Town of Wales
Selectman's Meeting
July 11, 2017
Attendance: Paul Burgess, Chair; Eric Gagnon, Selectman Secretary; Randall Greenwood, Selectman; Sharon Siegel, Treasurer;Bill Austin, Public Works Director; Anthony Siderio, Fire & Rescue Chief; Scott Dimmick, Deputy Fire Chief.
- Called to order at 6:00pm
- Reviewed minutes from 6/27/17. Motion to approve minutes from 6/27/17. Moved Eric, Second Paul. Approved 2-0-1
- Organizational:
Chair: Nominated Paul Burgess. Moved Randy, Second Eric. Approved 3-0-0
Sabattus Dam Commission: Nominated Eric. Moved Paul, Second Randy. Approved3-0-0
Secretary: Nominated Eric. Moved Paul, Second Randy. Approved 3-0-0
General Assistance: Nominated Randy. Moved Eric, Second Paul. Approved 3-0-0
Fire Department:
- Tony asked to go into Executive Session. Motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 6 A Personnel Matter. Moved Eric, Second Paul. Approved. Exited Executive Session at 6:22pm. No action.
- 3 Engines are going to be tested this week. Engine 32 passed had to bring the idle up still within guidelines.
- Still waiting for the new extrication tool, still waiting on a part. Discussed the old unit and the plan to sell it. Discussed age and our use.
First Responder/Rescue:
- Electrical issue with Rescue, new alternator and battery. Thought was solved but it isn’t. It has acted up again. Discussed replacing it in the next few years.
- Interesting Call recently.
- Things have picked up a little bit.
Public Works:
- Andrews Road about $15,000 short even with last years roll over. Adding gravel and grinding. Discussed options. Pull from budget? Bill will put it out to bid and see where the numbers actually come. He feels confidant he can pull out of maintenance budget. We agree.
- Bought a Zero turn Toro mower. $3,700.00.
- Inventory all signs, culverts and products and tools.
- Discussed the Ridge Road Extension and that we haven’t maintained it in years. Discussed the process to discontinue.
- Will be cleaning and sealing the salt shed concrete.
- Moved the second tank to Public works building, now the pump will work with both. It will allow the contractor to fill their trucks with whatever product they need.
- Discussed the Plow contractor. Goodall. Salt priority, no sweeping, ditching.
- Elevator renewal: Newly enforced requirement. Stanely needs to create a Manual Control Program Book. $175.00 Stanely will make, install and notify the state to release the Certificate. Sharon is working on this.
- Smoke Detector wasn’t tested. ER Field never came in April. Sharon is working on this.
- Providence Way is now the road to the Tower.
- Bill has 4 machines to look at: 2 at Milton and 2 at Waterman.
- Paul and Arthur went to Overlook Drive but no one was there. They looked at the property. Need to be there first thing in the morning to catch someone there. Paul will see if Arthur will go with him tomorrow.
- Reviewed Town of Wales CEO Journal June 2017. Discussed the road and stormwater.
- Humane Society Renewal. Motion to authorize Paul to sign the Androscoggin Humane Society Contract. Moved Eric, Second Paul. Approved 2-1-0. Randy Against.
- Correspondence from Town Managers for Cable company franchises. Proposal provided, cost dependent on Towns that sign on. Prices good through August 4th. Would cost us at least $3,500.00 up to $5,000.00. Motion to table and have Sharon reach out to Greene to get more information. Moved Randy, Second Paul. Approved 3-0-0
- Updated Property and Casualty Insurance from MMA. Not much change in price.
- Loss Control Inspection Report came in. 7 items deficient, all pretty much housekeeping issues. Trip Hazard Decon room, Breathable air cert at cascade system, Playground equipment (new bridge, bolts need acorn caps), chemical storage out of food prep issue, clean popcorn machine, toaster oven cleaning, stop storing cooking oil and grease on cooking surface, fire suppression system needs to be discontinued or inspected annually by company and monthly in house. Paul will look into getting this back in service.
- R2 Lot 6 is in Open Space, divided to 2 lots and both have sold, Sharon called Paul Binette for the Penalty for the Title Company. Paul figured it out on the whole piece as it is less that way, but closings are happening 2 weeks apart. Are we OK with that. Discussed and agreed we are OK. No risk, State would get involved if the second piece fell through.
- Mr. Hamm was supposed to be here tonight. He complained to Sharon about the smell of the neighboring property. Department of Agriculture had put a stop slaughter order on the property. Brian Johnson owns the property in question. Arthur has been on the phone with Department of Agriculture. A letter from the Health Officer may help. Sharon and Paul will follow up on this. We will make this a priority for Arthur while the Brownell property is on hold until August.
- Reviewed Budget, Bills, Checkrun and Payments for July 11, 2017. Motion to approve the warrant for July, 11 2017. Moved Eric, Second Randy. Approved 3-0-0.
- Without objection Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:37pm.