Braves Buddy Program Overview:
The Braves Buddy program is designed to help new employees become familiar with the UNCP work environment, systems, and processes and enables new employees to become productive contributors of the UNCP workforce immediately. The Braves Buddy will welcome the new employee on day one and continue to play an active role in orienting the new hire to the department, the university, and the community.
Braves Buddy Selection Criteria:
New hires are assigned a Braves Buddy during the onboarding process. Supervisors are responsible forselectinga Braves Buddyfortheir newemployee.Selections shouldbe based onthefollowingcharacteristics:
- Demonstrates strong performance
- Is giventime tobeaccessible tothenew employee
- Is skilledin/has knowledgeof thenew employee’sjob
- Is knowledgeable about UNCP’s culture and organization structure
- Is proudofUNCP andhis/hercontributions
- Is a peerofthe newemployee
- Has patienceandgoodcommunicationandinterpersonal skills
- Wants tobe a Braves Buddyandisnotexpectingadditional compensationforthis role
- Is wellregarded andrespectedbycurrent employees
What is a Braves Buddy?
A Braves Buddy is someone whopartnerswith a newemployeeduringhis/herfirstfewmonths ofemployment. While primarilyresponsibleforofferingadviceandguidanceregardingtheday-to-dayaspectsof workingin the assigned department,and helping the new employee acclimate to UNCP, theBraves Buddymayalsooffer encouragementandknowledge resources,as they helpintroducethe newemployee tothe UNCPculture and community.
Key Characteristics of aBraves Buddy:
Communicator: Encourageopen communication.TheBraves Buddy shouldprovide relevant informationtothe newemployee andencouragea processof continued, self-directedlearning.
RoleModel: Be a modelemployeeandexemplifyUNCPvalues.
Motivated: Havea positiveoutlookonhis/her workandusethat perspective tohelp buildself-confidence andloyaltyinthe newemployee. TheBraves Buddy shouldleadby example.
Strong Performer: Helpguidethe newemployeebased onexperience andknowledgeobtained inthe work environment.
Why HaveaBraves Buddy?
The purpose of new employeesbeingassigned aBraves Buddy is tohelpwelcome employeesandreaffirmtheir decisiontojoinUNCP.It providesnewemployeeswith a reliable, motivated,single point-of-contact for their basic questionsregardingtheir workexperienceat UNCP. Italsohelps establishorientationas a process, rather thanasingle learningevent.Other advantagesinclude:
- Buildsontheknowledgeobtained intheNewEmployee Onboardinganddepartment orientation
- Enables new employees to becomeknowledgeable about department practicesandorganizational culture ina shorter period
- Ensures thatroutinequestionsregardingbasicoperational issuesare dealtwithexpeditiously
- Reducesthe initialconfusionanduncertaintyfacedbyallnewemployees
- Maximizes the productivityofsupervisor/newemployeemeetings by allowingthemtofocusonjob- specific issues
- Increasesthe newemployee’sself-confidence allowinghim/her tofocusonaddingvalue tothe organization
What theBraves Buddy Expects from theNewEmployee:
- The newemployee willreceiveconstructivecriticismingoodspirit
- The newemployee willdisplay a“coachable”attitude
- The newemployee willdisplay aneagernesstolearn
What aBraves Buddy is Not:
A Braves Buddy is notrequiredtoassume anyofthe followingroles:
Mentor:Someone, typicallymore experienced, whois involvedwiththe all-arounddevelopmentof an individual (personalandprofessional).
Manager/Supervisor: Someone responsible forthenewemployee’s jobperformance. If questions arise regarding performance,disciplinary or policymatters, the Braves Buddyis free togive his/heropinionandadviceonhow toapproachthe situation.However, he/she isnotin apositiontoresolvethematter.The new employeemustbe directedtotheirmanager/supervisorforresolutionof therelevant issue(s).
Braves Buddy Responsibilities:
- Contact andmeet with thenew employeeon Day1
- Establish a rapportwith the newemployee
- Have lunchwith the newemployee occasionally
- Act as aninformational resourceonpoliciesand procedures
- Helpsocialize thenew employeetoUNCPanddepartmentguidelines, norms andculture
- Answer general/routinequestions
- Makeintroductions
- Ensure anopen communicationwith thenew employee, respecting confidentiality
- Meetwith the newemployeeregularlyduringtheir first fewmonths (5-15minute meetings)
Havinga Braves Buddy is a Win/Win/WinScenario
The Braves Buddyprogram offerssignificantbenefits tothenew employee,the Braves Buddy, andUNCP:
Braves Buddy Benefits / New Employee Benefits / UNCPBenefitsRecognitionasa strong performer / One-on-one assistance / Increasedemployeemotivation, retention andmorale
Expanded network / Jump-startonnetworking / Increasedemployee communication
Opportunity tomotivateothers / Single point-of-contact / Enhanced employee
A freshperspective / Knowledgeof“howthingsreally
get done” / Sharedqualitywork processes
Enhanced leadershipand
mentoringskills / A smoother acclimationperiod / Increasedemployeeproductivity