Book Kit
Social studies concept being taught in this lesson: Benefits of cooperating and sharing
Book Kit Title: We all like to share!
Book Author and Publication Date: Clancy the Courageous Cow by Lachie Hume, 2007
ISBN-10: 0-06-117249-9
This Book Kit was planned by: Amy Maughan ______
Grade Level this kit is intended for: 2nd____
Core Curriculum Standard and Objective OR NCSS Standard this lesson teaches: Content, Standard II:
Objective 1b: Identify benefits of cooperating and sharing
Materials for the Lesson: *The book Clancy The Courageous Cow by Lachie Hume.
-Also each student should have a paper and pencils they can use already in the classroom.
-A page for writing (Activity 3), this should be done on paper that the students are use to writing on. (need to make one for this kit, use paper that kids normally write on and decorate it if you want.
-A page for writing about comprehension (Activity 5). (Again make on paper that students normally write on. Write 1.character, 2.setting, 3. Sequence of events, 4.problem/solution on the paper so students can just fill it in
- A page for writing answering the questions from the tape. (Activity 1) (Use paper that students are use to writing on and write questions on the page that you will be asking at the end of your tape.
-Different color tape for students to make their art mosaic.
Lesson Objective: Students will understand and learn how to identify benefits of cooperating and sharing.
Background Knowledge: Know that it is important to share and cooperate with others. We don’t always get everything we want and sometimes we need to share and let others have a turn.
Anticipatory Set/Invitation to Learn: (Teacher talking) I want you all to think of a time when someone would not share their toys with you. Now think of how that made you feel when they didn’t share with you. Were you happy or were you sad? (Give children a few minutes to think, have one or two students share about a time they remember.) Now I want you to think of a time when you shared your toy with someone else. Also think of how that made you feel when you shared with others. (Again give children a few minutes to think and share).
Listening Focus: Then tell the students that while I (the teacher) reads the book Clancy The Courageous Cow the students will listen carefully. Because their job as the student is to identify and find the different benefits Clancy and the other cows gained from sharing and working things out with one another. It is very important that you listen and identify the benefits that come from sharing and working together so you can do all your assignments.
Method for sharing the book: Today we are going to read a book about a cow named Clancy. Now Clancy was a very courageous cow. The best thing about Clancy is that he was a little different then all the other cows. Clancy like to cooperate and share with the other cows. Now the word cooperate means to assist or to help others out. The word sharing means you don’t keep things all to yourself you let others have them as well. Clancy also liked to share with the other cows because that made him feel good inside. Class I want you to listen up so you can identify the benefits you get from sharing and cooperating. As I read I will stop along the way and ask questions to help your thinking and point out important points in the story.
Read the story Clancy the Courageous Cow.
Pg 11-12. Point out that the Hereford’s do not share their grazing rights. And because of this the Belted Galloways don’t eat enough and stay skinny. Let students share how they feel about the Hereford’s and how they don’t share.
Students might say that the Hereford’s are not very nice for sharing their grazing rights with the other cows. We could talk about how it makes others sad when you don’t share.
Pg 25-27. Ask the students what just happened here. What are happened when Clancy decided to share with the other cow? How did that make the other cows feel about before when they didn’t share? Ask the students what type of cow they would like to be like?
I am guess that most of the students will say they would want to be like Clancy and share because he will make friends because of it. Or that it is the right thing to do. A discussion about how we like it when others share could happen at this point.
Instructional Procedures:
Have children remember benefits they have gained from sharing and cooperating with others.
What are some of the benefits that you identified in this book that came from sharing and cooperating? (Let students share what they have learned.) Do you think it is a good thing that Clancy shared the good grass with all the other cows or do you think he should have keep it all to himself? Share with the people sitting around you some of the benefits you came up with from the story.
Now I want you to think of some benefits that you gain from sharing and cooperating with others in our classroom. Write down your ideas on your paper and share some benefits with others around you.
Closure: Now I want you to think of some benefits that you gain from sharing and cooperating with others in our classroom. Write down your ideas on your paper and share some benefits with others around you.
Evidence of Student Learning: During discussion I will listen and assess if the students understand the concept. I will also formally assess what they learned by what they wrote down for the two benefits they identified.
Integrated Learning Activities Teacher Instruction
Activity 1: Technology, Audio Listening center (small group could have 3-4 students)
This is a center where you will give students a chance to listen to the story again and read along. Students will need to follow the text in the book. There is a pause in the recording so students will know when to turn the page. The book is not that hard of a read so students should be following along so they turn the page at the right time. The students should listen to the whole book and then answer the questions at the end of the tape. (Teacher will need to record the book on their own tape or have students record themselves reading the book.)
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Analysis level 4: After the students are done listening to the tape there are some questions to help students to analysis the book and the problems that happened in the book. Students should write down their answers to the questions. Question 1. Have students compare/contrast the two different cows in this story. How were they alike and how were they different. Question 2. Analyze what Clancy did. Was his role important for the two groups of cows to get along?
