Table S1 Landscape metrics used at class level to model the niche of Cladocoracaespitosa (based on McGarigal et al. 2012)

Metric / Description
Mean edge contrast index distribution
(ECON_MN) / The average edge contrast along the patch perimeter (unit: %)
Area-weighted mean fractal dimension index (FRAC_AM) / Shape complexity across a range of spatial scales. Two times the logarithm of class perimeter divided by the logarithm of class area (unitless)
Mean perimeter-to-area ratio
(PARA_MN ) / Ratio of the patch perimeter to area, it measures shape complexity (unitless)
Percentage of landscape
(PLAND) / The proportion of the landscape occupied by the class (unit: %)
Mean shape index
Total edge contrast index
(TECI) / Measure of the complexity of the class shape compared to a standard shape (square) of the same size (unitless)
The percentage of edge contrast in relation to the maximum possible (unit: %)

Table S2 Description of the banks (n=10) and beds (n=21) detected for the coral Cladocoracaespitosa in the Mediterranean Sea. All assemblages were assigned to the eight Mediterranean subregions proposed by Notarbartolo di Sciara and Agardy (2010): Alborán Sea, Algero-Provencal Basin, Tyrrhenian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Tunisian Plateau/Gulf of Sidra, Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea, and Levantine Sea. ID: identification number corresponding to the assemblages as shown in Fig.1 in the text

