The development of this course has been funded by the Curriculum Resource Center (“CRC”) at the Central European University (“CEU”), whose programs are partially funded by the Higher Education Support Program (“HESP”). The opinions expressed herein are the author’s own and do not necessarily express the views of CEU.
Lecturer: Nodir Amonov
Host Institution:Tajik State University
Course Title: Socio- psychological basis of pedagogical communication
Year of CDC Grant:2002 / 2003
The contents of the course are related to the disciplines of social psychology.
The course is included in the curriculum of the psychology stream of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Tajik State University.
Psychology stream students were attending the course on the basis of their knowledge in general psychology, and pedagogical and social psychology.
Aim of the course: Studying the socio-psychological basis of pedagogical communication and developing the skills of using different communication techniques.
1) building up the knowledge of different communication techniques,
2) developing the skills of using different communication techniques,
3) publishing scientific-methodical literature on the course topic.
Outline of the student assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of their knowledge of pedagogical communication and the skills of using different methods of communication in a given situation.
Lectures and laboratory classes, using interactive methods (critical thinking). As an example, at the lectures we use the following strategy: “Know. Want to know. Knew”; “Insert”; “Promotion lecture”, etc.
Classes were attended by a group of 25 third-year psychology stream students (Faculty of Philosophy, Tajik State University).
We seek to develop the contents of the course on the basis of new literature and intend to improve the quality of laboratory classes by supplying them with appropriate technical background. We would like to have the course implemented at all the respective faculties of Tajik State University.
№ / Lecture topic / Number of hours1. /
Communication – the categorization of general and social psychology
/ 22. / Communication and tolerance / 2
3. /
Rules and techniques of communication
/ 24. /
Verbalizing emotional state
/ 25. /
Styles of pedagogical communications
/ 26. /
Structuring pedagogical influence
/ 27. / Collective class using the system of mutual pedagogical action / 2
8. /
The structure of pedagogical communication
/ 29. /
Individual approaches in the system of mutual pedagogical action
/ 210. /
Didactic communication
/ 2Total:
/ 20Topic 1. Communication – the categorization within general and social psychology
Aim of the lecture: To define the concept of communication and its connection to the science of psychology.
The concept of communication within the fields of social psychology and pedagogy. The broad concept of communication as a system of connections and of man’s attitude towards the others. Types and methods of communication. Communication and interpersonal attitudes.
Communication as a system of behaviors, in which interpersonal attitudes are represented, constantly develops and alters. Communication as a key category in the science of psychology. The concept of “communication” as mutual connection and action. The tendency of communication deriving from action. The concept of “communication” as a derivative from the category of “action”. Communication as being independent from action. Communication as a fundamental requirement of human beings. The role of position and its function to the subject’s communication. Independence as a main category of communication. Structures of communication.
Topic 2. Communication and tolerance
Aim of the lecture: To demonstrate the chief role of tolerance in the communication and in the pedagogical profession.
Tolerance as an important professional quality of teachers. The traditional understanding of tolerance in psychology. The two mechanisms of tolerance: social and psychological. Types of tolerance: 1) sensual personal tolerance; 2) natural personal tolerance. The three factors that make tolerance conditional. Tolerance as a personal characteristic.
Topic 3. Rules and techniques of communication
Aim of the lecture:To acquaint students with different rules and techniques of communication.
The technological aspects of communication. Constructive communication. The first rule of communication: ”Speak the partner’s language”. The second rule of communication: “Display responsibility for your partner”. The third rule of communication: ”Show commonality”. The fourth rule of communication: ”Display interest towards your partner’s problems”. The fifth rule of communication: “Give possibility to your partner to speak out”.
Topic 4. The verbalization of emotional states
Aim of the lecture:To demonstrate different emotional states and ways of overcoming them.
The two kinds of verbalizing emotional states. Concrete ideas of eliminating negative emotions. Position: ”on equal terms”. The submissive position. Listening actively. The three levels of listening actively. Never answer “No”- one of the main rules of listening actively. Definitional questions – the second rule of listening actively. Socrates’ secret in communication. Franklin’s technique in communication. Methods of preventing anger.
