February 1, 2016

The regular meeting of the City Council, City of Thompson, and County of Grand Forks, ND was held February 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Hippenand Council members Sporbert, Berthold were present. Council members Wilson and Parton were present via Skype. City Auditor, Public Works,Plant Services Technician, Police Officer, and City Engineer were all present. City Administrator was absent.

The Council approved the minutes of the regular meeting of January 4, 2016, with a motion from Council member Berthold. Council member Sporbert seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The Council approved the financial reports with a motion from Council memberWilson. Council member Partonseconded the motion. Motion passed.

The Council approved the payment of bills totaling $58,017.08with a motion by Council member Sporbert. Council member Partonseconded the motion. Motion passed.

Next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 7,2016 at 7:00 p.m..

“Any Individual requiring special accommodations (i.e., alternative formatting of literature, an interpreter, or help in accessing the facility) should advise the City by contacting the City Auditor, Thompson City Office, Post Office Box 266, Thompson, ND Phone: (701) 599-2973. Requests should be made seven (7) days prior to meeting.”

The Special Assessment Commission has scheduled the hearing for the Paving Project 2015-1 for the 22 day of February, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center located at 306 Pacific Avenue, Thompson, North Dakota 58278.

Pribula Engineering will be sending out cost assessment notices to all property owners receiving a benefit from the Street Improvement Project 2015-1.

Pribula Engineering will be advertising for bids for a slurry coat to resurface all paved streets between the end of March and the beginning of April 2016.

Paul Strande asked the council to consider allowing shock collars to be included in the wording of the new leash law.

Mayor Hippen called for a vote to edit the ordinance wording to include shock collars, or to not edit the wording to include the shock collar and leave it the way it was read in the first reading. Council members Parton and Wilson voted not to edit. Council members Berthold and Sporbert voted yes. Mayor Hippen voted to break the tie by allowing the edit to include shock collars. The resolution was tabled until the edit is made.

Officer Osvold presented his monthly report. He still needs to purchase a lap top and software for the police vehicle before the major purchases are complete.

Officer Osvold is planning a community presentation regarding Drug Education. Attendees will be adults, no one under the age of 18, or still in high school.

Council member Wilsonmade a motion to adjourn. Council memberSporbertseconded the motion. Motion carried.


Auditor - Barb RobinsonMayor - Karyn Hippen