ID / Location / Subregion / Reference / Depth (m) / Description
1 / Prvic Island, Croatia
Northern Adriatic Sea / Adriatic Sea / Kružić and Benković 2008 / 11–19 / It covers a size of about 190 m2. Its average growth rate has been estimated in 3.08 mm yr-1, and the age of the bank estimated at 194 years.
2 / LimskiKanal
Northern Adriatic Sea / Adriatic Sea / Abel 1959; Kružićet al.2012 / 19 / Bank on rocky bottom. Its average growth rate has been estimated in 2.85 mm yr-1.
3 / Iz Island, Croatia
Central Adriatic Sea / Adriatic Sea / Kružić and Pozar-Domac 2007 / 12 – 16 / The bank covers 150 m2.
4 / Pag Island, Croatia
Central Adriatic Sea / Adriatic Sea / Kružić and Benković 2008 / 15–21 / The bank covers 120 m2. Its average coral growth rate has been estimated in 3.06 mm yr-1 and age estimated of the bank in 294 years.
5 / VelikoJezero, Croatia
Southern Adriatic Sea / Adriatic Sea / Kružić and Pozar-Domac 2002, 2003 / 6–18 / The most extensive population of the species (650 m2). The age of the banks has been estimated to be 46–312 years.
6 / Gulf of Atalanti, Greece
Aegean Sea / Aegean Sea / Laborel 1961, 1987 / 5–18 / Formations of 1 to 3 m high covering up to 100% of the bottom at 8m. Maximum development was observed where turbid waters and strong currents were present.
7 / Illa Grosa Bay, Columbretes Islands, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / Kersting and Linares 2012 / 5–30 / A combination of banks and separate colonies (beds) with a highly aggregated distribution in a semi - enclosed bay. Cumulative cover area of 2,900 m2 and growth rates of ~ 2.5 mm yr-1 (some colonies aged up to 300 years)
8 / Capo Donato, Crotone, Italy
Ionian Sea / Ionian Sea / Peirano et al. 1998 / 4–10 / C. caespitosaoccurs within a belt approximately 8000 m2 wide. Colonies typically reach 30 cm height, but they may coalesce in larger blocks (up to about 60 x 40 cm).
9 / Capo di Montenero, Riomaggiore, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / Tyrrhenian Sea / Morriet al.1994; Peiranoet al.1998 / 26 / Bank on coralligenous bottoms, in small grooves conveying sediments and currents.
10 / Bonassola, La Spezia, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / Tyrrhenian Sea / Morriet al.1994; Peiranoet al.1998 / 26–29 / Bank on coralligenous bottoms, in small grooves conveying sediments and currents.
11 / Bay of Piran, Slovenia - Croatia
Northern Adriatic Sea / Adriatic Sea / Schiller 1993 / 2–16 / On boulders and on fine sand; it reaches a maximum cover of 31%. The largest colonies are over 30 cm in diameter, but most are smaller than 10 cm.
12 / Cape Ronek, Slovenia
Northern Adriatic Sea / Adriatic Sea / Pittacoet al.2014 / 12.4–21 / Off the coast of Strunjan, the bank extends on a surface of about 200x100 m in a semi - enclosed embayment. Temperature can fall below 10ºC in winter. Salinity is about 37 on average.
13 / Dardanelles, Turkey
Çanakkale Strait / Aegean Sea / Özalpand Alparslan 2011; Özalp 2013 / 2–23 / Beds of colonies varying from 8 to 96 cm diameter and covering 27 m2.
14 / Vourvourou, Diaporos Island, Greece
Aegean Sea / Aegean Sea / Koukouras et al. 1998 / 15–20 / Bed in the sciophilic algal community which develops under low light intensity.
15 / Gökçeada Island, Turkey
Northern Aegean Sea / Aegean Sea / Zibrowius 1979; Güresen et al. 2015 / 3–15 / Discrete, scattered colonies with a regional density of 0.12 colonies m-2 and a mean cover of 0.27%. Most colonies were found on substrates composed of blocks of rocks scattered among Posidonia meadows. Temperature 17.9–28.1 ºC
16 / Bay of Benzú, Ceuta, Spain
Strait of Gibraltar / Alborán Sea / Ocaña et al. 2009 / 20 / Concentration of colonies in coralligenous bottom at the base of rocky walls.
17 / Cap de Creus, Girona, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / Kersting and Linares 2012; Kerstinget al.2013 / Below 20–25 / Disperse colonies not currently impacted by climate-induced mortality and invasive species.
18 / Medes Islands, Girona, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / Kersting and Linares 2012; Kerstinget al. 2013 / Below 20–25 / Disperse colonies not currently impacted by climate-induced mortality and invasive species.
19 / L'Ampolla, Tarragona, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / Movillaet al. 2012 / 3–6 / Broadly distributed in the shallow rocky infralittoral. Temperatures from 12 °C in winter to 27 °C in summer, often with low irradiance due to the high turbidity of the water.
20 / Na Macaret, Menorca, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / This study(J Templado 2007; pers. obs.) / 5 – 12 / On blocks of rock. Some colonies partially covered by Halimeda tuna.
21 / Espardell Island, Balearic Islands, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / San Félix 1997; Kerstinget al. 2016; this study (J Templado 2007; pers. obs.) / 7–14 / About 100 m southeast of the Espardelló inlet.
22 / Cala San Esteve, Menorca, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / This study(J Templado 2007; pers. obs.) / 4–12 / On a 40º rocky slope. Among photophilic algae such as Padinapavonica, Codiumvermilara and Dasycladusvermicularis.
23 / Cap Blanc, Mallorca, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / OCEANA 2006 / 36
24 / Cala Galdana, Menorca, Spain
Balearic Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / JA Fayos, pers. comm.;Casado-Amezúaet al. 2014 / 4–10
25 / Banyuls, France
North-western Mediterranean Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / Casado-Amezúa et al. 2015 / Romans P., pers. comm.; without population data available.
26 / Port - Cros Bay, Hyères Islands
North Western Mediterranean Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / Laborel and Laborel-Deguen 1978 / 2 / One or two colonies m-2 of about 10 cm in diameter in Posidonia beds.
27 / Bay of Portman, Murcia, Spain
Western Mediterranean Sea / Algero-Provencal Basin / This study(J Templado 2016; pers. obs.) / 5– 11 / At the eastern end of the Bay of Portman. More than 200 colonies (20–50 cm in diameter) in an area of about 500 m2.
28 / Krio Nero, Cyprus
Eastern Mediterranean Sea / Levantine Sea / Jiménez et al.2014 / Above 10 / On a bottom made by clusters of large boulders and slabs of collapsed roofs of ancient sea caves.
29 / Boca di Magra and Punta Bianca, La Spezia, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / Tyrrhenian Sea / Peirano et al. 1998; Peiranoet al. 2001 / 4–9 / On boulders and sand. Up to 8 colonies m-2. Maximum colony diameter 65 cm.
30 / Cala Grande, Palmaria Island, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / Tyrrhenian Sea / Peirano et al. 1998 / 20 / Colonies within a range of 20–65 cm in diameter.
31 / Fiascherino Bay, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / Tyrrhenian Sea / Peiranoet al. 2001 / 9 / On silt-sandy bottoms. Lower density than in Boca di Magra and Punta Bianca.

