TEL.# 508-675-8202

Michael C. Ward, Principal

Kathleen Cobb, Vice Principal

April 30, 2013

Dear Families and Friends:

I know “Spring Fever” is in the air but please remind your children to stay focused with school work and continue to work hard right up to the last day of school.

Massachusetts Walk to School Day will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, May 1st at the old Highland School. The honorable Mayor Flanagan will be joining the Spencer Borden School on our walk. The walk will kickoff at 8:00 A.M. sharp! Please join us in the walk for a Healthy City. The entire school district is participating in the Walk to School Activity.

Speaking of nice weather I want to remind family and friends of the School Spirit Wear Policy. I know many students will be wearing shorts to school soon which is complying with the School Spirit Wear Policy; however, the color of the shorts need to be either khaki, navy blue, or black. Please ensure we continue to adhere to the School Spirit Wear Policy. For Physical Education Days students are allowed to wear black or navy blue sport shorts if they wish.

Gently used Clothing! If you have School Spirit Wear that your child has outgrown and you would like to donate the clothing items back to Spencer Borden for students who are in need of extra clothes that would be greatly appreciated. Please send in all gently used clothes to the office. Thank you!

Please No Flip-flops! I know the warmer weather is upon us and it is tempting to send in your child with flip-flops. However, due to safety concerns please send in your child with sandals with a strap securing the sandal to your child’s foot. At times, students are playing outside and their flip-flop gets caught on the playground equipment or someone may step on their flip-flop as he/she walks in hall causing possible injury. Please, no flip-flops.

Tomorrow is Wednesday, the only day on which we collect money for lunch. The prices are for five days: Lunch $7.50, Reduced lunch - $2.00, Milk - $1.25. Breakfast is free for everyone. Breakfast is served from 8:25 - 8:40 A.M.

Our last P.T.O. Meeting was held on Tuesday, April 9th. We had 25 parents and students in attendance out of 570 students. That was an increase from our March Meeting of 20 parents. I challenge more parents to attend our May Meeting. Our next PTO Meeting is scheduled for May 14th from 5:30 – 6:30 P.M.

The Spencer Borden School is collecting Box Tops for Education. Please send in any Box Tops you may have collected. The following students have brought in over 100 Box Tops – Josey Gutierrez, Austin Cruz, Emily Cativo, Sophie Trenholm, Hope Laliberte, Paige Laliberte, Hailey Robertson, Kobe DaSilva, Nayeli Vachon, and Biance Cormier. Thank you to all the students and families who continue to support Spencer Borden.

STAFF APPRECIATION DAY was held on April 29th at Spencer Borden School and I want to thank all of the parents who donated to the special day. The Staff members of Spencer Borden were excited and appreciative of the generous spread of food that was made available to them. Again, thank you for your assistance to honor the best staff in the city of Fall River!

Upcoming Events!

May 7 – May 20 ~ Math/Science MCAS for grades 3, 4, & 5

May 7 & 8: Grade 5 Math May 9 & 10: Grade 3 Math May 13: MCAS Make-Up Day

May 14 & 15: Grade 5 Science May 16 & 17: Grade 4 Math May 20: MCAS Make-Up Day

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concern about school policies, please feel free to contact the school at 508-675-8202.


Michael Ward and Kate Cobb