(For A/E’s, CMI, Tenants and Sole Source Providers)
Date ______
Contract or Building Permit Number Contract or Building PermitName
Task Number Task Description / Title
1. I, ______, an employee of
______("Contractor"), under contract (the "Contract") with Maryland Aviation Administration(referred to herein as "MAA"), is executing the acceptance of its responsibilities for Airport Security at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport(referred to herein as "BWI Marshall”) and Martin State Airport.
2. Pursuant to the Contractor's work for MAA under the Contract, theContractor has and will request that MAA provide it with various documents or otherrecords collectively, "documents".
3. I understand the following with respect to any documents, or informationtherein, that are provided by MAA to me, or which come into my possession pursuant tothe Contractor's work for MAA:
A. These documents may be considered Sensitive Security Information ("SSI")
under applicable Federal and State regulations;
B. These documents may be protected from disclosure under theMaryland Public Information Act;
C. These documents may be protected from disclosure under the Federal
Freedom of Information Act;
D. These documents are considered by MAA to contain information that is
vital to the security and safe operation of BWI MarshallAirport and MartinStateAirport,whether or not these documents are otherwise classified by any other entityor law as containing such information;
E. These documents are considered by MAA to possibly contain information
that is a trade secret.
4. I agree to comply with the requirements of Management of Sensitive Security Information (SSI) for MAA Projects and Building Permits at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport and Martin State Airport, (Design Standard No. 2010-03) with respect to any SSI documents, or informationtherein, that are provided by MAA to me, developed by me or which come into my possessionpursuant to the Contractor’s work for MAA. In addition:
A. I will safeguard these documents and the information therein,to prevent inadvertent disclosure of them by keeping thedocuments under the control of authorized persons, when inuse, and store the documents in a secure container, such asa locked desk, file cabinet or locked room when not in use; and
B. I will not release these documents, or the information therein, to anyparty, company, person, organization or entity for any reason thatdoes not expressly serve my obligations under mycontract with MAA; and
C. I will not reproduce any project plans or specifications containing SSI without the authorization of the applicable MAA Project Phase Manager and/or Building Permit Manager; and
D. Should it become necessary to transmit project plans and/or specifications containing SSI, I will ensure that documents are protected to prevent inadvertent visual disclosure.
- I will not release these documents, or the information therein,pursuant to arequest under the Maryland Public Information Actor theFederal Freedom of Information Act without affording MAA theopportunities under those laws to protect these documents fromdisclosure; and
F. I will notify MAA if a request is made for these documents, or theinformation therein; and
G. I shall return these documents and any reproductions following the completionof the project or contract; and
H. Specifically with regard to SSI,I shall comply,and I shall ensure compliance by those subcontractors and subconsultants in my employ,with the broadest possible interpretation of thefederal and local regulations in handling SSI (49 CFR 1520), asamended; and
I. If I am a consultant who employs subconsultants, I shall ensure compliance by those in my employ with training, badging and handling requirements associated with SSI and the requirements of theMAA Design Standard for the Management of SSI including completion of a MAA Confidentiality And Non-Disclosure Agreement for each team member; and
J. I shall limit reproduction of this material to subcontractors or subconsultants and shall ensure the destruction of all SSI in accordance with Design Standard No. 2010-03.
5. I further understand that failure to comply with the requirements of this ‘MAA Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement – Sensitive Security Information’ may lead to civil penalties.
My signature below, I hereby affirm and agree to the matters set forth above.
Contractor: Witnessed:
Signature Signature
Print Name Print Name
______MAA Project Phase Representative
Title Title
______Maryland Aviation Administration
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