Frome Twinning Association


Report from the Chairman:

MURRHARDT QUADRIPARTITE 21st July to 25th July 2016

We had a thoroughly enjoyable quadripartite weekend in our twinned town of Murrhardt.

Friday was the day for official business and in the morning the mayors of the four twinned towns, and the East German town of Rőtha, which is twinned with Murrhardt under a different scheme gave talks and presentations about the things that had been happening in their towns in the previous year.

After lunch there was a business meeting for committee officers and a guided walk around Murrhardt for everyone else. In the business meeting the U.K.’s decision to leave the EU was discussed by those present and all felt that we must continue as before, as this tragic decision does not affect the close relationship, co-operation and friendship we have gained in the past and this will not be altered in any way. The relationship will remain as strong as it has been since twinning’s inception.

A draft statement of a “Declaration of Twin Towns Château-Gontier, Frome, Murrhardt, Rabka-Zdrój”, was presented to the towns’ committees. This was then read and agreed. Each of the towns’ committees was asked to ratify it in their home towns. A press release would then follow. Frome Twinning Association & Frome Town Council will release a joint press release, once Frome Town Council has had time to read its contents. The town of Rötha was also included in the declaration.

Also coming out of this meeting were the following dates, which are now confirmed.

·  Quadripartite 2017, Rabka-Zdrój will be Thursday 13th July to Monday 17th July 2017.

·  Weekend trip to Brussels from Friday 29th September to Sunday 1st October 2017. Murrhardt shall confirm an itinerary, which will be advised to all once received.

A pilot scheme between Murrhardt and Frome regarding a youth ‘work experience’ exchange involving companies in both towns. This scheme will begin in November 2016 and run for 2 weeks.

In the early evening we attended the official opening of the Château-Gontier 50th commemorative garden. After that we walked to the town square where chairs had been laid out in front of the Rathaus, the event was to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the twinning of Murrhardt with Château-Gontier and there were speeches and the exchange of gifts. Michèle Hartmann received an award for her long service and commitment to twinning. The Brexit statement agreed at the meeting was read out by the Mayor Armin Mößner. The focus of it was that Brexit would make no difference to twinning because twinning was about friendship and thus non-political. As one official said Brexit doesn’t mean Twinxit.

The speeches were interspersed by pieces played by Murrhardt’s excellent brass band. This was then followed by the presentation of a plaque to the town of Murrhardt on behalf of the Council of Europe.

Afterwards tables had been laid in a large pavilion where we were treated to an excellent meal with lots of opportunity for renewing old friendships and making new ones.

On Saturday several trips had been arranged for us to choose from, to Stuttgart, to Schwäbisch Hall, or to Öhringen garden show. Then in the evening everyone got together in the Sommerpalast in the park in town, where we enjoyed food and drink, socialised with other twinners (and locals) and were treated to a circus cabaret show in the big top.

On Sunday morning we joined together for a church service in the big top, then afterwards there were drinks, snacks and farewell speeches from twinning representatives.

Sunday evening was spent with our hosts and their families. We were treated to a local dish of “Spätzle” with brown lentils and frankfurters. Washed down with wheat beer!

As this was the first time both Criss and myself had visited Murrhardt, (and being the first time we visited Germany since 1970!) we were struck by the friendliness of the people of Murrhardt and especially our hosts, who looked after us with care and attention! Morning breakfast was always ready when we got up and not to mention the twin girls giving up their bedroom! We timed this well, as the girls were in Brighton for part of our visit.

We had a wonderful time, and look forward to another visit to Murrhardt in 4 years’ time, although we hope to visit Germany before then.

Alan Glover


Frome Twinning Association

We are arranging various social events, when we hope you can join us . . .

Saturday 3 September, Country Walk

Another of our popular gentle walks will begin and end this time at the Cross Keys at Rode. Meet at 11.00am and eat at 12.15/12.30

2 course lunches at £10, or sandwiches will be on offer, to be ordered in advance. Menus will be sent out nearer the time. If anyone else is interested could you please contact Sue Worringham on 462431 or as soon as possible as she would like to confirm numbers.

Saturday 12 November, Themed European Meal

Following the success of our previous continental meal, we have been asked for another.

This will take place at Trinity Hall, at 7.00 for 7.30pm. There will be a small themed quiz between courses. So brush up on your knowledge of Poland, France and Germany! Tickets £12.50, children under 13 free. More details to follow.

14 January 2017, Fish & Chip Supper, with Quiz

7.00pm at St Catherine’s Hall, Park Road

Details to follow

Future visits:

Rabka 15-18 September

As mentioned in our previous newsletter this fourth stage of the Thematic Networking forum will take place in September. This meeting will be based on Sport, Culture and Health. Rabka is a beautiful, internationally known tourist and ski-resort at the foot of the Tatra Mountains. We still need to hear from anyone who is interested in going in September. Travellers will need to book their own flights, Bristol to Krakow and provide their own transport to Bristol. Transport from Krakow to Rabka will be provided, plus accommodation in their new 4 star hotel. We hope there will be funds to help with the fares.

Please contact Damon Hooton urgently on 07850 681163 or if you wish to take part.


Please visit our website at to see all our events and see all about the history of our twining and events – well worth a look.

Chairman: Alan Glover, 87 Selwood Road, Frome, BA11 3BP : tel 01373 454576

Secretary: Pat Boyd, 103 Leys Lane, Frome, BA11 2JS : tel 01373 474878



Frome Twinning Association

Themed European Meal: Saturday 12 November 2016

I/we will be coming to the meal:

Name(s) ...... ...... please print

...... ...... ......

Address ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Please complete and return to Pat Boyd at or phone 01373 474878 by November 5th