Sales contract

Purebred Great Dane puppy / dog.

Party-1, the breeder / seller: Paul Gouda; Anubis Great Danes / Gouda Great Danes

535 Haliburton St.Nanaimo, BC V9R4W4 Canada

Party-2, the buyer: name email:

Address & tel:


1-Puppy/dog sold: Date of birth: D/M/Y / / Sex:

Purebred Great Dane. Colour:

Name-as per clause 11: (first): (Middle): Gouda (Last - buyer’s family name):

2-Sire: Anubis Lion King Gouda DOB: Dec. 1st, 2005 Purebred Great Dane, Brindle

American Kennel Club - AKC # WS16055505 Canadian microchip ID (M4S) # 952-000-000-220-762

Certified pedigree provided. National Champions bloodline & quality.

3-Dam: Nifirtiti Kennedy Gouda DOB: July 30th. 2006 Purebred Great Dane, Brindle.

American Kennel Club - AKC # WS18768905 Canadian Kennel Club - CKC # 109-6796

Canadian microchip ID (M4S) # 952-000-000-224-443

Certified pedigree provided. National Champion bloodline & quality.

4-Copies of all documents listed under the preceding clauses #2&3 can also be obtained on line from party-1’s Great Dane site at:

Note: our dogs, both the sire & dam, are AKC / CKC registered. = not selected / not applicable

= selected/applicable}

5-The value – price of Anubis / Gouda Great Dane Puppies:

The average pet pup is worth $1500. The average show-breeding pup is $3500paid in full at time of purchase. Some pet pups were reduced to as little as $1,200 based on selected good home of people on pension with good homes and plenty of love and time; while other show quality pups sold as pets for $1,700 to $2000 to be neutered – no breeding / showing and as such no puppy AKC-CKC registration; however, a pure-bred certificate is issued by the breeder along with purebred parents’ documentations and parents’ AKC/CKC papers. Showing / breeding pups are sold between $3500 and $4500 depending on several factors and the nature of full or limited CKC/AKC registration.


Our policy is – if you are a good home for a quality Dane pet, truly money isn’t the main issue. The new home of our pup is. If you see how we raise our pups and the just cost of their elaborate healthy diet alone, you would understand that making money isn’t our motive. Great Danes is a passion not a business. Reasonable compensation is all we ask for after securing a good home for the pup. We even turned down $2000 & $2500 offers for pet pups because we felt the individual’s attitude and nature wasn’t right and sold the same pup for $1500 to a good home. “Good home” may not necessarily mean “rich home. Having said that, a show pup was sold for $4,500 for overseas breedingwhile another breeding-show pup was sold for $3500. So there are several factors to be considered at times. We may accept offers starting $1200 then we give the pup to the best home, not to the highest bidder. The following guideline illustrates the pricing categories. Indicated prices do not include shipping or ear cropping:

5-a) $3500 to $4,500 (or as negotiated, depending on several factors) - for full registration show & breeding

rights. The pup shallberegistered solely in party-2 (the buyer)’s name. Thepuppy shall have AKC- CKC or other applicable registration & pedigreeshowingthe buyer as thesoleowner. Can be exportedoverseas. Notes, if any:

5- b) $2,700 to $3,500 (or as negotiated) - for a temporary limited registrationcontractwith the right

toshow and breed. The pup shall be AKC or CKC registered in both names, party 1+2 with the buyer being the pup’s residence. Party-1 the breeder as a co-owner shallbe entitled to additional $1500 as a price of a pet puppy of the first litter; after which, party-1shall sign the proper ownership transfer document for the dog to be solely AKC or CKC registered in party-2 (the buyer’s) name only (full registration). Note, if any:………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5-c) $2,800 for“pet”(limited) registration with show option– but with no option to breed. Thepup shall

be show quality. CKC (or AKC)document will show co-ownership byparty 1+2 with the buyer having the residence address and management of the pup/dog. Pary-2 may show the dog in order to obtain the Ch.title and mustcomplete this option by the time the dog reaches age 16 months. Atthat point, party-2 must within 30 days have the dog neutered / spayed and must promptly submit to party-1a veterinarian’s certificate as a proof. At that point, AKC-CKC registration can be changed to show party-2 as the sole owner. Notes, if any:

