Item No. 1

Application Number and Date:
Detailed Major
04-Aug-2004 / Applicant:
Linden Homes & Police Federation
Case Officer: Miss T Tindale / Ward: Leatherhead North

As amplified by access statements for both residential element and PFEW building. Amended by letter from SMC Corstorphine and Wright dated 21/09/04 and revised plans 01066- 0045, 0046, 0050,0051, 0052, 0053, and 0054

Proposal and Site

Demolition of existing buildings and the construction of a headquarters building for the Police Federation of England and Wales, and the erection of 127 residential units, all accessed from Randalls Way.

Pira International, Randalls Way, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7RY

Development Plan

Mole Valley Local Plan - Built Up Area, Suitably located Commercial/Industrial land.

Relevant Planning History

MO/02/1892 / Outline application for the demolition of the existing buildings on the site and a new office development of 9555 sq metres comprising 2x2 storey buildings and 2x3 storey buildings with associated parking.
MO/02/2001 / Outline application for the demolition of the existing buildings on the site and a new office development comprising a part 2 storey part three storey single building of approximately 10, 613 sq metres with associated parking. / Withdrawn March 03.
MO/03/0438 / Outline application for the demolition of the existing buildings on the site and a new mixed use development comprising 2x 3 storey office buildings (total floorspace5670 sq metres) with 142 car parking spaces along with 2x3 storey residential blocks providing 42 x 2 bedroom flats and 12 x1 one bedroom flats with 75 car parking spaces. / Disposed of undetermined.
MO/03/0940 / 3 and 4 storey building comprising offices (1419 sq metres) and 72 no 2 bedroom flats plus 30 affordable flats. Parking provision on site for 142 cars with two service bays. / Resolution to grant planning permission subject to S106 agreement. Legal Agreement has not been completed.

Summary of Site and Description of Development

The application site is approximately 1.9 hectares in area and occupies a prominent corner position close to the railway station and Leatherhead Town Centre. The site fronts onto both Randalls Road to the south and Randalls Way to the west. The southern side of Randalls Road comprises predominantly detached two storey dwellings set back from the road on reasonably sized plots. The south western corner of Randalls Road comprises an estate of higher density terraced houses.

To the east lies a modern office development on Station Approach, occupied by Wates Group as their new headquarters.

The site forms part of the Leatherhead Research Area along Randalls Way, comprising a number of research establishments and other commercial/industrial sites which are regarded as suitably located industrial and commercial land under policy E2 of the Mole Valley Local Plan.

PIRA International have occupied the premises for approximately 50 years as a consultancy business specialising in the packaging, paper, printing and publishing industries. The site consists of offices and research and development facilities, with parking for approximately 147 cars. The majority of the parking is provided in front of the main frontage buildings.

The existing commercial/industrial floor space on the site is approximately 6,500 sq metres with approximately 250 employees. The site also includes a detached dwelling (Fairview) fronting onto the eastern side of Randalls Road.

This application follows application MO/03/0940 for the redevelopment of the site for commercial and residential purposes. This application was in outline form only to establish the principle of a mixed use and to agree the siting of the proposed buildings and means of access into the site. At the Development Control and Licensing Committee on 30th July 2003 it was resolved to grant outline planning permission subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement relating to the provision of 30 affordable units for key workers, a financial contribution of £112,000 towards transportation aspects and a covenant being imposed for each of the 102 flats restricting the number of vehicles parked on the site. This Agreement is still outstanding and the planning permission has therefore not yet been issued.

This current application is a detailed application for the redevelopment of the site to provide a new headquarters building for the Police Federation of England and Wales along with a residential development of 127 units.

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is the staff association of Police Officers and has approximately 133,000 subscribing members. The PFEW are responsible nationally for negotiating pay and conditions for all officers and assist in representing them in equality issues, discipline matters, court cases and medical appeals.

The PFEW is looking to move from its existing headquarters located in Surbiton because it no longer meets their requirements in terms of its size and functionality.

The proposed headquarters building would be located on the eastern half of the site, between the existing Wates headquarters to the east and the proposed residential scheme to the west. It would be a prestigious and contemporary building of approximately three storeys in height fronting onto Randalls Road.

Vehicular access to the headquarters building would be off Randalls Way and through the proposed residential development. A gated entrance is proposed to be provided at the entrance to this part of the site for security reasons.

The PFEW would employ approximately 55-60 permanent staff at the site, although at any one time, with conferences/training, the maximum occupancy of the proposed building would be approximately 100.

The building would have a total floorspace of 6722sq metres, containing as follows:

·  Office accommodation 1596 sq metres

·  Training and Conference Facilities 468 sq metres

·  Bedroom Accommodation 2560sq metres

·  Ancillary Accommodation 2098 sq metres

(swimming pool, gym etc)

The application initially included 131 car parking spaces for this element of the proposals, the majority of which were shown to be provided at basement level. Revised plans have been submitted reducing the number of car parking spaces to 109. Further discussions are taking place as to whether there should be a further reduction in the number of spaces. The outcome of these discussions will be reported on the addendum..

The application also proposes a separate residential development on the western half of the site. The application proposes the erection of 3 x three storey residential blocks fronting onto Randalls Road providing a total of 54 flats (15 one bedroom and 39 two bedroom).

Two additional four storey blocks are proposed on the northern part of the site providing 73 flats (18 one bedroom and 55 two bedroom). Block A in the north western corner (and fronting onto Randalls Way) would contain the affordable housing element consisting of 38 flats

There would be in total 127 car parking spaces for the residential element, which equates to 1 space per unit. There would be a mix of surface, ground floor and basement parking provided.