Topic 5. Styles of pedagogical communication
Aim of the lecture:To acquaint students with different styles of pedagogical communication and their characteristics.
The definition of pedagogical communication. The different social roles and functional positions. The influence of different styles of pedagogical communication. The peculiarity of the democratic style in pedagogical communication. The peculiarity of the authoritarian style in pedagogical communication. The peculiarity of the liberal style in pedagogical communication.
Teachers’ styles of attitude to the students. Negative styles of attitude and the necessity of overcoming them. Pedagogical communication styles (leadership). The traits of democratic, liberal and authoritarian leadership in pedagogical communication. The students’ attitude to the teacher in reaction to his/her activities. The teachers’ style in his/her interaction with students in the aim of optimization.
Topic 6. Structuring pedagogical influence
Aim of the lecture: To demonstrate the different types of pedagogical influence.
Pedagogical activity and pedagogical communication. Mutual pedagogical actions as the unity of pedagogical attitudes and pedagogical communication. Types of mutual pedagogical actions.
The role of the teacher’s personality in the system of mutual pedagogical action. The problems of mutual understanding between teachers and students.
Types of influences: organizing, assessment and disciplining. The teacher’s systems of verbal influence. Pedagogical communication and interpersonal values. Effective and ineffective encouragement. Deliberation and non-deliberation in pedagogical communication. The influence of pedagogical communication on students.
Topic 7. Collective classes in the system of mutual pedagogical action
Aim of the lecture: To acquaint students with collective classes in the system of mutual pedagogical action.
Children and student collectives in the system of mutual pedagogical action. Methods of learning from communication in the collective classes. Observation, questioning - sociometric methods. The major descriptive system of the interrelations in the collective classes.
The peculiarities of the teacher’s pedagogical influence on the collective classes. Group-forming within the collectives. The pedagogical tactics of working with groups, depending on their characteristics. The significance of collectives for the members. The occurrence of losing significance and ways of overcoming it.
Topic 8. The structure of pedagogical communication
Aim of the lecture: To acquaint students with the structure of pedagogical communication and the social – psychological compatibility in the pedagogical command.
Methods of the teacher’s entry in connection with the students. Planning the communication. The inventiveness of front-to-front communication with students during the classes. The combination of front-to-front communication and individual communication at the classes. The organization of communication with creative and cognitive groups formed at the classes. Trustful communication between teacher and students. Communicating in situations of conflict. Mutual actions of the teacher with students with regard to “students – students” and “teacher – students” situations. Objective pedagogical communication. The psychology of “pedagogical command”. Social-psychological compatibility in pedagogical command.
Topic 9. Individual approaches in the system of mutual pedagogical action
Aim of the lecture: To demonstrateindividual approaches in the system of mutual pedagogical action.
The meaning of individualization with regard to the mutual action of pedagogical systems. The tactics of pedagogical communication with students of different positions in the collective. The teacher’s individual approaches to the leader of the collective. Ways of overcoming the psychological barrier and psychological isolation of different students.
The peculiarity of mutual pedagogical action with parents.
Topic 10. Didactic communication
Aim of the lecture: To acquaint students with verbal methods of analyzing mutual action.
The definition of didactic communication. The verbal methods of analyzing mutual action. The categories of analysis. The categories of analyzing mutual verbal actions. The structure of mutual verbal action in the classes. Using verbal methods of analyzing mutual actions for researching pedagogical actions.
№ / Number and type of practical work / Number of hours1. / Lesson 1. laboratory class at the school / 2
2. /
Lesson 2. laboratory class in the auditorium
/ 23. / Lesson 3. Training exercises / 2
4. /
Lesson 4. Laboratory class at the school and in the auditorium
/ 25. /
Lesson 5. Laboratory class in the auditorium and at the school
/ 26. / Lesson 6.Laboratory class in the auditorium and at the school / 2
7. / Lesson 7. Teaching imitation games / 2
8. / Lesson 8. Teaching imitation games / 2
Total: / 16
Lesson 1. Laboratory class at the school
Aim of the laboratory class: To develop skills of effectively defining concrete actions of pedagogical communication.
