Instructions for Ordering Lights for your Store

Effective May 1, 2015 stores will place any needs for store lighting directly with Villa Lighting through their website. The website has been prefilled with all the lighting needed for your stores. The instructions to access the website are below with pictures to show how to navigate through the site. If you require assistance, please contact Chad Huelsmanor Rachel Sanchez.

Please follow the steps below.

  • Go to the website:
  • In the top right corner of the website (pictured below), you will see the login area. Please use the log in information below for your brand.The Username and Passwords are case sensitive!

Scrubs and Beyond Stores:

User name---- scrubs-XXX


The XXX is the 3 digit store number…example Scrubs 5 would be: scrubs-005 beyond-005

Life Uniform/Uniform City Stores:

User name---- Life-XXXX


The XXXX is the 4 digit store number…example Life Uniform 302would be:Life-0302 Uniform-0302 and Uniform City 708 would be: Life-0708 Uniform-0708

  • After logging in, you will receive the prompt, pictured below, to update your profile with an email address, please use the Store Manager email address (there are a few stores that may not receive this prompt (Stores 7, 100, and 1) because your stores were used to test the site and already have the email address added)

  • After entering your store manager email address, you will be taken to the home page for your store

  • Click on the name under My Product Groups
  • This will take you to the order form for your store (if you are missing any lighting options, please contact Chad Huelsman)

  • Enter the quantity of each style bulb that you need to order in the “Qty” box and select “Add Selected Items to Cart”.
  • This will take you to the “Shopping Cart”. Verify that the items and quantities are correct. Select “Continue Checkout”

  • At the checkout screen verify the information is correct. In the “Purchase Order” field type in the month and year for which you are placing the order. Example: ordering light bulbs in May, enter “May2015”. Select “Checkout with PO”

  • At the Confirm Order screen, verify all the information is correct. Select “Place Order”.

  • The final screen is the “Order Confirmation” Screen that verifies that the order was submitted successfully.