5-d) $2600 for pet status with no registration, but with a limited one time unofficial breeding for the

buyer’sfamily &friends as gift pet puppies. This gives a limited singletime breeding and no showing or commercial breeding which requires CKC registration. This will promote Great Dane ownership while preventing commercial & repeated breeding. No AKC or CKC registration are needed or included. The puppy ownership certificate issued by the breeder will show party-2 the buyer as the sole owner. The buyer shall register the dog only with the city of residence. Prior to the breeding, party-1 shall be notified of the info re. the other Dane to be bred to, and party-1 must approve the breeding having been satisfied of the quality of the other Dane. After the one time approved breeding, the Dane shall be neutered –spayed by party-2 (see 5-g). Notes, if any:

5e) $1,400to $2000 as negotiated & depending on the pupand the situation of the buyer (as indicated

some very good homes of retired seniors on pension were given pet pups for$1200 only) . The average pet pup is $1500 sold strictly as a mere pet, no showing, no breeding, no CKC registration. Party-2 shall, before the pup reaches age 8 months (M) or 6 months (F), have the dog neutered / spayed and shall provide party-1 with a veterinarian’scertificate.

The pup’s documents shall be limitedto: The sire & Dam’scertified AKC/CKC registration,the official pedigree certificates of the pup’sparents; the breeder’s own (puppy) pedigree & purebred Dane certificate, the breeder’s purebred pup value certificate and the city dog license where the dog resides.

The buyer agrees and promises that the dog will be neutered/spayed prior to reaching her first heat or sexual maturity, at age 6 months (F) and 8 months (M)as indicated above; and the buyer further accepts clause 5-g below.

5-f) Note: The pup is sold under clause 5 ( ) for $

5-g) Failure of party2 to comply with the agreement expressed under non-breedingclause, shall entitle party-1

to a law suite asking for $1,600 plus all expenses related to collecting such compensation; including but not limited to travel, legallost business time. Party-1 shall send one reminder letter or email to party-2. Thirty days later, action will be taken against party-2.

Party-2 hereby understands and accepts to personally be the indemnifier whereby he/she shall legally be liable by any action deemed necessary to secure party-1’s financial compensation. This clause shall be used as defense by party-1 showing party-2’s knowledge and acceptance of this clause, and declaring the buyer’s promise to not breed the pup, and to neuter the pub or otherwise to pay the breeder the indicated compensation.

5-h) The breeder reserves the right to simply sell puppies either as full registration with show/breeding

rightsas per 5-a or as pet only as per 5-e. Pet only shall not involve any AKC/CKC registration and shall guarantee that the pet is neutered-spayed before age 8 months if a male or 6 months if a female - or it shall be assumed that the buyer is illegally breeding the pup, thus party-1 shall then be entitled to his right under the preceding clauses.

Note: additional reasons for no CKC registration under 5-e: 1- the pup’s sire, Anubis, is co-owned by party-1 & by the sire’s original kennel / breeder; and an agreement requires party-1 to pay the sire’s breeder $1000 to register a pup with AKC. 2nd; AKC/CKC registration & pedigree certificatesof the pup &copies of his parents’ cost a total of approx. $250; a total cost of up to $1,250; which explains the charge under 5a,b,c .. plus the difference in price between show VS pet pup.

5-m) Cost of shipping (kennel or crate) and air cargo or other agents are extra. As well, ears cropping cost is extra

5-n) When you pay a deposit on a pup, we guarantee you your pup and we’ll turn down any other interested

buyer no matter how much more they may offer. At the same time, your deposit and any other payments

madeby the buyer shall be totally final and nonrefundable. As well, any other costs referred to in this

contractsuch as veterinarian tests, exams or treatments for any reason, are the buyer’s responsibility.

