AP Euro
Mr. Partin
AP European History
Unit 10: The Post World War World and the New Modern
The chart below contains a complete list of all the assignments and the recommended review for
Spring Break. The schedule for the first week after the break may be amended.
Thurs. 3/20 / Unit 9 Test; Go Over Review: 1715-1870; HW: Work on Review: 1870-Present (Section I)Fri. 3/21 / Read McKay, pp. 989-998 and complete Ch. 30.1 Notes (The Division of Europe and The Western Renaissance)
Mon. 3/24 / Read McKay, pp. 999-1007 and complete Ch. 30.2 Notes (Decolonization and Soviet Eastern Europe)
Tues. 3/25 / Read McKay, pp. 1007-1014 and complete Ch. 30.3 Notes (Postwar Social Transformations)
Wed. 3/26 / Read McKay, pp. 1014-1022 and complete Ch. 30.4 Notes (Conflict and Challenge in the Late Cold War)
Thurs. 3/27 / Study Unit 1 and “Renaissance” section from the “Mother Ship”
Fri. 3/28 / Review Unit 1; Study Unit 2 and “Reformation” and “Religious Wars section from the “Mother Ship”
Mon. 3/31 / Review Unit 2; Study Unit 3 and “Absolutism” section from the “Mother Ship”
Tues. 4/1 / Review Unit 3; Study Unit 4 and “Enlightened Absolutism” section from the “Mother Ship”
Wed. 4/2 / Review Unit 4; Study Unit 5 and “Enlightened Absolutists and the French Revolution” section from the “Mother Ship”
Thurs. 4/3 / Review Unit 5; Study Unit 6 and “Napoleon” section from the “Mother Ship”
Fri. 4/4 / Review Unit 6; Go Over Review: Renaissance to Napoleon
Mon. 4/7 / Review Test I: Renaissance to Napoleon; Work on Review: 1870-Present (Section II); HW: Assignment: Cold War: Who Was Responsible?
Tues. 4/8 / Study for Review Test III: 1450-1715
Wed. 4/9 / Review Test III; Assignment: Cold War: Who Was Responsible?, Parts B-D; HW: Study Unit 7 and “Late 1800s” section from the “Mother Ship”
Key Questions and Terms
Ch. 30.1 Notes: The Division of Europe and The Western Renaissance, pp. 989-998
Discuss the origins of the cold war that emerged from the diplomacy and conflicting goals of the superpowers in World War II. (Include discussion of Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences)
Describe the major incidents growing conflict between the West (the United States and its allies) and the East (the Soviet Union and its allies), 1946-1950. (Include discussions of the “Iron Curtain”, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift, NATO, Warsaw Pact, and the Korean War)
Describe the economic recovery in post-war Western Europe and the economic integration of Western Europe in the Common Market. (Include discussion of de Gaulle, Adenauer, Erhard, Monnet, Schuman, the Treaty of Rome, the Common Market).
Ch. 30.2 Notes: Decolonization and Soviet Eastern Europe; pp. 999-1007
Describe the development and effects of the decolonization movement upon Europe and the world. (Include discussions of Gandhi and nonviolent “noncooperation”, the Chinese Civil War, Ho Chi Minh, the Jews in Palestine, Nasser, and neocolonialism).
Describe the developments in the satellite states of Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe in the years between World War II and Stalin’s death in 1953. (Include discussion of Tito).
Describe the reform of the process of de-Stalinization under Nikita Khrushchev, 1953-1964. (Include discussion of important writers and the Hungarian Revolution).
Discuss the end of reform policies in Eastern Europe and the adoption of the hard line policies of the Brezhnev Doctrine. (Include discussion of why Khrushchev was ousted and Alexander Dubcek and the Czech reform movement of 1968)
Discuss the career and influence of Josip Broz Tito in the establishment of the non-aligned communist state of Yugoslavia. (Why do you think that the breakdown of Yugoslavia into its present ethnic strife began with the death of Tito?)
Ch. 30.3 Notes: Postwar Social Transformations; pp. 1007-1014
Discuss how the Cold War led to Big Science, changes in the middle class, and the counterculture. Were these positive or negative consequences of the Cold War?
Ch. 30.4 Notes: Science and Thought; pp. 1014-1022
Discuss the causes and effects of the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. (Include discussion of Nixon).
Discuss the successes and failures in the policy of détente with between the United States and the Soviet Union in the Cold War. (Include discussion of the Helsinki Agreement and the policies of Brandt, Carter, Reagan, and Thatcher)
Discuss the growth of the Women’s Movement in the 1970’s and its impact. (Include discussions of Beauvoir, Friedan, and NOW).
Describe the causes and circumstances of the economic crises of the 1970’s and the social effects of the economic crises of the 1970’s and early 1980’s and major developments of the period. (include discussion of OPEC, the misery index, and the policies of Thatcher, Reagan, and Mitterrand during this period)
The chart below contains a complete list of all the assignments and the recommended review for
April 10-25. It is subject to change.