Activity 2: Integrated, Art (small groups 4-5 students)
Students will be able to use their fine motor skills to make an art piece. Students will use different colors of tape. They will rip-off sections of the tape one at a time to use them like tile in a mosaic. Best to have students outline their picture first before adding the tape. Students can make a mosaic of anything that is meaningful to them. What did they learn about in this story? (Teacher will need to get different color of tapes for their students to make a mosaic.)
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Application level 3. Students take what they have learned from the story and make it into a mosaic. Their pictures need to have meaning. Children should write one sentence that explains what they learned about.
Activity 3: Intergrated, Language Arts Standard 7, objective 6 d. Produce writing to persuade (e.g, express opinions) (small group 5-6 students)
This will be a writing center for the students. They will have the change to explain how they feel about this story and the lessons they learned. I want the students to imagine what would happen if people didn’t share how the world would be different? Can the students devise a new plan for the cows if they decided not to share? They should provide example for their reasons. They will write their opinion about their own beliefs. (Teacher will need to make a page of paper that students normally write on so they feel comfortable writing.)
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Synthesis/Creative level 5: During this center students are to really think about their beliefs and write in a way that would persuade others. They need to look that the two different sides and come up with which one the think is better. They will be pulling all their past knowledge to come up with this answer.
Activity 4: Talking with the Teacher. (Small groups 3-4)
At this center the teacher will talk with the students and find out their thoughts and ideas. Ask students to think about better solutions to getting along. Ask the students to decide if they think it is better to share or to keep everything to yourself? What are some recommendations for others who don’t want to share? Have students talk about these different subjects and how they feel about each.
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Evaluation 6: You are having students recommend, find solution and decide.
Activity 5: Integrated, Language Arts, Standard 7, objective 3,a. Identify characters, setting, sequence of events, problem/ resolution. (small groups 4-6 students)
During this center students will need to recall the story and answer questions about who are the main characters, what was the setting, what was the sequence of events, and what was the problem and resolution. You can use this center to see if students really comprehended the story and what was going on in it. Students are to predict the key character and distinguish the main events. (Teacher needs to make a page for writing about comprehension, make on paper that students normally write on. Write 1.character, 2.setting, 3. Sequence of events, and 4.problem/solution on the paper so students can just fill it in)
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Comprehension level 2: By recalling the characters, setting, sequence, problem and solution it will show that the child comprehended the story.
Activity 6: Technology, video about cow eating grass (Science) (small group 3-4 studetns)
Children will be watching a video on Teachertube. You will need to go to Teacher Tube and under search type in “cow” and hit video. Click on the first video that teaches you about the cycle the grass goes through in the stomach of a cow. Have children say what is happening inside the stomach and to the grass. Video found at Teachertube or just go to the website
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: knowledge level 1: After students watch the video they will need to tell what they saw to their classmates. They will need to recall what happens to grass as it goes into the stomach.
Instruction Cards
Activity 1 : Audio Listen center
Put headphones on and open the book to the first page with text on it. Push play, as you listen, follow along with the words so you know when to turn the page. Also listen for pauses to help you know when to turn the page. After story is over keep listening to the questions at the end. Write down your answers to the questions on the piece of paper provided.
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: ___Analysis 4______
Activity 2: Art, Mosaic
First think of what you have learned from the story. Take what you have learned and apply it to art. Then outline a picture that represents what you have gained (learned) from this story. After you have done a simple outline pick out different color of tape you will need for your picture. Rip-off small pieces of the color tape and put it on your picture. Fill in picture but not all the way because you want it to look like tiles (a mosaic). After you are done with your picture, write one sentence that show what your mosaic represents and what you have learned from this story.
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Application level 3
Activity 3: Writing Center
This is a writing center, before writing think about the book. Imagine what would happen if the cows didn’t share the nice green grass how would this story be different? Devise a new plan for the cows if they decided not to share? Give examples for your reasons.
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Synthesis/Creative level 5 and Analysis level 4:
Activity 4 : Talking with teacher center
You will be talking with the teacher and a few of your classmates. Share your thoughts and ideas. Be open to others answers and listen to what others have to say. Talk about your recommendation for others who don’t like to share. Think about if it is better to share or not to share. Listen to the your teacher and express your thoughts.
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Evaluation level 6
Activity 5: Comprehension
Recall the story in your mind and think of the different characters, setting, sequence of events, problems and solution. Take one piece of paper and write down the important characters in the story. The setting and events in the story. Last write down the problems and solution of the story. When you are done, feel free to share your answers with others at the same center.
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Application level 3
Activity 6: Cow video
Push play using the mouse and watch the video. As you watch the video tell what you saw. Name and describe what is going on inside the cow’s stomach.
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: knowledge level 1