Table S3 Marginality and specialization factors scores obtained from the preliminary environmental niche factor analysis (ENFA) performed on the uncorrelated predictors. Predictors with scores above 0.2 (shown in bold) were used for the subsequent analyses.(SST: sea surface temperature; PAR: Photosynthetically available radiation; Kd: Diffuse attenuation coefficient; FRAC_AM: Area-weighted mean fractal dimension index; PLAND: Percentage of landscape; TECI: Total edge contrast index; SHAPE_MN: Mean shape index; PARA_MN: Mean perimeter-to-area ratio; ECON_MN: Mean edge contrast index distribution)

Predictors / Marginality / Specialization
Bottom aspect / -0.19 / 0.01969
Bottom slope / 0.24936 / -0.01
Calcite / -0.36 / 0
FRAC_AM / 0.00037 / 0.92086
Mean winter Kd / -0.35 / 0.07045
Nitrate / -0.26 / 0.03958
PAR max. / 0.23144 / -0.02
pH / -0.18 / -0.11
Phosphate / -0.42 / -0.04
Mean summer SST / 0.26800 / 0.02943
Mean winter SST / 0.30167 / -0.19
PLAND / 0.13367 / -0.09
Mean winter wave / -0.25 / -0.03
TECI / 0.02760 / 0.09979
SHAPE_MN / -0.27 / -0.24
PARA_MN / 0.01780 / -0.13
ECON_MN / -0.04 / 0.02961

Table S4 Analysis of deviance for the generalized linear model using a chi-square test. Variables are ordered according to their level of significance in the model. (*** p-value < 0.001)

Variables (units) / Df / Deviance / Resid. Df / Resid. Dev / Pr(>Chi) / Significance
NULL / 1200 / 735.5
Mean winter Kd (m-1) / 1 / 227.16 / 1197 / 295.75 / 2.48E-51 / ***
Calcite (mol m-3) / 1 / 210.78 / 1199 / 524.72 / 9.30E-48 / ***
Nitrate (μmol N L-1) / 1 / 188.58 / 1196 / 107.16 / 6.47E-43 / ***
Mean winter wave height (m) / 1 / 80.2 / 1194 / 15.08 / 3.38E-19 / ***
SHAPE_MN (unitless) / 1 / 15.08 / 1193 / 2.85E-06 / 1.03E-04 / ***
Mean winter SST (ºC) / 1 / 11.88 / 1195 / 95.28 / 5.68E-04 / ***
FRAC_AM (unitless) / 1 / 1.82 / 1198 / 522.91 / 1.78E-01

Table S5 Coverage of Cladocoracaespitosa assemblages by marine protected areas. Natura 2000: Sites of Community Importance (Habitats Directive)

ID / Assemblages / Natura 2000 / Other category
1 / Prvic Island, Croatia
Northern Adriatic Sea /


/ Special Reserve “OtokPrvic S PriobalnimVodama I GrgurovKanal”
2 / LimskiKanal
Northern Adriatic Sea / AkvatorijzapadneIstre / -
3 / Iz Island, Croatia
Central Adriatic Sea / J.Molat-Dugi-Kornat-Murter-Pašman-Ugljan-Rivanj-Sestrunj-Molat / -
4 / Pag Island, Croatia
Central Adriatic Sea / SZ Dalmacijai Pag / -
5 / VelikoJezero, Croatia
Southern Adriatic Sea / Mjlet National Park / -
6 / Gulf of Atalanti, Greece
Aegean Sea / - / -
7 / Illa Grosa Bay, Columbretes Islands, Spain
Balearic Sea / Espaciomarino del entorno de IllesColumbretes / -
8 / Capo Donato, Crotone, Italy
Ionian Sea / Fondali da Crotone a Le Castella / Areanaturale marina protetta “Capo Rizzuto”
9 / Capo di Montenero, Riomaggiore, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / - / Area naturale marina protetta “Cinque Terre”
10 / Bonassola, La Spezia, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / - / -
11 / Bay of Piran, Slovenia-Croatia
Northern Adriatic Sea / - / Ecological Important Area“Morje in morskoobrežje”
12 / Cape Ronek, Slovenia
Northern Adriatic Sea / - / Ecological Important Area“Morje in morskoobrežje”
13 / Dardanelles, Turkey
Marmara Sea / - / -
14 / Vourvourou, Diaporos Island, Greece
Aegean Sea / OrosItamos - Sithonia / -
15 / Gökçeada Island, Turkey
Northern Aegean Sea / - / -
16 / Bay of Benzú, Ceuta, Spain
Strait of Gibraltar / Calamocarro-Benzú / -
17 / Cap de Creus, Girona, Spain
Balearic Sea / Sistema de cañonessubmarinosoccidentales del Golfo de León / Specially Protected Area of Marine Importance (Barcelona Convention) “Natural Park of Cap de Creus”
18 / Medes Islands, Girona, Spain
Balearic Sea /

