It’s a pleasure to welcome you all to Sunnhordland, Norway! During your short stay with us, we hope to show you some of the variety of schools and other arenas connected to children and young people in our region.



Arrival and check-in at Almås Hotel, Leirvik. From 8.00 pm and onwards local coordinator Wenche Sagenes and I will be at the hotel and invite all of you to an informal meeting in the lounge. Evening meal available from

Monday 5. May

Stord Rådhus, (Town Hall), Leirvik, kommunestyresalen (assembly room)

0715Breakfastbuffet at the hotel – 0845 meet in the hotelreception for a nice walk down to the Town Hall.

0930 Official welcome to Stord and Sunnhordland by by Mr Jakob Bjelland, Leader of the Board for

Education in Stord kommune

0945Presentation round. Guests and hosts present themselves shortly .

1000Information about the program and FOS as an organization - by Jan Enerstvedt, regional coordinator

FOS and Marit Tarlebø, educational adviser

1030 The Norwegian Schoolsystem – See by Bjørn Håvard

Bjørklund,Future Solutions

1130 Coffeebreak and a light snack.

1200Presentation of school systems in the different countries in groups of 4-6 persons.

1300 International lunch in the Town Hall Canteen. We hope you all bring along some typical food (just a

small bite!) from your region or country so that we can taste different kinds of food. You are welcome to bring a small flag and some brochures as well, if you like. We will of course also serve you some of our typical food.

1415 Presentation round continues – now also time to discuss certain topics/areas/challenges you are facing in

your daily work and also share ideas that might lead to improving pratice. Topics we in Norway are concerned about are : anti bullying schemes, ICT, refresher courses for teachers/preschoolteachers, how to deal with pupils/kids with social and behaviour problems etc. It would also be very interesting to hear a bit about how your country deals with challenges faced by the results from PISA (The Programme for

International Student Assessment) and TIMSS (The Trends in International Mathematics and Science


1500 Preparing the group report – selection of a group rapporteur. Discussion.

1600End of official programme of the day – return to Almås hotel

1900Dinner/evening meal at the hotel or elsewhere– time for getting to know each other and social activities.

Tuesday 6.May

Visit to Etne kommune: Guide: Dagfinn Garnes Johnsen, educational adviser

0715Breakfastbuffet at the hotel - then check out and pack your travel luggage.

0800Departure by minibus (ca 1 ½ hours) to Etne. On the way we’ll drive through part of the

gigantic roadproject Trekantsambandet, linking three municipalities in Sunnhordland closely

together. See

In Etne we’ll first visit Enge skule (at ca 0930)– a combined primary and lower secondary school with around 380 pupils aging from 6 to 16 and a staff of ca 60. Enge has a special focus on reading and writing skills. They work very hard on early involvement in the lowest classes in order to secure that new methods in teaching reading and writing will be successful already from the beginning

At Enge headteacher Morten Odeen will host us and give a brief summary about his school. Then we will be guided round the school and meet pupils and teachers.

1130Lunch and some smalltalk with the teachers in the staffroom

1230 After lunch we will go by bus across a small mountainrange to Skånevik – a wonderful village at the

end of a fjord. Here we’ll visit Skånevik barnehage – a brand new kindergarten with nearly 60 children aging from 0-5 years old. Head-teacher is Torhild Molland – she will guide us around and tell you more about what they do. All Kindergartens in Norway have to work in accordance with a National Framework (Rammeplan). Most kindergartens are owned by the municipalities like Skånevik. Between 92-96% of all preschool children go in a Kindergarten. Read more about Norwegian kindergartens here. A short look-around in the cosy village before check in at Skånevik Fjordhotell.

Time for discussions and report writing.

1930 Dinner – 3 course- at the hotel (incl in the roomprice nkr 900)


Visit to Kvinnherad kommuneGuide : Marit Tarlebö, educational adviser

0715Breakfastbuffet at the hotel

0830Departure by ferry to Utåker – then minibus (ca 20 min) to Halsnøy skule.

