Cliff Notes to Engrade Lesson Plans

Christine Sherman

Why should I use Engrade Lesson Plan?

- Organize information in a standard formation

- Layer content and technology

o Target appropriate content

- Saves time in the long run (we all need that)


TIP – Start ALL Lesson Plans by using or creating a Template

Lesson Plan Templates: Teachers may develop and share lesson plans with administrators, or create lesson plan templates for future lesson plans.

· To create a new template from scratch, click Create New Lesson Plan at the top.

o Enter a title, description, grade level and subject. Select Lesson Plan Template.

o Click + Add New Section to build out the structure of the template or add a section.

o Sections

§ Can be rearranged by moving them up and down (hover over the gray header).

§ Provide structure within a section (add a table, numbering, subtitles) by clicking Edit on the gray header bar. See Editor section below for more information. Once a template has been created, teachers can use it again and again for all future lesson plans.

· Title Suggestions

o Objective & Goals

o Resources & Materials

o Anticipatory Set

o Plan

o Direct Instruction

o Guided Practice

o Closure

o Independent Practice

o Assessment / Evaluation

o Notes

o Rubric

Lesson Plans: Teachers can use District- or School Admin- or self-created lesson plan templates to create new lessons.

· To use an existing template, hover over the wheel to the right of the lesson plan template and select Use Template.

o Enter (Change) the title, description, grade level and subject.

o Tag standards by clicking on the blue standards sets at the top of the screen.

o Edit the sections by hovering on the gray header bars and click Edit.

o Assign the lesson plan to a class by selecting Assign to Class on the left side of the lesson plan. Select all appropriate classes using the checkboxes to the left. Click Submit.

§ Teachers can share their lesson plans with other teachers. Click Lesson Plans and hover over the wheel to the right of the lesson plan to select Add Users.

· Select the permissions (View Only, Full Edit, Full Administrator) for all other users of the lesson plan.

o UNLESS your are collaborating with a team member be caution who can edit and have full access to your lessons and templates. View Only might be your best option to protect your lessons.

· Teachers can submit their lesson plan to an administrator by clicking the Submit to Administrator button. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SUBMIT TO ADMINISTRATOR.

o Once approved, this will lock the lesson plan and prevent further editing.


· Each editable section utilizes a text editor, which has similar functions as Microsoft Word.

· In addition to formatted text, the editor will support tables, lists, images, links, videos and embedded items. To access the editor, hover over the section title (ex. Unit Summary). Select Edit. Above the text box are two rows of options. Many of these options are similar to what you would use in email and word processing.

· Text can be formatted to display different fonts, sizes and colors.

· You can select to left-, right- and center-justify the text, create a bulleted or numbered list and increase or decrease indentation. o Insert a table or add rows and columns to an existing table.

· Link: Click the link icon to add a hyperlink. Paste a URL and enter the display text.

· Image: Click the image icon to insert an image. Upload the image from your desktop or paste an image’s URL from another website. Once the image is added, you can adjust the size.

· Video: Embed a video from YouTube or Other Sites by pasting the video’s URL.

· When you are finished editing, be sure to click Save Edits.