El Montgrí- Les Medes - El Baix Ter

/ -
19 / L'Ampolla, Tarragona, Spain
Balearic Sea / Litoral meridional tarragoní / -
20 / Na Macaret, Menorca, Spain
Balearic Sea / D'Addaia a s'Albufera / -
21 / Espardell Island, Balearic Islands, Spain
Balearic Sea / Espaciomarino de Formentera y del sur de Ibiza / World Heritage Site“Ibiza,biodiversité et culture”
22 / Cala San Esteve, Menorca, Spain
Balearic Sea / Espacio marino del sureste de Menorca / -
23 / Cap Blanc, Mallorca, Spain
Balearic Sea / Cap Enderrocati cap Blanc / -
24 / Cala Galdana, Menorca, Spain
Balearic Sea / Área marina del Sud de Ciutadella / -
25 / Banyuls, France
North Western Mediterranean Sea /

Posidonies de la côte des Albères

/ -
26 / Port-Cros Bay, Hyères Islands
North Western Mediterranean Sea / Ilesd'Hyères / -
27 / Bay of Portman, Murcia, Spain
Western Mediterranean Sea / Calblanque,Monte de las Cenizas yPeña del Águila / -
28 / Krio Nero, Cyprus
Eastern Mediterranean Sea / - / -
29 / Boca di Magra and Punta Bianca, La Spezia, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / - / -
30 / Cala Grande, Palmaria Island, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / - / -
31 / Fiascherino Bay, Italy
Eastern Ligurian Sea / Costa di Maralunga / -

Table S6 List of protected areas covering occurrence records of Cladocoracaespitosa. Natura 2000: Sites of Community Importance (Habitats Directive)

