Proposed Draft Variation (No. 39)
of the
Dublin City Development Plan
The Statutory Display of this proposed Draft Variation (No. 39)
to the Dublin City Development Plan 2005-2011
will be on view to the public from
22nd July 2009 to 18th August 2009 inclusive
Monday to Friday
between the hours of 9.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. at the
Dublin City Council
Civic Offices,
Ground Floor, Block 4,
Wood Quay,
Dublin 8.
RE: Proposed Variation of Dublin City Development Plan 2005-2011.
Lands at Grattan Crescent Park, Inchicore, Dublin 8.
It is proposed to vary the Dublin City Development Plan 2005-2011 by changing the zoning of the subject lands at Grattan Crescent Park:
FromZoning Objective Z9 – To preserve, provide and improve recreational amenity and open space.
To Zoning Objective Z1 – To protect, provide and improve residential amenities.
The subject lands are defined on the attached map.
The subject site has been identified as Opportunity Site 9 in the Inchicore Framework Plan 2006. This urban design plan identifies that Grattan Crescent Park is currently underutilised due to the lack of surveillance and that the potential amenity value of the river frontage has not been recognised. The site brief envisages the development of circa 28 apartments to the rear of existing residential development to Inchicore Road, to protect the backs of existing properties and to provide increased surveillance to the park and river frontage. The proposed works form part of comprehensive redevelopment proposals for the park which will involve the replacement of the existing community hall with a new community building, the redesign of the park to increase usability and the incorporation of an amenity walkway along the riverside.
Location and Description:
The site comprises an area of circa 0.446ha (c. 1 acre) of undeveloped open space at Grattan Crescent Park, Inchicore, to the rear of the Altham Court apartment development and existing housing on Inchicore Road on the northern bank of the Camac River. The site is currently zoned Z9, ‘To preserve, provide and improve recreational amenity and open space. Lands to the south west are zoned Z4, ‘To provide for and improve mixed use services’ while lands on the southern bank of the Camac River are zoned Z6, ’To provide for the creation and protection of enterprise and facilitate opportunities for employment creation’. Richmond Park football stadium is located further to the east. The site has a Conservation Area designation in the current Development Plan which extends to areas such as the War Memorial Gardens, the Liffey Corridor and the Phoenix Park. The site is located outside the Zone of Archaeological Interest.
Planning Context:
It is the policy of Dublin City Council to maintain, improve and enhance the safety of the public in its use and enjoyment of public parks and open spaces and to create networks and linkages to these amenities in order to provide green chains throughout the city. It is an objective of the City Development Plan to develop a walking route along the banks of the river Camac from South Circular Road to Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, which would link to a heritage trail incorporating Kilmainham Jail, IMMA (Royal Hospital) and the War Memorial Gardens.
The park, with no houses overlooking it and only one public frontage along Grattan Crescent, has a relatively low level of passive surveillance. The park is an importance element of open space in the locality, close to the centre of the village and on the proposed ‘green link’ of the Camac Valley. The proposed variation, which will facilitate the consideration of residential development on the site, will contribute to the usability, activity and thus safety of Grattan Crescent Park. A strip of Z9 zoned land will be maintained along the banks of the Camac River to allow for the provision of a pedestrian path and cycle way. The proposed variation conforms to the detailed blueprint for the revitalisation and regeneration of key sites centred around Inchicore set out in the Inchicore Urban Framework Plan 2006 which provides a structure to guide future development in line with the current City Development Plan and the principles of proper planning and development.
Purpose of the Proposed Variation:
The site currently has a Z9 zoning, ‘To preserve, provide and improve recreational amenity and open space’, which precludes the consideration of new residential development on the site. The change of zoning to Z1, ‘To protect, provide and improve residential amenities’, would facilitate the consideration of residential development on the site, in accordance with the objectives of the Inchicore Urban Framework Plan 2006.
Objections and/or representations to this Proposed Draft Variation of the
can be made in writing, to reach:
Tom Vaughan,
Planning Department,
Dublin City Council,
Block 4, Floor 3,
Civic Offices, Wood Quay,
Dublin 8.
Or can be E-Mailed to:
BEFORE 4.30 P.M. ON Tuesday 18th August 2009