


Ref: (a) CNSTCINST 1533.2 02 Jul 07 (Regulations for Officer Development, ROD)

Encl:(1) Extended Benefits (Summer School / Winter Session Option) Contract


(2) Summer/Winter Session Tuition Request Form

1. Purpose. To establish a standardized policy for requesting Summer/Winter Session Extended Benefits for scholarship midshipmen.

2. Cancellation. NROTCUAINST 1533.2B

2. Background. The Summer/Winter Session Extended Benefits Program is designed to provide midshipmen with funding for classes that must be taken outside of the normal semester due to extraneous circumstances. Summer/winter session benefits (tuition and fees) may be approved on a case by case basis by the Commanding Officer.

3. Responsibility. Each Counselor is responsible for advising their students on the availability of this program and the submission of their counselee’s Summer/Winter Session Extended Benefits packages. Due to the limited timeframe when these benefits can be used, it is mandatory that all first year students be advised of the program prior to their first summer.

4. Action. Interested scholarship Midshipmen must meet and follow all the requirements outlined in enclosure (1). The counselor will work with the midshipman to complete the contents of enclosure (2) including the Tuition Benefits Request, the Tuition Benefits Worksheet, the Expense Record and an approved degree plan (reviewed by the academic advisor and Naval Science Counselor). These items will be submitted to the Commanding Officer via the Executive Officer. Upon approval by the Commanding Officer, the original copy will be filed in the midshipman's counseling record. A copy of enclosure (2) will be submitted to the unit’s OPMIS Coordinator and Supply Officer.



Unit Staff

Extended Benefits (Summer School / Winter Session Option)

Contract Stipulations

The following constraints for the summer/winter benefits contract are in accordance with reference (a) paragraph 637:

a. Although OCs are required to attend school on a year-round basis, midshipmen do not normally attend summer school asthis time is normally reserved for summer training. Unlikefifth-year benefits (paragraph 638), summer school tuition doesnot extend a midshipman’s obligation to the government and theydo not receive a monthly stipend (except as described in paragraph 637b(4).

b. The PNS has the authority to approve a midshipman’sattendance at summer school. Summer school should only beapproved after recommendation by the midshipman’s advisor inaccordance with the midshipman’s degree plan. There are onlyfour instances in which summer school may be approved.

(1) The specific courses are an integral part of themajor field of study required for the baccalaureate degree butare not offered during the academic year. In other words, thecourse is a required course, not an elective, and is onlyoffered during summer session(s).

(2) Attendance at summer school will advance the normalcommissioning date and will not preclude meeting Naval Scienceand cruise requirements. Normal commissioning date meansfinishing a prescribed curriculum in the time prescribed by theinstitution. For example, the midshipman is in a normal eight semesters/twelve quarter curriculum and they take summer school, the midshipman can be commissioned in seven semesters/eleven quarters.

(3) Courses are required to be repeated because ofinjury or illness which prevented completion of the scheduledcourses during the academic year, providing such absence wasapproved by school officials and the PNS.

(4) Courses are part of a program in which theinstitution requires attendance at one or more summer sessions. There are certain curricula that require attendance of summersessions to complete a normal graduation date. Also, some statesupported schools have attendance at a summer session as adegree requirement. At institutions operating an acceleratedprogram or cooperative study programs, students who register andparticipate in NROTC unit training during summer terms may be paid subsistence allowance during such period subject to thelimitations for the basic and advanced courses.

c. Summer school and fifth-year benefits are not designedor intended to assist a midshipman who falls behind and needs tomake up credits to graduate on schedule. This includes droppedor failed courses, lost credit due to change of major, not carrying a large enough class load, substandard GPA, etc. Themidshipman may request or the PNS shall assign an LOA for anyadditional term(s) needed to graduate or complete specificprogram requirements.

Enclosure (1)


Date: ______

From:MIDN ______

To:Commanding Officer, NROTC Unit, The University of Arizona

Via:(1) Naval Science Counselor

(2) Executive Officer, NROTC Unit, The University of Arizona

Subj:REQUEST FOR TUITION BENEFITS FOR ______(class #)in the ______(semester)

Ref:(a) NROTCUAINST 1533.2B

Encl:(i) Summer/Winter Tuition benefits Worksheet

(ii) Expense Record

(iii) Approved Degree Plan

1. I request to receive extended tuition benefits. My reasoning is in accordance with reference (a). I have discussed my situation with my Naval Science Counselor.




From:Naval Science Counselor

To:Commanding Officer, NROTC Unit, The University of Arizona

Via:Executive Officer, NROTC Unit, The University of Arizona

1. Reviewed and concur/do not concur with the request.




From:Executive Officer, NROTC Unit, The University of Arizona

To: Commanding Officer, NROTC Unit, The University of Arizona

1. Recommended Approval/Disapproval.



FINAL ACTIONDate: ______

From:Commanding Officer, NROTC Unit, The University of Arizona

To:Above Midshipman

  1. Returned. Approved/Disapproved



Copy to:

OPMIS Coordinator


Enclosure (2)

Summer/Winter Tuition Benefits Worksheet

Name ______Course______Semester ______

Summer/winter benefits are limited to NROTC Scholarship Midshipmen.

The following four scenarios represent acceptable reasons for requesting summer/winter benefits. Mark the box that indicates your reason for applying. For amplification, refer to paragraph 637 of The ROD (attached).

The requested course is required by my major for graduation and is only offered during the summer/winter session.

As a result of takingthe requested course,I will graduate at least one semester early (ex. in seven semesters instead of eight).

I am retaking a course that I missed or withdrew from due to illness or injury.

I am involved in a university sponsored program that requires summer/winter session attendance.

Note: Summer/winter benefits will not be offered for a course that was previously failed, lost credit due to change of major, not carrying a large enough class load (at least 15 hours) in previous semesters, or substandard (<2.5) GPA.

Explain the specific details of your request below.

Attach an updated degree plan to this document.

Enclosure (2)


05 Oct 00

Expenses Record
Session / Course Number / Course Name / Credits / Cost
(per semester catalog proceeding class date) / *Submitted / *Paid
Pre- Session
Summer I
Summer II

*for official use only

Enclosure (2)