Submitting your Work to PSU McNair Scholars Online Journal
Go to:
1. Click on “Submit Research.”
2. Click on “PSU McNair Scholars Online Journal” from the PDXScholar publication list to select our journal.
3. Log in or create a free account by clicking on “Sign up” under “Create new account” If you are creating a new account complete the form. A confirmation will be emailed to the address you provide. Once you’ve confirmed your account, you will only need your email address and password to log in.
4. If you created a new account – go to (our direct journal link) and repeat the first step and log in.
5. This will take you to the Submission overview. Read through the “Contribution of Material” agreement and check the checkbox at the bottom and click on “Continue”
6. Complete the Submission page
v Enter “Title”
v “Name” might already be filled in from your log-in information. Use an email address to which you would like notifications sent. We suggest that you use an email address other than your address, as this will allow you to receive notifications after your email address expires.
v Input names of your reviewers (your mentor and an additional reader)
v Type or paste your abstract
v Upload your file
v Click on submit
Your article has been submitted. If you need to make changes to you submissions
1) Go to PDXScholar (
2) Click on "My Account" located in the top right corner
3) Login
4) You will see three boxes: Account Settings, Dashboard Tools, and McNair Scholars Online Journal. In the McNair Scholars Online Journal box click on the title of your article
5) To revise and upload your work click on "Revise Event" in the top left corner
6) You now see a metadata page that describes your work. Scroll to the bottom of the page and located the Upload Full Text.
7) Click on Browse and find your new file
8) Click on "Submit"
9) You view what you uploaded here by click on the hyperlink next to "Upload Full Text" - Please note that you may need refresh your browse to show the new version (To refresh your browser click on Crtl F5)
Once your article has been submitted, we will follow up directly with your reviewers. They will be asked to read your article and provide feedback through this submission site. After review of your submission is complete, you will be notified of any required edits or updates requested by your reviewers. You may make changes to your submission using the steps listed above.
You will be notified if your submission has been approved for publication.
For more information on the McNair Online Journal review process, please read the document on our publication page.