Cooperative Education – Service Learning

Item #1237 – COOP 152B - Winter 2011


Contact Information:
Christie Flynn
Office Location: Ft. Steilacoom Library (406 – Faculty Offices)
Office Hours: by appointment

Required Text(s):There is no textbook required for this class. Course readings will be provided.

Additional Information:

Class meets: Wednesday 12:00-1:00 FS Library, Cascade 402, January 19-March 16. Additionally, students are required to volunteer for twenty hours of service with the Food Connection between January 19 and March 6.

Course Outcomes:

  • Analyze and identify community needs and community partner expectations.
  • Develop professional skills for future advancement.
  • Reflect on the meaning of service and the relationship between self and community.
  • Demonstrate professionalism, integrity, accountability and courtesy in the classroom and the field.
  • Synthesize knowledge of complex relationships underlying the larger community and its constituents.
  • Acquire direct experience leading or being of service within the community.
  • Critically examine personally held biases or assumptions regarding parts of the community with which the student was previously unfamiliar.
  • Practice skills of communication within the context of service work.

Student Responsibilities / Course Policies

  • Work constructively individually and in small groups
  • Accept responsibility for your own learning by attending class regularly and participating actively inclass discussion and activities.
  • Accept the attitudes and opinions expressed by other students.
  • Take charge of your learning experience by asking for clarification or help when you are confused.
  • Turn assignments in on time: late work will not be accepted (unless specific arrangements have been made in advance.)

Disability Accommodation Statement:

Fort Steilacoom and Military sites: Students with disabilities who believe they may need academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or services to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements are encouraged to register with the Access and Disability Services (ADS) Office, Room 300K in the Cascade Building. You may also call the ADS Office at (253) 964-6526 or 964-6460 to make an appointment. Students requesting accommodations must obtain the “Approved Quarterly Academic Adjustments, Auxiliary Aids or Services” (green) form provided by ADS.

Class Schedule
Dates / Class Activity / Assignments
January 19 / Syllabus/assignments/assessments/
What’s in a Bag / Read “Divided We Eat”
January 26 / Charlie – The Road to the Food Bank / 1st written reflection due: Reflection on Divided We Eat and What’s in a Bag
February 2 / Kevin – The lay of the land: volunteering and our community / 2nd written reflection due: What is service?
Volunteer schedule due
February 9 / GIS – Research – Food Banks- Demographics / 3rd written reflection due: Reflection on Reading
February 16 / GIS – Research – Food Banks - Demographics / 4th written reflection: In class research
February 23 / GIS – Research – Food Banks - Demographics / 5th written reflection due: Reflection on Research
March 2 / No class / Complete your twenty hours
March 9 / Karen – Reflection on Service / 6th written reflection due: Career and Civic Engagement
March 16 / In class resentation/discussion/feedback / Last day to submit documentation of hours

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Grading Procedures:

  • Above 90% = A
  • 80% - 89% = B
  • 70% - 79% = C
  • 60% - 69% = D
  • Below 60% = F

Assessments / Points
Class Attendance and Participation (30%) / 120
Written Reflections – Activities (40%) / 160
Service Hours/Log (30%) / 120
Total / 400

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Class Attendance and Participation - Students are expected to attend all Wednesday class sessions between 1/19 and 3/16 from 12:00-1:00. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and complete class activities.

Written reflections – Each reflection will be typed, double spaced and between one and two pages in length (approx 300 words.)

Service Hours/Log - Students will keep a log of hours and will submit a completed log of twenty hours no later than Wednesday, March 16. Service hours will be agreed upon with Kevin Glakin-Coley, the site supervisor at the St. Leo Food Connection.Plan your quarter accordingly.

Written Reflections will meet or exceed the following criteria / Excellent / Very Good / OK / Needs Work
Approx 300 words, Typed, double spaced (2 points)
Summary of Ideas/Content (5 points)Sufficient main ideas are included in the summary to convey to the reader the overall original meaning of the summarized essay; facts included in the summary are accurate and true to the original source.
Response (8 points)Responses to the summarized essay or activitiy are applicable and explained thoroughly.
Grammar, Punctuation, Organization, Sentence Structure (5 points)

COOP Service Information

Date: ______Student Name:______

Agency Name: ______

Contact Person: ______Phone Number: ______

Address: ______Email: ______

What is the “title” for this service project: ______

Project purpose: ______

Specific Tasks or Activities (from the flier, select the activities you are most interested in)

What is the minimal hourly commitment (for the quarter)? _____

What times are you available to serve at your organization?

  1. Please check all that apply


  1. List specific times for this project, if applicable. Be certain that your times will add up to a minimum of twenty hours. (Include extra hours for inclement weather, traffic, etc.)

Transportation to the food connection is your responsibility. There will be some opportunities to complete your service work on campus or by carpooling with others. Be sure to plan early.

Indicate how you expect to complete your service hours.

In order to complete the requirements of the course, I will be able to:

compete all hours at the Food Connection.

complete hours at Ft. Steilacoom as well as at the Food Connection.

complete hours at Ft. Steilacoom only.

Service Log

To be completed and submitted no later than March 16.

Name: ______

Date / Location / Start Time / End Time / Total

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