1000 Welcome to Kvinnherad and Halsnøy skule by educational adviser Marit Tarlebø and

headteacher Heidi Solheim. Short information about the municipality and the school. Then we will have a look around and meet teachers and pupils. Halsnøy skule and also many more schools in the region have implemented an activitity program – Trivselsprogrammet in Norwegian. This is to encourage games and activities during breaks and thus support the building of better relationships between the pupils and also to reduce conflicts and bullying. Read more about the programme here. Questions,discussion and sharing points of views.

1230 A short walk through the wood take us to Sunnhordland Folkehøgskule - a traditional folk high school

situated in idyllic sorroundings with a marvellous view of the fjord. Host: Mona Økland, headteacher. Lunch in the canteen – then information and visiting classrooms/attending lectures.

Folk high schools in brief
Folk high schools are one-year boarding schools offering a variety of exciting non-traditional and non-academic subjects, as well as academic subjects. The idea of folk high schools is learning for life, an opportunity to grow both individually, socially, and academically in small learning communities. All students live on campus in close contact with staff and their fellow students. One important part of the folk high school experience is to form a community, in and out of class.

The visits in Kvinnherad require outdoor clothing.

1530 Ferry (40 minutes) to Stord – then by minibus back to Almås hotel. Time for reportwriting/discussions.

1930 Dinner /evening meal at the hotel or elsewhere.

Thursday 8.May

Visit to Stord kommune: Guide: Marit Kjelby, educational adviser

0715Breakfastbuffet at the hotel

0830Departure by bus toNordbygdo ungdomsskule – a lower secondary school with 285 students and a staff

of around 30. Headteacher Pål Roseth will meet us and inform us of their school and focus areas.

Nordbygdo is the most modern and newest school in Stord – they have an open structure with bases for each year group. These bases can be split up in smaller rooms when needed. The aim of Nordbygdo is to be an active school that cooperates a lot with the local community. Visiting classrooms, meeting pupils and staff - and time for discussions and questions.

1145 Lunch in the staff room /canteen

1215 A short busride to Stord vidaregåande skule–an upper secondary school with around 1000 students and

a staff of 170. They offer a wide variety of education programmes – both vocational studies and specialization in general studies. After a general introduction, we will be taken around by different guides to watch some of their programmes -visiting classrooms , talking to students and staff.

1500 Returning to Almås hotel – check in and a short meeting for report writing.


1930 Farewellparty at Sunnhordland Museum hosted by Forum for Oppvekst i Sunnhordland.

Good food and entertainment of different kind (perhaps a contribution from some of our

guests?) awaits us together included a short guided tour through some parts of the museum.

Representatives of the municipalities/schools/kindergartens we have visited will be present. A good time to make future contacts with schools/kindergartens and people in Sunnhordland ! And maybe come back sooner or later? Return to the hotel after the party by midnight..

Friday 9. May

0800 Breakfast buffet at the hotel.

Those who are leaving today, have to clear out their rooms and settle their bill before we depart.

0930 Departure by bus to Høgskulen Stord/Haugesund (ca 10 minutes drive). Here we will work on and

finish most of the group report.

1230 Lunch in the school canteen hosted by HSH

1315 After lunch we will meetstaff at Høgskulen Stord Haugesund. Teacher education has been

offered here since 1866, and the area is characterized by both the old and the new.. A major building program was finished some years ago – this gave space to theFaculty of Health Promotion at the same campus. First Mr Toralf Tveit will inform us about the school and the programmes they offer. Then we are invited to a performance in the school chapel. Here we will meet master students in creative subjects and learning processes leaded by Mrs Kari Holhus. Finally Mr Per Fadnes will guide us around on the campus and we will also have a stroll in the beautiful botanicalparkon Stord campus which is one of the islands' attractions

