Perryville OOB

Source: Perryville by Kenneth Noe (University Press of Kentucky, 2001)


Union Army of the Ohio (MG Don Carlos Buell)

(MG George H. Thomas)


Buell's Escort ?

Anderson's Troop, PA Cavalry ?

4th U.S. Cavalry (cos. B,C,D,G,I,K) ?

I Corps (MG Alexander McDowell McCook)

3rd Division (BG Lovell H. Rousseau) 7544

9th Brigade (Col. Leonard A. Harris) 2250

38th IN 436

2nd OH 460

33rd OH 388

94th OH 500

10th WI 376

5th Btty, IN Lt. Arty. (Capt. P. Simonson) 90 2X6#,2X12#,2X3.8in Rifles

17th Brigade (Col. William H. Lytle) 2580

42nd IN 490

88th IN 434

15th KY 517

3rd OH 500

10th OH 528

1st Btty, MI Lt. Arty (Capt. C.O. Loomis) 111 6 Parrott Rifles

28th Brigade (Col. John C. Starkweather) 2514

24th IL 400

79th PA 420

1st WI 407

21st WI 1007

4th Btty, IN Lt. Arty (Capt. A.K. Bush) 140 2X6#,2X12#,2X3.8in Rifles

Btty A, KY Lt. Arty (Capt. D.C. Stone) 140 2X6#,2XParrott Rifles,2X3.8in Rifles

Unattached ?

2nd KY Cavalry ?

1st MI Engineers and Mechanics (cos. A,C,K) ?

10th Division (BG James S. Jackson) 5577

33rd Brigade (BG William R. Terrill) 2406

Garrard's Detachment 194

7th KY (1 co.) above

32nd Ky (1 co.) above

3rd TN (1 co.) above

80th IL 659

123rd IL 772

105th OH 645

Lt. C.C. Parson's (Improvised) Battery 136 7X12#,1 Parrott Rifle

34th Brigade (Col. George Webster) 3171

80th IN 738

50th OH 655

98th OH 822

121st OH 814

19th Btty, IN Lt. Arty (Capt. S.J. Harris) 142 4X12#,2X3in Rifles

II Corps (MG Thomas L. Crittenden) 20000

4th Division (BG William Sooy Smith) 5973

10th Brigade (Col. William Grose) 2152

84th IL 800

36th IN ?

23rd KY ?

6th OH ?

24th OH ?

Btty H, 4th U.S. Arty (Lt. S. Canby) ? 4X12#,2 Parrott Rifles

Btty M, 4th U.S. Arty (2 sections) (Capt. J. Mendenhall) ? 2X12#,2X24#

19th Brigade (Col. William B. Hazen) 2350

110th IL ?

9th IN ?

6th KY ?

27th KY ?

41st OH ?

Btty F, 1st OH Lt. Arty (Capt. D.T. Cockerill) ? 6X12#,5X3.8in Rifles

22nd Brigade (BG Charles Cruft) 1471

31st IN ?

1st KY ?

2nd KY ?

20th KY ?

90th OH ?

Btty B, 1st OH Lt. Arty (Capt. W.E. Standart) ? 2X6#,4X3.8in Rifles

Cavalry ?

2nd Ky Cavalry (4 cos.) ?

5th Division (BG Horatio P. Van Cleve) 5517

11th Brigade (Col. Samuel Beatty) 1815

79th IN ?

9th KY ?

13th KY ?

19th OH ?

59th OH ?

7th Btty, IN Lt. Arty (Capt. G. Swallow) ? 2X12#,4 Parrott Rifles

14th Brigade (Col. Pierce B. Hawkins) 1518

44th IN ?

86th IN ?

11th KY ?

26th KY ?

13th OH ?

Btty B, 26th PA Lt. Arty (Lt. A. Stevens) ? 6X6#

23rd Brigade (Col. Stanley Matthews) 2184

35th IN ?

8th KY ?

21st KY ?

51st OH ?

99th OH ?

3rd Btty, WI Lt. Arty (Capt. L. Drury) ? 2X12#,4 Parrott Rifles

6th Division (BG Thomas J. Wood) 6256

15th Brigade (BG Milo S. Hascall) 2399

100th IL 298

17th IN ?

58th IN ?

3rd KY ?