6-Party-2 when purchasing a mere pet, he/she shall still get a quality Dane that meets or exceeds the standard of a pet Great Dane (see literature provided).

The standard of a Great Dane qualities (see attached literature) covers these areas:

a)The head formation: as per parents photos & pup photos &upon delivery inspection

b)Body - bone structure: as per parents photos & pup photos &upon delivery inspection

c)Coat colour: as per parents & pup photos & upon delivery inspection. Brindles vary from light to dark, and fawns. Show & pet markings.

d)Sex associated characteristics. e.g. masculinity VS femininity of the head, development of testicles in males.

e)Temperament: The Dane’s title, the continental gentleman or the gentle giant means that whether a submissive, passive pup or a dominant Alfa pup, both are gentle, socialized, great with kids/people.

f)Size: At maturity, prior to age 2 years, the female must make 28 inches tall at the shoulders and the male must be 30 inches tall at the shoulders. However, and though that’s the official acceptable standard and a 28”F/30”M can be shown and several have the CH title; we believe that a good Great Dane must also have a good size and must exceed the standard’s expectation with aminimum 30”+F / 32”+M. Our dogs, whether pets or show/breeding dogs, have had the average of 32-34” / 140 lb “F” & 34-36” / 170 lb “M”. Over-sized Danes are available for those more interested in size. Many of our pups are large like the parents & grand parents (over 36”+ / 180lb+). While these over-sized dogs however require very good care, diet & exercise programme, we disagree with the German theory of breeding German Danes to be only 28-30” F and 29-31” M. We believe that a Great Dane should also be of a healthy great sizeparticularly to be shown or bred. Of course awell-balanced qualities of good physical characteristics, good health, good genetic pedigree, good size and good personality is what makes a great Great Dane. And of course it is very hard to determine which pup will turn to be over-sized (35-36”+ M) and which will be in the 33” range as early stage pup size is not always indicative. This comment is clearly for those whose top feature preference is size. Also note that the difference between 33” and 36” at the shoulder is only noticeable if the two Danes are next to each other; and, considering the Dane’s long neck and large head, any good size Dane 33”+ at the shoulder, will actually be near 4+ feet tall at the top of the head and when you walk him holding him by the collar, will bealmost head to your chest height. Our Danes are large and healthy.

g)The buyer whose name and signature appear on this contract, should he/she decide to sell or otherwise give the pup/dog to party-3, party-2 shall be responsible for acquiring the agreement and signature of the new buyer (party-3) to the terms of this contract. Party-2, the buyer singing this contract shall remain responsible to party-1 especially on the non-breeding & neutering issue.


Ears cropping is recommended for a strong Dane head definition, appearance and that graceful image. Two identical Dane heads cropped VS un-cropped show a big difference of the projected head definition and quality. I am in possession of a write-up by a vet who compared ears cropping to circumcision in men. Those who argue cruelty don’t realize that with anesthesia, local or even putting the dog totally under, there is no pain or suffering. As well, cropping the ears helps reduce ear infection and prevents the hurt the dog gets when he is held by the large targetun-cropped ear even playfully by another dog. The point is, in the breeder’s opinion, without ear cropping, there is no fair way to compare or expect your dog to look as impressive as his ear-cropped father or mother. Respectfully, it’s of course up to the buyer; and if you prefer non-cropped ear, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so if you like non-cropped, it’sjust another beauty image.

7-Each pup is matched to the owner’s case, requests, family environment residence nature, age of children in the family and the purpose of obtaining the pup whether pet orshow. As well, thebuyer’s specific preference makes a difference; whether the buyer prefers over-sized large Dane before head shape & body structure or prefers temperament over coat colour .. etc. Show-breeding pups are the best balance of all-around perfection, while in house pets are meant to be attractive fun and good Dane pets. In reality, we don’t encourage breeding contracts and such, our breeding quality pups are sold as pets.