Thurs. 4/10 / Review Unit 7; Study for Review Test IV: 1715-1870Fri. 4/11 / Review Test IV; HW: Read McKay, pp. 1027-1034 and complete Ch. 31.1
Notes (The Decline of Communism in Eastern Europe)
Sat. 4/12 / FRQ Outline 30.1
Sun. 4/13 / Ch. 30 Review
Mon. 4/14 / Read McKay, pp. 1034-1040 and complete Ch. 31.2 Notes (The Revolutions of 1989)
Tues. 4/15 / Ch. 31.1 & 31.2 Notes Due; Quiz 31.1 & 31.2; TBA; HW: Read McKay, pp. 1040-1051 and complete Ch. 31.3 Notes (Building a New Europe in the 1990s)
Wed. 4/16 / Read McKay, pp. 1051-1061 and complete Ch. 31.4 Notes (New Challenges in the Twenty-first Century and The Future in Perspective)
Thurs. 4/17 / Ch. 31.3 & 31.4 Notes Due; TBA; HW: FRQ Outline 31.1
Fri. 4/18 / Read and Group Documents for DBQ (Highlight/Annotate; No SOAPS); Complete DBQ Construction Worksheet;
Sat. 4/19 / Outline DBQ
Sun. 4/20 / Ch. 31 Review
Mon. 4/21 / Unit 10 Test; Finish Review: 1870-Present (Section III); HW: Study Unit 8 and “Imperialism” and “World War I and Its Aftermath” sections from the “Mother Ship”
Tues. 4/22 / Review Unit 8; Study Unit 9 and “Interwar Years and World War II” section from the “Mother Ship”
Wed. 4/23 / Review: 1870-Present Due; Go Over Review: 1870-Present; HW: Review Unit 9; Study Unit 10 and “Europe Since World War II” section from the “Mother Ship”
Thurs. 4/24 / Review Unit 10; Study for Review Test V: 1870-Present
Fri. 4/25 / Review Test V: 1870-Present; HW: Power of the Printed Word
Key Questions and Terms
Ch. 31.1 Notes: The Decline of Communism in Eastern Europe, pp. 1027-1034
Describe the rise of the Solidarity movement in Poland confronting the hardline regime of
General Wojciech Jaruzelski. (Include discussion of Pope John Paul II, Walesa, and the
Gdansk Agreement)
How did the reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev, in reaction to Leonid Brezhnev, lead to the collapse of the Soviet Bloc and disintegration of the Soviet Union? (Include discussion of perestroika and glasnost)
Ch. 31.2 Notes: The Revolutions of 1989; pp. 1034-1040
Describe the reasons for the opposition to communist rule by Václav Havel and the differences between his goals and the earlier reforms of Alexander Dubcek.
Describe the end of the Cold War coming with German reunification and the resulting decline of the Soviet Union as a superpower. (Include discussion of the Paris Accord, Ceausescu, and Kohl)
Ch. 31.3 Notes: Building a New Europe in the 1990s; pp. 1040-1051
Discuss the general economic, social, and political trends in Europe in the post-Cold War era of the 1990s. (Include discussion of Globalization and the European Union)
Describe the reform polices and changes in the new Russia of the 1990s. (Include discussion of “shock therapy” and the policies of Yeltsin and Putin).
Discuss the progress of reform policies transforming the Eastern Europe. (Include discussion comparing the countries of Eastern Europe)
Describe the disintegration of the federation of Yugoslavia and the resulting wars among the ethnic groups. (Include discussion of Milosevic)
Describe the policies of Western European governments in the 1990’s and progress toward integration and unity. (Include discussion of the Maastricht Treaty)
Ch. 31.4 Notes: New Challenges in the Twenty-first Century; pp. 1051-1061
Discuss the prospects for the future of Europe in the new millennium.
FRQ Outline Questions
30.1 Analyze the factors responsible for decolonization since the Second World War.
31.1 Analyze three reasons for the end of Soviet domination over Eastern Europe.
Studying textbook chapters and sections of the “Mother Ship”
1. Reread all your notes for the chapter and the Chapter Review
2. Read the appropriate section of the “Mother Ship”
3. Determine which concepts, terms, people, and events you feel you understand well and which ones you are uncertain you know well. Pay particular attention to the material in the “Mother Ship”
4. Make note of, or highlight, concepts, terms, people, and events you do not understand well. Consider making flashcards (Strongly recommended).
5. Take your time and study carefully and thoroughly. Devote whatever time is necessary for you to complete this task.
Reviewing textbook chapters and sections of the “Mother Ship”
1. Study only those concepts, terms, people, and events you previously identified as not knowing well. Do not go over things you already know well.
2. Determine which of those concepts, terms, people, and events you now feel you understand well and which ones you still do not know well.
3. Make note of, or highlight, those things you still do not know well. (Divide the flashcards into two groups – Stuff you know well and stuff you still are uncertain about).
4. Take your time and study carefully and thoroughly. Devote whatever time is necessary for you to complete this task. It should take much less time than your initial study above.
Reviewing more than two chapters and multiple sections of the “Mother Ship”
1. Repeat steps from previous directions above.