26th OH ?

8th Btty, IN Lt. Arty (Lt. G. Estep) ? 4X6#,2X12#

20th Brigade (Col. Charles G. Harker) 1883

51st IN ?

73rd IN ?

13th MI ?

64th OH ?

65th OH ?

6th Btty, OH Lt. Arty (Capt. C. Bradley) ? 2X12#,4 Parrott Rifles

21st Brigade (Col. George D. Wagner) 1974

15th IN ?

40th IN ?

57th IN ?

24th KY ?

97th OH ?

10th Btty, IN Lt. Arty (Capt. J.B. Cox) ? 2X12#,4 Parrott Rifles

1st Cavalry Brigade (Col. Edward D. McCook) 2000

2nd IN Cavalry ?

1st KY Cavalry ?

3rd KY Cavalry ?

7th PA Cavalry (1st Battalion) 130

Btty M, 4th U.S. Lt. Arty (1 section) (Lt. H.A. Huntington) ? 2X12#

Unattached ?

1st MI Engineers and Mechanics (cos. B,E,I,K) ?

1st OH Cavalry (4 cos.) ?

3rd OH Cavalry (4 cos.) ?

III Corps (BG ("acting" MG) Charles C. Gilbert 22000

1st Division (BG Albin Schoepf) 7760

1st Brigade (Col. Moses B. Walker) 2326

82nd IN ?

12th KY ?

17th OH ?

31st OH ?

38th OH ?

Btty D, 1st MI Lt. Arty ? 2X12#,2X3,8in Rifles

2nd Brigade (BG Speed S. Fry) 2391

10th IN ?

74th IN ?

4th KY ?

10th KY ?

14th OH ?

Btty C, 1st OH Lt. Arty (Capt. D.K. Southwick) ? 2X12#,4X3.8in Rifles

3rd Brigade (BG James B. Steedman) 3043

87th IN 3043

2nd MN 3043

9th OH 3043

35th OH 3043

18th U.S. 3043

Btty I, 4th U.S. Lt. Arty (Lt. F.G. Smith) 3043 4X12#

Unattached ?

1st OH Cavalry (6 cos.) ?

9th Division (BG Robert D. Mitchell) ?

13th Brigade (Col. Michael Gooding) 1423

59th IL 325

74th IL ?

75th IL 730

22nd IN 300

5th Btty, WI Lt. Arty (Capt. O.F. Pinney) 68 4X12#,2 Parrott Rifles

31st Brigade (Col. William P. Carlin) ?

21st IL ?

38th IL ?

101st OH ?

15th WI ?

2nd MN Btty (2 sections) (Lt. R.L. Dawley) ? 4X12#

32nd Brigade (Col. William C. Caldwell) ?

25th IL ?

35th IL ?

81st IN ?

8th KS Battalion ?

8th Btty, WI Lt. Arty (Capt. S.J. Carpenter) ? 2X12#,4X3in Rifles

Cavalry ?

36th IL Cavalry (Co. B) ?

11th Division (BG Philip H. Sheridan) ?

35th Brigade (Lt. Col. Bernard Laiboldt) ?

44th IL 290

73rd IL ?

2nd MO ?

15th MO ?

36th Brigade (Col. Daniel McCook) ?

85th IL ?

86th IL 460

125th IL ?

52nd OH ?

37th Brigade (Col. Nicholas Greusel) ?

36th IL ?

88th IL ?

21st MI 900

24th WI 1024

Artillery ?

Btty I, 2nd IL Lt. Arty (Capt. C.M. Barnett) ? 2X12#,2 Parrott Rifles,2X3.8in Rifles

Btty G, 1st MO Lt. Arty (Capt. H. Hescock) ? 4X12#,2 Parrott Rifles

3rd Cavalry Brigade (Capt. "acting BG" Ebenezer Gay) 1700

9th KY Cavalry (cos. A,B,D,F,H,I,K,M) 760

2nd MI Cavalry 300

9th PA Cavalry 600

2nd Btty, MN Lt. Arty (1 section) (Capt. W.A. Hotchkiss) 40 2X12#


Confederate Army of the Mississippi (Gen. Braxton Bragg)

16800 (approximate)

Bragg's Escort ?

3rd TN Cavalry (4 cos.) ?

