SAT List #1
- abeyance-(n) temporary inactivity [Our weekend plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast]
- abhor- (v) to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion
- abstruse-(adj) hard to understand; recondite; esoteric
- acerbic-(adj) sour or astringent in taste; harsh or severe
- acuity-(n) sharpness; acuteness; keenness
- adept-(adj) very skilled; proficient; expert
- adroit-(adj)expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body; cleverly skillful, resourceful, or ingenious
- alacrity- (n) cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness; liveliness; briskness
- ambivalence- (n) uncertainty or fluctuation
- ameliorate- (v) to make or become better, m ore bearable, or more satisfactory, improve; meliorate
SAT List #2
- amorphous-(adj) lacking definite form; having no specific shape; formless
- animosity-(n) a feeling or strong dislike, ill will
- anomaly-(n) a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement, or form
- antipathy-(n) a natural, basic, or habitual repugnance
- apex-(n) the tip, point, or vertex
- approbatory (adj) approving; expressing approbation
- ascertain- (v) to find out definitely
- assuage-(v) to appease; satisfy; allay
- astute-(adj) clever; cunning; quick to see how to gain advantage; keen observation
- audacity-(n) boldness or daring
SAT List #3
- avarice-(n) insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth
- baleful (adj) full of menacing or malign influences; pernicious, wretched, miserable; foreboding or threatening evil
- banal (adj) devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite
- befuddle – (v) to confuse
- beleaguer – (v) to surround with military forces
- benign – (adj) showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness
- bemoan – (v) to express distress or grief over
- bilk – (v) to defraud, cheat
- blatant – (adj) offensively noisy or loud
- boisterous – (adj) rough and noisy
SAT List #4
- brevity – (n) shortness of time or duration
- callow – (adj) immature or inexperienced
- cantankerous – (adj) disagreeable to deal with
- capricious – (adj) impulsive and unpredictable; fanciful or witty
- celerity – (n) swiftness; speed
- charlatan – (n) a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill
- chasten – (v) to inflict suffering upon for purposes of moral improvement
- churlish – (adj) rude, surly, ungracious
- clamor – (n) a loud uproar
- clemency – am act or deed showing mercy or temperateness
SAT List #5
- coagulate – (v) to change from a fluid into a thickened mass
- coddle – (v) to treat tenderly
- complacent – (adj) self-satisfied (usually negative) so you are unconcerned
- concede – (v) To yield or suffer, to surrender
- concise - (adj) expressing much with little to no detail or words
- confound – (v) to confuse, to puzzle
- contentious – (adj) Marked by heated arguments or controversy
- conundrum – (n) A difficult question or riddle
- copious – (adj) Great in quanity or number
- credulous – (adj) Excessively ready to believe things, gullible
SAT List #6
- cynical – (adj) distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic
- daub – (v) To apply something to a surface in hasty or crude strokes
- decorum – (n) Appropriate social behavior
- deleterious – (adj) harmful or hurtful
- delusion – (n) The state of being misled; to deceive; trick yourself into believing
- denounce – (v) To make a formal accusation; to condemn openly
- deprecatory – (adj) to express disapproval; mildly uncomplimentary, usual to oneself
- desist – (v) to stop, to cease
- detrimental – (adj) Causing damage or harm
- diatribe = (n) An abusive, bitter denunciation
SAT List #7
- diligent – (adj) constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent
- disband – (v) to break up or dissolve
- discourage – (v) to deprive of courage; to hinder by disfavor
- disparage– (v) To degrade, debase, to lower in rank
- dissension – (n) strong disagreement, contention
- dissuade – (v) to convince not to try or do
- dolt – (n) A stupid person, or dullard
- dubious – (adj) doubtful; questionable; wavering in opinion; uncertain outcome (dubious results)
- edify – (v) to build, establish; instruct or improve morally or intellectually
- eccentric – (adj) odd, erratic, peculiar; deviating from the norm
SAT List #8
- eclectic – (adj) made up of or selecting from a variety of different sources
- effervescent – (adj) the state of giving off bubbles, fizzy; to be lively, exhilirated
- effrontery – (n) shameless boldness; insolent and shameless audacity
- emanate – (v) to come from a source
- embroil – (v) to be drawn into a situation, to involve in conflict
- empathy – (n) the capacity to understand another person’s point of view
- enervate – (v/adj) to reduce strength or energy
- enigma – (n) hard to understand, mysterious
- ennui – (n) restlessness caused by boredom
- entrench – (v) to place oneself in a trench or defensive position; to establish solidly
SAT List #9
- erudition – (n) profound knowledge, especially that based on learning or scholarship
- esoteric – (adj) understood only by a chosen few or an enlightened inner circle.
- ethereal – (adj) consisting of ether, hence, exceedingly light or airy.
- euphonic–(adj) characterized by euphony, harmonious
- exacerbate – (v) irritate, make worse
- exorcise – (v) To rid a person, place or thing of an evil spirit
- expedite – (v) To accelerate the progress of
- expurgate – (v) To edit out rude, incorrect, undesirable info from a book, CD, etc
- extol – (v) to praise, make high
- extricate – (v) To free, disengage, loosen, untangle
SAT List #10
- fallow – (n) Ground ploughed and harrowed but left unseeded for one year.