1500 Return to the hotel - end of official programme.


Participant / Sex / Employer / Employer address / Professional Tel/Fax/E-mail / Personal address
2013-SV-02-CZ-LLP-02824 / F / Základní škola a Mateřská škola Hrabenov, okres Šumperk, příspěvková organizace / Hrabenov 175
CZ-78963 Ruda Nad Moravou / (+420-)
/ Dr. Březiny 864
CZ-78961 Bludov
(+420-) 605 94 47 93
2013-SV-02-DE-LLP-03184 / F / Landesschulamt und Lehrkräfteakademie - Staatliches Schulamt für den Landkreis GG und MTK / Walter-Flex-Straße 60-62
DE-65428 Rüsselsheim / (+49-) 614 25 50 02 35
(+49-) 614 25 50 02 22
/ Auf dem Berg 1
DE-65934 Frankfurt
(+49-) 69 39 41 18
EGLEY Shirley
2013-SV-02-GB-LLP-03206 / F / University of South Wales / Lodge Road, Caerleon, Newport
GB-NP18 3QT Newport / (+44-) 16 33 43 21 39
/ 22 Backhall Street, Caerleon
GB-NP18 1AR Newport
(+44-) 16 33 42 27 65
2013-SV-02-LU-LLP-03370 / M / Ministère de l`Éducation nationale et de la Formation professionnelle
Bureau régional Sud-Ouest / Grand-rue - 23
LU-4575 Differdange / (+352-) 621 20 30 79
/ rue de la Gare - 129a
LU-3355 Leudelange
(+352-) 621 29 18 04
LT-62504 Alytus / (+370-)
/ Geležinkelio st. 1
LT-62119 Alytus
(+370-) 69 85 58 99
2013-SV-02-FR-LLP-03741 / F / Education Nationale / Jardin d`Essais
FR-97130 Vieux-bourg / (+33-590) 82 27 04
/ route de Lordon
FR-97139 Bazin
(+33-590) 83 27 60
2013-SV-02-SK-LLP-04060 / F / Metodicko-pedagogické centrum Bratislava / Ševčenkova 11
SK-85005 Bratislava / (+421-) 517 72 34 51
(+421-) 517 72 51 10
/ Okružná 50
SK-06401 Stará Ľubovňa
(+421-) 903 03 26 96
JOLANTA Kosczielny
2013-SV-02-PL-LLP-04589 / F / Przedszkole nr 48 z oddziałami integracyjnymi / Kotarbińskiego 16
PL-41-819 Zabrze / (+48-) 322 75 21 59
(+48-) 322 75 21 59
/ Kalinowa 13d/12
PL-41-806 Zabrze
2013-SV-02-ES-LLP-04926 / F / Catalan Department of Education
Innovation and professinal development unit / Via Augusta, 202-226
ES-08021 Barcelona / (+34-) 935 51 69 00
/ Antoninus Pius, 204-2º
ES-08224 Terrassa
(+34-) 937 80 72 54
2013-SV-02-DE-LLP-05999 / F / Gitta Brede / Waldweg 2
DE-28790 Schwanewede / (+49-) 42 09/7555
(+49-) 42 09/7533
/ Bergstraße 37
DE-27628 Uthlede
(+49-) 47 46/726436
2013-SV-02-EE-LLP-06084 / F / Tallinn Education Department / Estonia pst 5A
EE-10143 Tallinn / (+372-) 37 26 40 45 82
(+372-) 37 26 40 45 89
/ Villardi 11 - 7
EE-10136 Tallinn
(+372-) 37 25 01 81 88
2013-SV-02-HU-LLP-06333 / M / Szegedi Móravárosi Ipari Szakképző és Általános Iskola / Kálvária sgt. 84-86.
HU-6725 Szeged / (+36-62) 55 15 40
(+36-62) 44 41 78
/ Bujdosó György u. 47.
HU-6727 Szeged
(+36-62) 64 82 46
2013-SV-02-IE-LLP-06434 / F / St Thomas` Senior National School / Jobstown
IE-24 Dublin / (+353-1) 494 74 97
/ 35 Ashton Lawn
IE-16 Dublin
(+353-86) 392 45 45



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