. Joe Albright moved to adopt the October 2014 Monthly Treasurer’s Report. Seconded by Mr. Bruce Parson and upon unanimous vote, the motion carried.


3. Ward & Smith Mr. Jamie Norment

Mr. Norment stated that he had no legal issues to report. He stated that Ward & Smith has hired a part-time Environmental Attorney, Mary Jo Alcoke, to replace Mr. Frank Sheffield.

Mr. Norment stated that Ward & Smith is working with NCDENR to establish a working group on CCPCUA issues.

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Minutes of October 23, 2014

4. Ecological Flow Update – HB1057 Mr. Harold Herring

Mr. Harold Herring mentioned an article in the Agenda Packet, “EMC Halts Ecological Flow Determination, Allows Model Use with Limitations”, as it refers to Mr. Tom Fransens’ discussion at the September Board Meeting.

5. Flange Gasket Repair Update Mr. Harold Herring

Mr. Harold Herring gave a presentation and update on the raw water intake air burst lines replacement at the NRWASA intake site. He introduced an Engineering cost proposal by CDM Smith to design and bid an alternative to the faulty gaskets.

After much discussion, Mr. Stephen Tripp moved to approve the CDM Smith design proposal of $22,500 and convene in a Special Meeting, if necessary before the November Board Meeting, to discuss and approve the Engineers’ findings. Seconded by Mr. Joe Albright and upon unanimous vote, the motion carried.

6. Miscellaneous Chairman Sutton

There were no miscellaneous discussion items.

7. Informational Mr. Harold Herring

Mr. Harold Herring advised that Sharman Griffin, Administrative Secretary would be leaving NRWASA as of October 31, 2014.

Mr. Joe Albright announced the “John Lawson Legacy Days” festival, an educational and historical family-friendly event in the Town of Grifton on November 7-8.


Being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned without objection at approximately 6:55 P.M.


Ms. Sharman Griffin

Administrative Secretary

Joe Albright

NRWASA Secretary