Observation of the mutual action of the teachers and students. Assignment of communication as a specific activity. Effective definition of definite acts of pedagogical communication. Assignment of the acts of students’ communication. Analysis of the results of the observation in the classroom.
Lesson 2. Laboratory class in the auditorium
Aim of the laboratory class: To develop skills of pedagogical communication in class and in other situations.
Analysis of structures of pedagogical communication in class and in other situations.
Class in the auditorium. Training exercises (teaching games); 1) imitation of pedagogical communication at the beginning of the class; 2) pedagogical communication with double tasks: teacher-answering student; teacher-class during questions; 3) modeling a conflict situation; teacher-student not ready to answer; teacher-student, inattentive to the answer of the partner; teacher-cheating student; etc.
Teaching game: organizing creative groups for sets of educational activity.
Teaching game: teacher-committing offence to the student.
Lesson 3. Training exercises
Aim of the laboratory class: To develop skills of speech in typical situations of pedagogical communication.
Training exercises of speaking in typical situations of pedagogical communication. The expressiveness of the speech. Brevity, exactness, emotionality and convincing. Imitation of statement in front of the students. Analysis of the results.
Exercises: limitation of ability and consistent function in public conditions; creating further freedom in the process of pedagogical activity; exercises on muting tensions. The direction of initiative communication. Exercises in typical situations.
Lesson 4. Laboratory class at the school and in the auditorium
Aim of the laboratory class: To develop skills ofdefining the style of pedagogical communication.
Observation of the pedagogical activity of teachers for defining the style of pedagogical communication.
Using the method of analyzing the style of pedagogical relations. Resistance to the style of relation.
Mastering the method of learning attitude of the pupils by the teacher; planning and making an interview, questionnaire; experimental project with students.
Exercises of self-analysis of the own style of communication. Exercises for the development of the pedagogical power of observation.
Lesson 5. Laboratory class in the auditorium and at the school
Aim of the laboratory class: To develop skills ofmastering the key method of learning interpersonal communication and interrelations.
Practical exercises to master the main method of learning interpersonal communication and interrelations. Working on the abilities and behaviors to analyze sociometric, autosociometric and “referent metric” experiments.
Lesson 6. Laboratory class at the school and in the auditorium
Aim of the laboratory class: To develop skills of detecting mistakes and their corrections in pedagogical communication.
Observing, detecting and correcting mistakes of pedagogical communication and of teachers’ behavior: “Trying to pretend that I know it all.”; “I never make mistakes.”;
“Don’t you dare to have your own opinion.”; etc.
Structured discussion of mistakes in pedagogical communication based on this model:
- Designation of mistake;
- Short example as illustration;
- False persuasion;
- Correction of interpretation;
- Correction of behavior.
Lesson 7. Teaching imitation games
Aim of the laboratory class: To develop skills ofmaster techniques by individualizing the pedagogical communication.
Teaching imitation games for mastering techniques of individualizing the pedagogical communication. Working with different situations: teacher-student, occupying a beneficial position in the classroom; teacher-leader-disorganization; teacher-activists, disagreeing with the class; teacher-student, being in psychological isolation.
Teaching games: teacher-parents on students making progress; teacher-parents on students not making satisfactory progress; teacher-parents, breaking the discipline.
Teaching imitation games - working on pedagogical communication at meetings with the parents.
Lesson 8. Teaching imitation games
Aim of the laboratory class: To develop skills ofmodeling typical situations of communication.
Teaching imitation games, modeling typical situations of communication: in the system of the teacher - school administration relations (principal, director of studies).
Practicing the rules of communication (in the system of the teacher – school administration): ”Speak the partner’s language”; “Display responsibility for your partner”; ”Show commonality”; ”Display interest towards your partner’s problems”; “Give possibility to your partner to speak out”.