Ms. Lambright & Mrs. ShortFirst Day Fast Facts!

Students may bring in a healthy, non-sticky/messy. NO sugary items- candy, brownie, snack cakes, cookies. Also, please do not send any nut based foods, as we do have students with allergies to them.
Ideas: granola bar/ treats, cheese stick, popcorn, veggies, fresh fruit, baked chips, crackers, pretzels, graham crackers, Goldfish
*Goal is to continue working while we snack  / Water Bottles
Students may bring a water bottle (not a cup) with secure, no spill lids for water only. They may leave it by their desk to drink during class. They can also take it outside during recess, but are responsible for bringing it back in when we come inside.
Switching Classes
Students will be switching classes this year. Your child will arrive and immediately switch classes, this will allow them to end their day with their respective homeroom teachers.
Mrs. Short- Math & Science
Ms. Lambright- Reading, Writing & Social Studies / Homework
Homework will start next week. Students will be filling in their planners when they receive homework assignments. They should practice spelling words, math facts, and reading nightly. Math homework will usually go home on Monday and is due back on Thursday.
Wednesday folders
Starting next week, the Wednesday folder will contain 1 progress report form from both Ms. Lambright and Mrs. Short, along with graded assignments as completed. Please review the progress report each week, sign, and return it with the folder on Thursday. Unless indicated otherwise, graded work is yours to keep and does not need to be returned. / All that “first week” paperwork
Most of our paper work has gone electronic. This week’s folder will just contain a few pieces of information for you like the lunch menu and a flyer from the Child Nutrition Department.
Class Schedule
8:50–9:20 RTI with Switch Teacher
1:10-1:15 Switch back to Homeroom
2:40-3:10RTI with Homeroom Teacher
Be prepared with the right shoes for PE!**
(Short-Tu, Th, F) (Lambright -M, W, F) / Contact Info
DPES 281-357-3134
Transportation changes must be made through the front office x-3000
Nurse: Nurse Herren x-3006
Counselor: Mrs. Luedde x-3076
Ms. Lambright:x-3064
Mrs. Short: x-3065

“Be Strong-Reach for the Stars!”