13th TN Cav. Battalion Co. I) ?

Right Wing (MG Leonidas Polk) 7349

Cheatham's Division (MG Benjamin F. Cheatam) 6549

Donelson's Brigade (BG Daniel S. Donelson) 1429

8th TN 436

15th TN ?

16th TN 370

38th TN ?

51st TN ?

Capt. Wiliam W. Carnes's TN Btty. ? 4X6#

Stewart's Brigade (BG Alexander P. Srewart) 1466

4th Tn 170

5th TN ?

24th TN 375

31st TN ?

33rd TN ?

Capt. T.J. Stanford's MS Btty. 112 4X3in Rifles

Maney's Brigade (BG George Maney) 1927

41st GA 520

1st TN 400

6th TN 314

9th TN 378

27th TN 210

Capt. M. Smith's MS Btty. 105 2X6#,2X12#

Smith's Brigade (BG Preston Smith) 1727

12th TN ?

13th TN ?

47th TN ?

154th TN Senior ?

9th TX ?

Capt. W.L. Scott's TN Btty. 85 2X6#,2X12#

Wharton's Cavalry Brigade (Col. John A. Wharton) 800

2nd GA Cavalry (5 cos.) ?

1st KY Cavalry (cos. C,D,I,K) ?

4th TN Cavalry (5 cos.) ?

Davis' TN Cavalry Battalion (4 cos.) ?

8th TX Cavalry ?

Left Wing (MG William J. Hardee) 9451

Anderson's Division (BG J. Patton Anderson) ?

Brown's Brigade (BG John C. Brown) ?

1st FL ?

3rd FL 247

41st MS 427

Btty. A, 14th Battalion, Georgia Light Arty. (Capt. Palmer) 125 2X6#,2X12#

Adams's Brigade (BG Daniel W. Adams) 1920

13th LA 328

14th Battalion, LA Sharpshooters 150

16th LA 422

20th LA 360

25th LA 510

5th Co., Washington Arty. (Capt. Slocumb) 150 2X6#,2X12#,2X3,3in Rifles

Powell's Brigade (Col. Samuel Powell) ?

45th AL 600

1st AR ?

24th MS ?

29th TN ?

Capt. Barret's MO Btty. ? 2X6#,2X12#

Jones's Brigade (Col. Thomas M. Jones) ?

27th MS 350

30th MS ?

34th MS 300

Btty. F, 2nd AL Lt. Arty. (Capt. Lumsden) 125 4X12#

Buckner's Division (MG Simon Bolivar Buckner) ?

Kliddell's Brigade (BG St. John R. Liddell) ?

2nd AR ?

5th AR ?

6th AR ?

7th AR 300

8th AR ?

Capt. C. Swett's MS Btty. (Lt. T. Havern) 70 6X6#,2X12#

Cleburne's Brigade (BG. Patrick R. Cleburne) 900

13th/15th AR ?

2nd TN 188

35th TN 270

48th TN 250

Lt. T.J. Key's Section, Calvert's AR Btty. ? 2X12#

Johnson's Brigade (BG Bushrod R. Johnson) 1540

5th Confederate 240

17th TN 200

23rd TN 201

25th TN 375

37th TN 230

44th TN 229

Capt. P. Darden's MS Btty. 65 2X6#,2X12#

Wood's Brigade (BG Sterlin A.M. Wood) ?

16th AL 600

33rd AL 380

3rd Confederate ?

3rd GA Cavalry (cos. G,F) ?

15th Battalion MS Sharpshooters 57

32nd MS ?

45th MS ?

Capt. H.C. Semple's AL Btty. 109 4X12#,2X3.8in Rifles

Wheeler's Cavalry Brigade (Col. Joseph Wheeler) ?

1st AL Cavalry 558

3rd AL Cavalry ?

6th Confederate Cavalry 575

8th Confederate Cavalry ?

2nd GA Cavalry Battalion ?

Smith's GA Cavalry Battalion ?

1st KY Cavalry (cos. A,B,E,F,H) ?

6th KY Cavalry (cos. A,B,D) ?

9th TN Cavalry ?

12th TN Cavalry Battalion (4 cos.) ?

Lt. S.G. Hanley's Section, Calvert's AR Btty. ? 2X6#