Natura 2000 / Other Protected Areas
Name / Category / Country
Area marina di Miramare / Riservanaturale marina di MiramarenelGolfo di Trieste / Natural Marine Reserve and Natural Protected Marine Areas / Italy
- / Morje in morskoobreÎje / Ecological Important Area / Slovenia
Limskikanal - more / LimskiZaljev - Rezervat / Special Reserve / Croatia
AkvatorijzapadneIstre / - / - / Croatia
OtokKrk / - / - / Croatia
SZ Dalmacijai Pag / - / - / Croatia
Fondali Monte Portofino / Area naturale marina protetta Portofino / Natural Marine Reserve and Natural Protected Marine Areas / Italy
SZ Dalmacijai Pag / - / - / Croatia
SZ Dalmacijai Pag / - / - / Croatia
Monte Serro / - / - / Italy
- / Area marina protetta Cinque Terre / Natural Marine Reserve and Natural Protected Marine Areas / Italy
Costa Riomaggiore - Monterosso / Area marina protetta Cinque Terre / Natural Marine Reserve and Natural Protected Marine Areas / Italy
Montemarcello / Parco naturaleregionale di Montemarcello - Magra / Regional/Provincial Nature Park / Italy
J.Molat - Dugi - Kornat - Murter - Pašman - Ugljan - Rivanj - Sestrunj - Molat / - / - / Croatia
J.Molat - Dugi - Kornat - Murter - Pašman - Ugljan - Rivanj - Sestrunj - Molat / - / - / Croatia
Park prirodeTelašćica / Telašćica / Nature Park / Croatia
Corniches de la Riviera / - / - / France
Calanques et îlesmarseillaises - Cap Canaille et massif du Grand Caunet / Calanques et Iles Marseillaises - Cap Canaille et Massif du Grand Caunet
/ Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / France
Calanques et îlesmarseillaises - Cap Canaille et massif du Grand Caunet / Calanques et Iles Marseillaises - Cap Canaille et Massif du Grand Caunet
/ Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / France
Iles d'Hyeres / RadeD'hyeres / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / France
JI dioPelješca / MalostonskiZaljev / Special Reserve / Croatia
Nacionalni park Mljet / Mljet / National Park / Croatia
Massif des Arbailles / - / - / France
Golfe de Porto et presqu'îlede Scandola / Corse / Regional Nature Park / France
Cap de Creus / Cap de Creus / Specially Protected Area of Marine Importance (Barcelona Convention) / Spain
El Montgrí - Les Medes - El Baix Ter / - / - / Spain
Litoral del BaixEmpordá / SesNegres / Marine Reserve / Spain
Massís de les Cadiretes / - / - / Spain
Posidonieto San Vito - Barletta / Posidonieto San Vito - Barletta / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / Italy
Litoral meridional tarragoní / Litoral meridional tarragoní / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / Spain
Fondalimarini di Ischia, Procida e Vivara / Area marina protetta Regno di Nettuno / Natural Marine Reserve and Natural Protected Marine Areas / Italy
Torre Guaceto e Macchia S. Giovanni / Riservanaturale marina Torre Guaceto / Natural Marine Reserve and Natural Protected Marine Areas / Italy
LimnothalassaEpanomis / - / - / Greece
Posidonieto Isola di San Pietro - Torre Canneto / Posidonieto Isola di San Pietro - Torre Canneto / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / Italy
Alimini / Alimini / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / Italy
OrosItamos - Sithonia / - / - / Greece
OrosItamos - Sithonia / - / - / Greece
Barranc de Santa Anna / - / - / Spain
ChersonisosSithonias / - / - / Greece
Spainaciomarino del entorno de IllesColumbretes / - / - / Spain
Spaciomarino del norte de Mallorca / Badies de PollençaiAlcúdia / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / Spain
Costa Otranto - Santa Maria di Leuca / - / - / Italy
EsRajolí / - / - / Spain
NisosAgiosEfstratios Kai ThalassiaZoni / - / - / Greece
Área marina Cap de calaFiguera / - / - / Spain
Cap Enderrocati cap Blanc / - / - / Spain
Fondali di Gabella Grande / - / - / Italy
EthnikoThalassioParkoAlonnisou - VoreionSporadon, AnatolikiSkopelos / EthnikoThalassioParkoAlonnisouVoreionSporadon / National Marine Park / Greece
Lesvos: KolposGeras, ElosNtipi Kai OrosOlympos / Lesvos: KolposGeras, ElosNtipi Kai OrosOlympos / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / Greece
SesSalinesd'Eivissai Formentera / Ibiza, biodiversit et culture / World Heritage Site / Spain
Monte Cofano, Capo San Vito e Monte Sparagio / - / - / Italy
FondosMarinos Levante Almeriense / FondosMarinos Levante Almeriense / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / Spain
FondosMarinos Levante Almeriense / FondosMarinos Levante Almeriense / Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) / Spain
Cabo de Gata - Níjar / Cabo de Gata - Níjar / Specially Protected Area of Marine Importance (Barcelona Convention) / Spain
Cabo de Gata - Níjar / Cabo de Gata - Níjar / Specially Protected Area of Marine Importance (Barcelona Convention) / Spain
Bahía de Málaga - Cerro Gordo / - / - / Spain
Acantilados y FondosMarinos de Calahonda - Castell de Ferro / - / - / Spain
Cabo de Gata - Níjar / Cabo de Gata - Níjar / Specially Protected Area of Marine Importance (Barcelona Convention) / Spain
Estrecho / Spain
Alborán / Isla de Alborán y FondosMarinos de suEntorno / Specially Protected Area of Marine Importance (Barcelona Convention) / Spain
Zona marítimo - terrestre del Monte Hacho / - / - / Spain

Fig. S1The relationship between the sensitivity (true positive rate) and the false positive rate obtained by the generalized linear model for Cladocoracaespitosa. The high discriminating power is probably due to the method used to select the pseudo-absences

Fig. S2 Prediction obtained by the generalized linear model for Cladocoracaespitosausing pseudo-absences selected at random from unsuitable habitat (mainly the Atlantic Ocean and the Black Sea) defined by the Mahalanobis distance algorithm. The model finds the occurrence of the coral in the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Atlantic areas (Gulf of Cadiz)equally highly probable


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