Penndale Home & School
Minutes of February 9, 2009 Meeting
Mrs. Robbins attended to give us an overview of the status of the Olweus program. She reported the staff has been trained. There are grade level meetings scheduled to review the basics of the program with the students. The rules of the program are posted around the building. There will be weekly classroom discussions on different bullying topics. The Kick-Off is scheduled for February 26. It will be an all-day event, with no classes being held that day. There will be an assembly given by John Halligan, followed by classroom meetings. John Halligan will also be hosting a Community Forum at Penndale on Wednesday, February 25 at 7 p.m. His son was bullied and then committed suicide. His presentation will help the students see the other side of bullying. His website is
Mrs. Powers & Ms Wiltrout and the FCS Majors from 9th grade presented a puppet show for the meeting. They created this show to demonstrate the Olweus program. They presented this to the faculty and will presenting it to students. They will be taking their show to some of the elementary schools that will also be piloting Olweus this year.
A question was raised about the consequences of bullying, as this program begins. Dr. O'Sullivan reported that some aspects of the program are still being finalized. Some of the discussions for consequences include warnings, in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, etc. Bullying will still be treated as the serious issue that it is.
Another question that was raised was about the students reporting to the faculty. Won't they still be afraid of retaliation? This program is supposed to help make kids comfortable to come to an adult. This program should help them know there are others on the same side as them.
Another issue raised is about a home component. Will there be information sent home to continue program initiatives at home? Olweus is geared towards the school community. Research shows students being bullied don't always share and we need them to feel comfortable to share with an adult. Trish Pike & Nicole Yetter are working to get information out to community.
The cyber bullying is opening up a different world and increasing ways of bullying now.
Mr. Joy has approached the Home & School for help with funding an assembly program entitled “Bystander” to go along with the anti-bullying message. He has secured $1,000 in grant money, but still needs $595. After some discussion, a motion was made and carried to supply the school with the $595 needed for this assembly.
During discussion of funds for assembly there was discussion on money available for other items for this school year. We want to make sure we have the $5,000 for the 9th grade trip at end of school year. There were questions as to how the money is used. Most assumed it was to offset costs. Could a breakdown be provided for next month? Since the new destination is Great Adventure (vs. Hershey Park in the past), what is the cost differential of these two trips? There are 443 Ninth Graders this year and about 80% of them usually go on the trip.
After questioning income from this year, it was reported we made $327 from the Book Fair. Could we add a pizza sale or a restaurant night to cover additional expenses we may have this year. Last year's spring pictures brought in $1300-$1400.
Further information is needed to clarify budget and treasurer's reports for this year.
Principal's Report:
Dr. O'Sullivan reported the 8th graders PSSA's for writing with be February 10-12. Reading & Math benchmarks for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade will be held February 17 & 18. These help with placement for next year.
The teachers were asked to be aware of load of homework during the testing periods.
Course selection has been worked on. Verifications will be mailed home in 3rd marking period report cards. Minors Fair for 8th graders to be held during music classes. If you have questions about placement/levels please talk to your child's counselor. If you don't agree with leveling, you must complete a parent over-ride form. All changes must be submitted by June 30.
Thursday is the Valentine's Day Dance. It's close to a semi-formal dance, most kids do get a little dressed up. It is from 7-9:30. Tickets are on sale in school during lunches on Thursday. No tickets on sale at the door.
For the Olweus kick-off, many have been invited. NPTV will tape Wednesday night's Forum and will be around the school on Thursday.
The Variety Show was a great night. There is talk on how to get the 9th graders more involved.
A question was raised about using a fire drill to check lockers. Fire Drills are scheduled. If a locker needs to be searched, it is done with the student present.
Mr. Harvey is working to finish up Career Scope. Some of the kids still need to finish.
Secretary's/Treasurer's Reports:
Minutes were approved and are available on the website.
Old Business:
Student Government will be counting and helping with the Box Tops this month.
The Home & School dance is scheduled for March 6. Chaperones are needed.
New Business:
Mrs. Powers is requesting help with a project to be held on Thursday, April 2. The 7th grade students will participate in an assembly that will teach them about bread baking. At the end of the assembly they will each receive two bags to take home. Each bag is filled with the ingredients to bake a loaf of bread. Over the weekend the students can bake their loaves of bread. One loaf is for the family to share and the other loaf is to be returned to the school on Monday morning. These loaves of bread will be collected and donated to Manna on Main Street. All 3 of the middle schools are participating in this event. Volunteers are needed a few days before the assembly to help put together the bags of ingredients. The day of the assembly volunteers are needed to help with the assembly and to distribute the bags to the students. On Monday morning volunteers will also be needed to collect the bread and deliver them to Manna. CarinKajari will be helping Mrs. Powers to coordinate the volunteer effort. She will also arrange with Dr. O'Sullivan for a paragraph to be added to his e-mail sent to parents.
High School Musical will be the weekend of March 12-14. It was brought up that this is also the dates of the other Middle Schools plays. This happens because the schools need to coordinate with the High School and work around the PSSA testing schedule. They used to be on different weeks because of equipment being shared. However, Penndale rents the equipment they need. A couple of different scenes from the play will be presented at the feeder schools and also at an assembly for Penndale.
By-Laws were distributed and discussion will happen at thenext meeting for any changes. A suggestion was made that under Coordinating Council it needs to be added that the position as Penndale's representative includes a position of VP on the Coordinating Council Board.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynda J. Baer
Recording Secretary
Penndale Home & School
Next Meeting March 9