- make the family feel welcome,
- set up a communication strategy,
- learn as much as possible about the student’s background and situation,
- prepare the student/family for the start of classes
Make the Student Feel Welcome. /
- Friendly Greeting
- Immediate access to home language via Language Line/speaker phone
- Placement Paperwork
- School information
“Welcome! This is Our School” sheet
“(Student name) at (school name)” sheet
- Siblings in this school?
- Siblings at other MPS site?
Set up a Communication Strategy /
- Establish preferred contact (cell? Email? English speaking friend/relative?)
- “Language Line” orientation
LL Orientation
(Home language speaker explains language line to family, models and practices calling w/ family)
Establishing Background /
- Collect information from the family about schooling/literacy
- Assess student skills
Math Diagnostic
Somali Reading/Writing Assessments
Prepare the student/family to start at the school /
- Bus information
- Lunch account/codes
- Backpack with supplies
- Take picture of student for Essentials Card
- Inform student of where to meet contact person Day 1
Internal Preparations:
Notify classroom and ESL teachers (Student Essentials Card)
Establish classroom buddy (classroom buddy instructions)
Assign locker/cubby (label with picture?)
Print Student Essentials Cards (picture/bus/lunch number) for contact person, teachers, staff
Newcomer Guide: First Day at SchoolGoals:
- Introduce student to the building,
- Introduce the student to adult helpers,
- Introduce student to his/her classroom,
- Introduce student to school procedures
Introduce Student to the Building /
- Contact person meets student at designated place
- Walk student to breakfast and direct instruct meal procedure
- Show student bathroom sign and practice identifying bathrooms
Introduce the Student to Adult Helpers /
- Introduce student to primary adult helpers
Introduce Student to Classroom /
- Accompany student to classroom
- Introduce to teacher
- Introduce to classroom buddy – ask buddy to help student put away belongings and find seat
Introduce Student toSchool Procedures /
- Provide /explain visual schedule
- Provide basic communication support
- Teacher/buddy guide student through the day, referring back to visual schedule to reinforce
Basic Communication Tool (BCT)
Newcomer Guide: Second Day at School
- Introduce student to the building,
- Introduce the student to adult helpers,
- Introduce student to his/her classroom,
- Introduce student to school procedures
Introduce Student to the Building /
- Contact person meets student at designated place
- Walk student to breakfast and direct instruct meal procedure
- Practice identifying bathrooms
Introduce the Student to Adult Helpers /
- Introduce student to other adult helpers
Introduce Student to Classroom /
- Accompany student to classroom
- Practice greeting teacher, buddy
- Ask student to show locker, put things away, show seat, schedule, and BCT
[Basic Communication Tool (BCT)]
Introduce Student toSchool Procedures /
- Teacher/buddy guide student through the day, referring back to schedule to reinforce
- ELD – School/classroom procedure instruction
Newcomer Guide: Third – Fifth Day at School
- Orient student to expectations
- Orient student to classroom procedures
- Orient student to school procedures
- ELD – Explicit instruction of procedures
Orient Student to Expectations /
- [Student enters building, goes to breakfast]
- Lunchroom staff support student w/ meal procedure
Orient Student to Classroom Procedures /
- [Student goes to classroom, greets teacher/buddy, puts things away, eats b-fast]
- Teacher/peers begin direct instruction of classroom norms and procedures (two per day)
- Student Procedure Chart use
[Basic Communication Tool (BCT)]
Student Procedure Chart
Orient Student to School Procedures /
- Teacher/peers begin direct instruction of school norms and procedures (two per day)
- Student Procedure Chart use
[Basic Communication Tool (BCT)]
[Student Procedure Chart]
ELD - Explicit Instruction of Procedures /
- ELD – School/classroom procedure instruction
- Student Procedure Chart use
Welcome! This is Our School
/ Northeast Middle School2955 Hayes Street NE
Minneapolis MN 55418
School / 612-668-1500
Say: “Call me on language line (give phone number).”
/ This is Principal BenjaminPerry. He is the leader of the school.
(Student Name) at Northeast Middle School
/ School Hours9:27am – 4:00pm
Grade / ____ grade
Advisory / Mr./Mrs. ______
/ Bus #______
/ Lunch Number ______
Siblings in the building:
Siblings in 0ther MPS buildings:
How to contact school / Why contact school?612-668-1500
Say: “Call me on language line @ ___-___-____.” / Student is sick.
Student has appointment.
Problem in class or school.
Question about school.
How to contact school / Why contact school?
Say: “Call me on language line @ ___-___-____.” / Student is sick.
Student has appointment.
Problem in class or school.
Question about school.
Student Essentials Card(for school staff/teachers)
(Insert Student Picture Here) / Name
Grade / Advisory / Room #
Home Language
Bus # / Lunch Pin
Medical Note, if applicable:
Language Line
- Dial 1.866.874.3972
- Enter your Client ID: 509305
- Press 2 for languages other than Spanish
- You will be prompted to state the name of the desired language.
- “I need to speak to a student. I will put you on speaker phone…”
- Speak clearly and provide frequent pauses.
Student Essentials Card(for school staff/teachers)
(Insert Student Picture Here) / Name
Grade / Advisory / Room #
Home Language
Bus # / Lunch Pin
Medical Note, if applicable:
Language Line
- Dial 1.866.874.3972
- Enter your Client ID: 509305
- Press 2 for languages other than Spanish
- You will be prompted to state the name of the desired language.
- “I need to speak to a student. I will put you on speaker phone…”
- Speak clearly and provide frequent pauses.
Student Procedure Chart
Class / Procedure Steps / Someone showed me how / I can do it now
Science Lab /
- Lab sheet
- Safety goggles
- Materials
Student Name ______
7:30 - ___
Breakfast /
Block 1:
Block 2:
11:13 – 11:43 7th grade
11:57 – 12:27 6th grade
12:40 – 1:10 8th grade
Block 3:
2:39 – 4:00
Block 4:
Basic Communication Tool Student Name ______
“A” DAY / “B” DAY
May I go to the restroom? /
May I go my locker?
May I get a drink? /
May I go tothe nurse?
I am sick.
May I use the phone?
I need to call my mom. /
I am lost. Can you help me?
I need a pencil. /
I need a book.
I need a piece of paper. /
Cafeteria /
I need help with my lock.