The buyer’s choice of priorities are indicated below based on the buyer’s preference. Buyers purchasing a pet Dane are asked to select 4 preferred features in their order of priority. The numbers indicated next to the feature/quality instructs the breeder on how to select the suitable pup: (these are requests or preferences we actually received):

Temperament, relaxed playful for a child. = selected/applicable

Temperament, playful but watch dog with a strong - Alfa personality Sex: …..

Head feature & black mask ….. G potential over-size Dane

Potential large size (not interested in oversized for health reason, but don’t want a smaller Dane either.

Note: although we’ll aim for a potential 33” shoulder height / 160 Lb “M” – the is no guarantee and for

example it may turn to be an over-sized taller/larger. Note also that our Danes are large but are also

healthylarge Danes.

General Dane feature, balanced overall qualities of a good pet Dane.

General body & bone structure & large chest / rib cage

Colour (light, average, dark or very dark brindle or fawn): …………………………

A breeding stock – show potential.

Note: for those who are worried about large (tall & heavy) Danes for health reasons, our Danes are healthylarge Danes (perfect health tests, and, the father’s pedigree shows a background Dane average of 36”+ shoulders height M and themother’s sire is a giant rare 37+ or 38” / 200 lb so our pups have a wide variety of possibilities from very large to giant. Ourlarge Danes have always had long healthy life. Yes, Danes are supposed to be Great in size too. With 30 years of large Dane experience, I never had a problem.

8-All puppies-dogs are purebred, from purebred AKC/CKC registered parents, and are of sound body and free of any communicable disease or health problems. The buyer is encouraged to take the pup to a Vet and get a full examination (if needed also an x-ray and/or ultra-sound cardiac test)of the puppy/dog by a veterinarian within 72 hours in order to – solely and forever settle the issue of confirming or disputing the pup’s health guarantee. This confirmation exam / test is the buyer’s responsibility (and prerogative). Should the buyer decide to waive his/her right to exercise this option, the buyers agrees to forever hold the seller harmless from any claim. In addition, clause (9) below guarantees the health of the pup for one full year.

9-The puppy is guaranteedto be free from genetic defect or congenital disease for a period of one year. Should a licensed veterinarian of buyer’s choice determine with x-ray / ultra-sound tests that a genetic defect is present within that 12 months period - that would significantly and adversely affect your dog’s normal lifespan (highly unexpected and never happened before); the seller reserves the right to obtain a second opinion by a licensed veterinarian of the seller’s choice. If a congenital problem is determined to be present, the buyer may return the puppy to the seller for a puppy out of the next available litter with replacement of same quality puppy that was originally purchased.
Should the buyer choose to keep the dog, the seller will still offer the option for a replacement puppy of the same quality as originally purchased. If no suitable puppy is available at the time, the buyer may select a pup of same quality as the original purchase from a future litter. No money shall be refunded. At no time is seller responsible for any veterinary bills after the pup/dog is purchase.

10- Any & all guarantees are conditional to the pup-dog being fully vaccinated against all known health risks,

promptly and by a certified veterinarian. Guarantees do not allow for cash refunds and are void if the pup/dog

ownership is transferred.

11- Naming the puppy:

First name or names are selected by the buyer. This is the name you’ll call him by. You, the buyer decide that. Middle name: Gouda, after the breeder. We take pride in our Danes.

Last name is the buyer’s family name. The pup is a member of your family.

So, if your name is John Smith, and you decide to name your dog Rambo; we’ll issue you a kennel certificate with the name: Rambo Gouda Smith.

If you name him“Anubis George”: Anubis George Gouda Smith

12- This contract is governed by the laws of the province of British Columbia, Canada.

Dated: ………………… signed, the buyer, party-2 ………………………………(notarized)

(please also initial each page)

Witnessed (Notary pubic / barrister) ……………………………………………………….


Signed, the breeder, party-1: Paul Gouda ……………………………………..