PAC Meeting Minutes
October 4th, 2016
Our mission is to support the school community. Meetings are the first Tuesday of the month, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
Started @6:30,15in attendance
Introductions were held
Approval of Prior Meeting's Minutes(May 2016)
(May minutes were not reviewed)
Treasurer’s Report(approval and acceptance)
Expense: $132 for pizza at Welcome Back event
Checking account balance: $1,060; Savings account balance: $1,103
Treasurer’s report approved
Proposed Budget for 2016-2017
Budget sheet was handed out and reviewed
Knockerballwas suggested for a new student activity. $10 fee from participants to help defray the cost
Budget approved with no modifications
Motion to close savings account and deposit funds into checking account, requiring a minimum balance of $500.00 balance at all times
Another proposal for a minimum of $1,000.00 balance in checking
No penalty for closing savings account
Example of an emergency would be a lawsuit
Decision to close savings, move money to checking, and to keep a $500.00 minimum balance
Principal’s Report
(Kathleen Simoneau representing)
October 11th – Learning session for new IB grading using ManageBac. One session before school, one in evening
October 12th – Parent groups to answer questions for district
Going through DP reauthorization process. Need parent participation
Submitted application last Friday for MYP certification
Reminder of 4 policies on website
Mission statement created and shared
New IB grading system to show growth during the year. Talking with ManageBac on how to report on college transcripts
SAB Report
October 14th – Pink Out, which students paying $3.00 to dress down and wear pink to support Breast Cancer awareness
October 16th – Walk for breast cancer awareness
October 20th – Junior IB Inauguration. Need non-junior parents to volunteer for pot-luck food items. Reception at 6:30, ceremony at 7:00. Junior class has chosen to go to Anna’s in East Hartford afterwards. Need sophomore student volunteers to help set up and clean up
October 27th – Model UN NYC trip. Having bake sale to help raise funds for the trip
November 4th – NYC trip for Art/Music/Chinese students to visit the Museum of Natural Arts and Chinatown
Model UN Conference
State Leadership Conference (overnight)
Committee Reports
- Chairperson needed
Not yet filled
- Continuing restaurant fundraisers and other suggestions
Decision to continue restaurant fundraisers
- Chairperson needed
Linda Drake volunteered
- has been set up for PAC notification. Email communication list has been started and a group email will be set up when chair is assigned. Facebook is also another communication too
Still looking for a Communication chairperson
- Chairperson needed
Not yet filled
- Junior IB Inauguration is October 20th, from 6:00 to 8:00. Coordinator needed as well as several parents to help with set up and clean up. Food donation request to be sent out by Ms. Buck via
(Discussed earlier)
Upcoming Events:
Inauguration 10/20 @ 6:00. Requesting funds for purchasing paper products (Budget?). Also need non Junior parents to help out with supervising, set up and clean up of event.
(Discussed earlier)
Old Business:
Current Openings for 2016-17 PAC Committee Chairs/Officers:
- Hospitality Chair
- Fundraising
- Communications– filled by Linda Drake
New Business:
Next PAC Meeting: Tuesday, November 1st