CS 211 Computer Science II Spring 2016
Instructor: Dr. Stephen Shum
Office: FSC 387 274-5497
Office Hours: MUWHF: 2-4pm
Text: Deitel & Deitel: Java How To Program, Late Object Version, 10th Edition, Pearson
(ISBN: 0132575655)
Objectives: Discuss the concepts and techniques which enable students to:
- Program using the object-oriented paradigm. Topics discussed include classes, objects, composition, inheritance, interface, and polymorphism.
- Program using sound software engineering principles. Topics discussed include reuse, documentation, data abstractions, and generic programming.
- Program using appropriate data structures and algorithms. Topics discussed include files, arrays, vectors, and iterators.
- Program using a graphical user interface. Topics discussed include common GUI controls, event-driven programming, and applets.
Course Outline:
date topic reading
Week 1 Arrayschap 6
2-3, 5
Week 2Arrayschap 6
2-8, 10, 12
Week 3 Objects and Classeschap 7
2-15, 17, 19
Week 4Objects and Classeschap 7
2-22, 24, 26
Week 5Stringschap 8
2-29, 3-2, 4
Week 6Text I/Ochap 9
3-7, 9, 11
Week 7Vectorchap 10
3-14, 16, 18
Week 8Spring break
3-21, 23, 25
Week 9Compositionchap 11
3-28, 30, 4-1
Week 10Inheritancechap 12
4-4, 6, 8
Week 11Abstract classes and Interfacechap 13
4-11, 13, 15
Week 12Window programmingchap 14
4-18, 20, 22
Week 13Event-driven programmingchap 15
4-25, 27, 29
Week 14Common GUI controlschap 16
5-2, 4, 6
Week 15Applets and Soundchap 17
5-9, 11, 13
Course Requirements:
12 homework assignments 30 pts each –360
3 exams 120 pts each --360
16 pop quizzes 10 pts each --160
1 final 120 pts --120
Week # / M / Tu / W / Th / F1
2 / Hw1
3 / Hw2
4 / Exam1 / Hw3
5 / Hw4
6 / Hw5
9 / Exam2 / Hw6
10 / Hw7
11 / HW8
12 / Hw9/Exam3
13 / Hw10
14 / Hw11
15 / Hw12
Course Policy:
- Homework must be turned in at the beginning of class (before 8:40am) on the due date.
- You can do the homework by yourself or with one partner.
- Late homework is NOT accepted (turn in what you have for partial credits).
- No makeup exams will be given without PRIOR arrangements with the instructor.
- Grading scheme:930-1000 A 900-929 A-
870-899 B+830-869 B800-829 B-
770-799 C+730-769 C700-729 C-
670-699 D+630-669 D600-629 D- < 600 F
- The exams and homework assignments are based on the material discussed in class.
- Any student caught cheating will receive the grade of F.
Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Student Academic Support Services located in the Student Success Center in the Edith Mortenson Building, room 100. Call the Director of Student Academic Services at 605.274.5503 or email with your questions on documenting a disability and possible accommodations. Contact Susan Bies early in the academic term so that accommodations can be implemented in a timely fashion.
Honor Code:
As a community of scholars, the students and faculty at Augustana College commit to the highest standards of excellence by mutually embracing an Honor Code. The Honor Code requires that examinations and selected assignments contain the following pledge statement which students are expected to sign:
“On my honor, I pledge that I have upheld the Honor Code, and that the work I have done on this assignment has been honest, and that the work of others in this class has, to the best of my knowledge, been honest as well.”
Faculty members are responsible for investigating all instances involving any student who does not sign the Honor Pledge or who bring forward an academic integrity concern. The complete Honor Code can be found at
Augustana College is committed to creating and fostering a learning and working environment based on open communication and mutual respect. This is an integral part of the College’s academic mission to enrich our students' educational experiences and prepare them to live in and contribute to a global society. If you encounter sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or discrimination based on Augustana’s Notice of Nondiscrimination, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at 605.274.4044 or . If you make a report of this nature to a faculty member, she or he must notify the Title IX Coordinator about the basic facts of the incident (you may choose whether you or anyone involved is identified by name). For more information about options at Augustana, please visit
Cell Phones:
In order to avoid distracting the class, please ensure that your cell phone is on silent or turned off during class. Texting during class is not acceptable. Your compliance will help to maintain the positive learning environment of our class period.