Although the two uses will operate independently, the overall site layout, access proposals and landscaping strategy have been developed comprehensively to ensure that the two uses are complementary to one another.

The applicants intend to erect a new brick entrance feature at the entry to the new spine road. This feature will mirror the existing arched brick entrance at the junction of Randalls Way and Randalls Road. In addition, additional hedge planting is shown to be provided on the western side of Randalls Way to provide a soft edge to this side of the road.


SCC Highways –has raised concern over the effectiveness of the Travel Plan, the width of the access road through the site and the position of a junction table within the site. The Highway Authority have been re-notified of revised proposals, which include the reduction in the number of parking spaces on the PFEW site to 109 spaces. Their final comments are awaited.

SCC Planning (Strategic Consultation) – is of the view that due to its sustainable location, the site is suitable for redevelopment for a mix of development as proposed. Nevertheless, energy conservation and renewable energy measures should be sought as part of the design and construction of both the residential and commercial elements of the development. In addition, outstanding transportation and parking matters will need to be resolved through negotiation and agreement with the County Planning Department. Provided these issues are resolved, no objection is raised on strategic planning and transportation grounds.

When responding to the earlier outline application, the County Council indicated that there is spare capacity within local schools and as such did not seek a contribution towards educational provision. The County Council again considers that there would be no case for a contribution towards educational provision, bearing in mind the marginal increase in the number of units and the spare capacity in local schools.

Head of Environmental Services – requires a condition to be imposed on any permission requiring a site investigation report to be carried out along with a remediation plan to be agreed prior to work commencing on site.

Surrey Police - have no adverse comments to make. They feel however that consideration should be given for the whole of the site to seek ‘Secure by Design’.

Tree Officer – considers that the landscaping proposals are generally well specified and appropriate for the site. There is extensive new planting of trees including semi mature specimens. The Tree Officer points out that the existing beech hedge along the Randalls Road frontage is an attractive feature and considers that the retention of as much of the hedge as possible would be desirable, along with some of the smaller trees at the bottom of the bank. The planting of new trees along the eastern boundary to ‘fill in’ the gap between the existing planting would enhance the overall level of screening on the site.

The Tree Officer recommends that a full arboricultural method statement be produced encompassing the tree protection methods. This could be controlled by condition.

Waste and Recycling Manager - final views awaited.

Mole Valley Access Group – note that because this is a new build they assume the proposals will comply with the building regulations regarding accessibility.

Head of Building Control – considers that the access statements provided for both the residential element and the new PFEW building are reasonable.

Thames Water - point out that the ability of local sewers to dispose of foul and surface water for this development will need to be determined. If investigations find that insufficient capacity is available, Thames Water will provide the additional capacity as soon as practicable. To ensure Thames Water has sufficient lead in time to provide the additional services they request the imposition of a number of drainage conditions.

Surrey Archaeological Unit – recommend a condition requiring a scheme of archaeological work be imposed on the grant of any planning permission.

Environment Agency – views awaited.


Mole Valley Cycling Forum - consider that the cycle parking and changing facilities for the PFEW headquarters building appear satisfactory.

They do have the following concerns:

·  No contribution is shown to improving cycling routes in the area, particularly past the site;

·  The nature of the cycle storage in the residential element, particularly that proposed in the basement of block C;

·  Bicycle parking is illustrated with a front wheel clamp system which is no longer acceptable.

Four letters of objection have been received from local residents raising the following concerns:

1. Replacement of the single storey residential property and industrial building on the Randalls Way frontage with a substantial building of greater height would result in overlooking and loss of privacy to the residential properties on the other side of the road

2.  The proposals constitutes overdevelopment of the site, emphasised by the need for underground car parking .

3.  The proposed residential blocks facing onto Randalls Road are significantly taller than the previous scheme, resolved to be granted planning.

4.  The proposed residential blocks would create a continuous wall of buildings facing the houses on the other side of Randalls Road.

5.  The proposed PFEW building would result in a massive, overbearing glass wall façade which would tower over Randalls Road and dominate the street. This would be exacerbated due to the higher level of the site in relation to the road.

6.  The transport assessment is unrealistic in stating that the conference facilities will generate no traffic in peak hours. The matter should be controlled by condition by restricting conferences outside of peaks hours.

7.  The assumption that the modal split will remain the same as at the PFEW’s existing premises in Surbiton is flawed. Visitors to Leatherhead will be more likely to use the car because of the proximity to the M25 and the less attractive public transport links.

8. The increased traffic likely to be generated throughout the day would have a damaging impact on local residents through additional noise and vehicle emissions

9. The proposed parking provision for the PFEW building is excessive and inconsistent with the claimed transport impact of the development.

10. The proposed parking level for the PFEW building should be based on a percentage of the anticipated occupancy rather than as a ratio to overall floorspace provided.

Main Planning Policies

Surrey Structure Plan 1994

PE10 The Protection of Urban Character

MT2 – The Movement Implications of Development

MT5 – Provision of off street Car Parking

DP10 - Safeguarding Existing Industrial and Commercial Land

Deposit Draft Surrey Structure Plan

LO9 – Employment Land

SE2 - Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation

SE4 – Design and Quality of Development

DN2 – Movement Implications of Development

DN3 – Parking Provision

DN11 – Affordable Housing

Mole Valley Local Plan

ENV22 – General Development Control Criteria

ENV23 – Respect for Setting

ENV24 - Density of Development and Space about Buildings

ENV25 – Landscape Design for New Developments

ENV28 – Building Detailing and Materials

ENV30 - Access for Disabled to Non Domestic Buildings and their Sites

ENV31 – Art in the Environment

HSG2 – Provision of New Housing in the Built Up Areas

HSG7 – Dwellings for Small Households