Q1 You and your friend want to start an online business. Both of you have 4 new members each as downline or as the 2nd generation. Assume that each generation is able to get 4 new members.

(a)Draw a diagram representing the members from the 1st generation to the 4th generation.

(b)Base on the diagram:

(i)What is the difference between generations?

(ii)What is the ratio of the 2nd generation with the 1st generation, the 3rd generation with the 2nd generation?

(iii)Base on (i) and (ii), what is your conclusion?

Q2 Your roommate wants to buy a new hand phone which cost RM300. The first month she

save RM 40. Each month thereafter, your roommate savings increase by RM 10.

(a)List the total amount money your roommate saves for the first fourmonths.

(b)Based on (a).

(i)What is the difference between each month?

(ii)What is the ratio of the 2ndmonth with the 1stmonth, the 3rdmonth with the 2ndmonth?

(iii)Base on (ii) and (iii), what is your conclusion?


Mrs. Wong has a potted plant. When the plant wilted, she removed it from the pot. The pot was left in the garden. A month later, she noticed some Vernonia and Cupid’s Shaving Brush growing in the pot. She was puzzled as to how the plants got there. How would you explain it to her?
Facts / Ideas / Learning Issues / Resources Needed
  1. Mrs. Wong has a potted plant.
  2. Plant wilted.
  3. It was removed from the pot.
  4. Pot was left in the garden.
  5. Vernonia and Cupid’s Shaving Brush were seen in the pot one month later.
  1. Somebody put the seeds into the pot without her knowledge.
  2. Birds/animals deposited the seeds there.
  3. The plants found there were of a different species from the original.
  4. The wind might have deposited the seeds there.
  1. What are the different ways in which plants disperse their seeds?
  2. What special features do the plants have?
  3. How does this feature help the plant to disperse their seeds?
  1. Internet.
  2. Plant specimens.
  3. Science textbooks.
  4. Science guides.
  5. Library books.
  6. Encyclopedia.
  7. Talks / interviews
  8. Photograph


2 / 5
3 / 6
Soft Skills Element


(CLO3-A2_Responding, PLO6-LLL-IM)

CRITERIA / Method use to find information / 1
Strongly disagree / 3
Neutral / 5
Strongly agree / Score
5% / Ability to Seek and Manage/
Access Relevant Information From Various Sources / Organizing, Evaluating and Integrating Information / Method use to find information / Consistently and accurately uses a variety of technologies to access and obtain relevant wide-ranging information quickly using skimming and scanning / Usually use a variety of technologies, obtains relevant information but less effective use of skimming and scanning
Self-esteem / Organizing, Evaluating and Integrating Information / Integrates given information with own information / Adds given information appropriately to own information
Ability to accept New Ideas and Capable for Self-Directed or Autonomous Learning / Motivation / Consistently and accurately uses a variety of technologies to access and obtain relevant wide-ranging information quickly using skimming and scanning / Usually use a variety of technologies, obtains relevant information but less effective use of skimming and scanning / Uses a limited number of different technologies, locates basic resource and ineffective use of skimming and scanning given information appropriately with assistance
Independent / Integrates given information with own information / Adds given information appropriately to own information / Uses given information appropriately with assistance
Method use to find information / Consistently uses skills of listening, sharing/connecting ideas, communication technique, self-focus and uses a variety of productivity tools. / Requires skills of listening, sharing/connecting ideas, communication technique, self-focus and uses a variety of productivity tools. / Limited skills of listening, sharing/connecting ideas, communication technique, self-focus and uses a variety of productivity tools.
TOTAL / /25


(CLO2-P2_Set, PLO2-PS)

CRITERIA / Method use to find information / 1
Strongly disagree / 3
Neutral / 5
Strongly agree / Score
PRACTICAL SKILL (PSYCHOMOTOR 10 %) / Ability to plan using the FILA table / Planning / Students fails to define the problem adequately and plan wrongly by using the FILA table / Student adequately defines the problem and plan using the FILA table / Student states the problem clearly and plan using the FILA table
Ability to write and present the report / Report / Information has no pattern / Information appear to have a pattern, but not consistent in the project / Information is clearly focused in an organized and thoughtful manner
Format does not suit the content / Format is appropriate for the content / Format enhances the content
Presentation is loosely organized / Presentation is well organized / Presentation is organized and well laid out
Ability to use the internet and UTHM library to find information / References
- internet & UTHM library / Students find not more than one reference from the internet or UTHM library / Students find more than three references from the internet and UTHM library / Students find more than five references from the internet and UTHM library
TOTAL / /25


(CLO1-C3_Application, PLO1-K)

Solution for Question 1 – 5 marks

Solution for Question 2 – 5 marks


PBL - Presentation / Rubric / Affective / 5% / TeamSkill
PBL - Report / Rubric / Cognitive / 10% / Practical Skill
(CLO1-C3, PLO1-K)
PBL – Group Work / Rubric / Psychomotor / 10% / Practical Skill
(CLO2-P2, PLO2-PS)