- fathom – (n) to grasp, understand, comprehend
- fecund – (adj) able to produce offspring ; imaginative
- fetid – (adj) Foul-smelling, having an offensive smell
- frugal – (adj) avoiding waste
- gambol - (v) To run and skip playfully, to frolic
- garish – (adj) Overly showy, ostentatious, so colorful as to be in bad taste
- garrulous (adj) Excessively or tiresomely talkative
- giddy – (adj) feeling dizzy or unsteady; lighthearted and happy
- gregarious – (adj) Describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing
SAT List #11
- grovel – (v) to creep on the ground face down; to crawl ; to give up and be unworthy
- hedonism – (n) A general devotion to the pursuit of pleasure, happiness
- heretic – (n) a dissenter/disbeliever of religion or beliefs
- iconoclasm – (n) Sanction of destroying religious icons and other symbols or monuments
- immutable – (adj) unable to be changed without exception.
- imperturbable – (adj) calm and collected, even under pressure.
- impetuous – (adj) characterized by sudden, passionate, and/or violentactions
- impugn – (v) To assault, attack the character
- incisive (adj) impressively quick and direct
- incoherent – (adj) lacking clarity, coherence, order
SAT List #12
- incorrigible – (adj) unable to be changed ; unruly
- indefatigable – (adj) extremely persistent and untiring
- indolence – (n) inclination towards laziness or sloth
- ingenuous – (adj) innocent and unsuspecting
- innocuous – (adj) harmless, producing no ill effect, innocent
- insipid – (adj) uninteresting; lacking character or definition
- insatiable – (adj) incapable of being satisfied or appeased
- integrity – (n) following a strict moral values or codes
- intuition – (n) quick and ready insight
- irascible – (adj) Easily provoked to outbursts of anger
SAT List #13
- judicious – (adj) having, or characterized by good judgment
- juxtapose – (v) to place side by side
- kitsch – (n) something that appeals to tacky, popular taste and is of poor quality
- labyrinth – (n) maze, especially underground or covered
- laconic – (adj) using as few words as possible, concise- to the point of being rude or mysterious
- laudable – (adj) worthy of praise (laud = praise)
- loutish – (adj) to be rude or a troublemaker
- lurid – (adj) ghastly, pale, wan in appearance; causing horror or revulsion
- magnanimous – (adj) noble and generous in spirit
- malapropism – (n) The blundering use of inappropriate word or expression, usually humorous
SAT List #14
- malinger – (v) to feign illness in order to avoid work.
- mendicant – (n) a beggar
- miserly – (adj) like a miser, very covetous, cautious with money.
- mundane – (adj) ordinary, not new
- nadir – (n) the lowest point; time of greatest depression
- nascent – (adj) emerging, just coming into existence
- nuance – (n) a subtle, minor distinction
- obdurate – (adj) Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing
- officious – (adj) aggressively intrusive or interfering despite not being needed
- optimum – (n) the best or most favorable condition
SAT List #15
- ostentatious – (adj) intended to attract notice
- palpable – (adj) capable of being perceived, noticeable; tangible
- pariah – (n) an outcast
- parsimony – (n) great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily
- patronize– (v) treat as inferior unduly, talk down to, treat condescendingly
- peccadillo– (n) a small flaw or sin, a petty offense
- peripheral – (adj) outside area (peripheral vision); concerned with minor, irrelevant details
- pensive – (adj) having the appearance of thinking
- perpetuate – (v) to prolong the existence of something
- pithy – (adj) having substance, being concise and full of meaning
SAT List #16
- plethora – (n) an excessive amount of number, an abundance
- poignant – (adj) deeply touching; painfully affecting feelings
- posthumous – (adj) following or occurring after death
- pretentious – (adj) exaggerated worth, status, importance, or wealth
- primeval – (adj) of earliest ages
- prodigious – (adj) exciting amazement or wonder; excessive amounts
- progeny – (n) offspring or descendants
- prosaic – (adj) commonplace; dull; unimaginative
- protract – (v) to draw out, to extend
- puerile – (adj) childish, immature
SAT List #17
- pugnacity – (n) quality of being aggressive or combative
- quandary – (n) a dilemma
- rancor – (n) bitter resentment or ill will; hatred
- raucous – (adj) harsh and rough-sounding
- recant – (v) to withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly
- redundant – (adj) repetitive or needlessly wordy
- repudiate – (v) to reject, refuse
- resilient – (adj) able to weather tribulation without cracking
- resplendent (adj) – shining
- ribald – (adj) coarse, filthy, vulgar
SAT List #18
- rift – (n) a chasm, fissure; breach or estrangement
- saccharine – (adj) excessively sweet in action or disposition
- sagacious – (adj) having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, farsightedness
- sequester – (v) to separate from all external influence
- spurious – (adj) false, not genuine
- squalor – (n) foulness, filthiness, squalidly
- stoic – (adj) emotionless
- strident – (adj) loud, shrill, rough sounding
- subtle – (adj) hard to grasp, not obvious
- succinct – (adj) compressed into a tiny area
SAT List #19
- surmise – (v) to infer with very little evidence
- surreptitious – (adj) steathly, furtive, well hidden
- taciturn – (adj) silent, disinclined to speak
- temerity – (n) an act or case of reckless boldness
- tenuous – (adj) having little substance or strength
- torpor – (n) being inactive
- travesty – (n) a debased misrepresentation; grossly incorrect
- turpitude – (n) an act evident of such a depravity
- ubiquitous – (adj) existing everywhere, widespread
- unfathomable – (adj) difficult to penetrate
SAT List #20
- unscathed – (adj) not harmed or damaged in any way
- vacillate – (v) to sway from one side to the other; to waver in feeling
- vehement – (adj) showing strong feelings
- veracity – (n) truthfulness, something that is true
- verdant – (adj) green in color
- virulent – (adj) hostile to the point of being venomous, intensely acrimonious
- vociferous – (adj) making a noisy, vehement outcry
- wistful – (adj) full of yearning or longing, sad
- zealous – (adj) full of passionate enthusiasm
- zenith – (n) the highest point in the sky reached by a celestial body