Edmonton Area
Mission and Ministry
The Diocese of London
Child ProtectionRina Kaur
Advice and guidance to parishes where there are concerns about child protection situations or issues.
Continuing Ministerial Education The Revd Richard Knowling
To encourage, assist, provide, secure and help finance training for all clergy who have completed P.O.T. To collaborate with Area Staff regarding training needs and to encourage the use of the Ministerial Review Scheme through which training/education needs can be recognised.
FinanceTheresa Moses
Money management in the parishes. Teaching on giving and use of finance. Management role in relation to Area Finance and part of the Diocesan structure.
Global DevelopmentDr Nathan Oparaeche
To stimulate involvement in the world church by parishes and individuals. To affirm existing links through mission agencies. To facilitate links with Mozambique and Angola.
Hospital ChaplaincyThe Revd Robert Mitchell
To raise awareness regarding Hospital Chaplaincy issues.
OrdinandsThe Revd Preb Dr Jonathan Trigg
The Revd Jonathan Kester
Seeking to work with and direct those who are exploring the possibility of ordination. Responsibility for this begins with the initial interview, develops through selection procedures and ceases at the end of training at a residential college or local ministerial training course.
Area Director of Training and DevelopmentCaulene Herbert
Working with ministry development in the parishes, through Mission Action Planning. Reader CME. Assisting the parishes with consultancy, resources and training.
Post Ordination Training: The Revd Gordon Giles
The Revd Stephen Leader
Providing an on-going training for clergy in the first three years of ordination, delivered in three year groups.
ReadersThe Revd Gwyn Clement
Oversight of the Pastoral Care for Readers. Seeking to foster Reader ministry. Assisted by the Resource Group. To look after the initial training of Readers with the Area Director Training and Development (ADTD), both the courses and the people.
Area Adviser for Spiritual FormationThe Revd Bruce Batstone
To encourage prayer in the parishes and for individuals. To provide courses and resources, including information on retreats, etc.
SurrogatesThe Revd Gwyn Clement
The Revd Michael Edge
The Revd Dr Olubunmi Fagbemi
The Revd Mark McAulay
The Revd Preb Guy Pope
The Revd Preb Dr Jonathan Trigg
Appointed by the Chancellor to interview and confirm the status of those seeking to be married in the C-of-E, and needing a Bishop’s Common Licence.
Women’s MinistryThe Revd Anne Osborn
Oversight for Women in ministerial roles
(All based at Diocesan House)
Children’s AdviserSam Donoghue
Community MinistryThe Revd Jack Maple
Diocesan Advisory Committee for Churches (DAC)
Geoffrey Hunter
IT Help DeskMartin How
London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS)
The Revd Dr Howard Worsley
PropertyMichael Bye
StipendsElaine Saunders
Synod SecretaryMonica Bolley
TrustsSarah Walters
Batstone, Bruce020 7387 4193
Bolley, Monica020 7932 1228
Bye, Michael020 7932 1243
Clement, Gwyn 020 8203 2884
Donoghue, Sam020 7932 1255
Edge, Michael 020 8363 8676
Fagbemi, Olubunmi020 8801 3021
Giles, Gordon020 8363 1875
Herbert, Caulene 020 7431 6827
How, Martin020 7932 1260
Hunter, Geoffrey020 7932 1229
Kaur, Rina
Kester, Jonathan020 7435 1911
Knowling, Richard020 8245 3588
Leader, Stephen 020 8804 1966
Maple, Jack 020 7932 1122
McAulay,Mark020 8361 1946
Mitchell, Robert020 8968 1175
Moses, Theresa 020 7932 1247
Oparaeche, Nathan 020 8341 1409
Osborn, Anne020 8801 0115
Pope, Guy020 7267 5941
Saunders, Elaine020 7932 1218
Trigg, Jonathan 020 8347 5124
Walters, Sarah020 7932 1211
Worsley, Howard020 7932 1154
September 2010