July 26, 2016
The Board of Education of the School District of Marshall met in regular session on July 26, 2016 in the Central Office at 12:00 p.m.
Present: President Larry Godsey, and Members Mike Mills, Jeff Hemeyer, Leslie Huston, Brad Guthrey, Tim Schulte, and Ed Harper. Also Carol Maher Superintendent of Schools; Linda Perkins, Board Secretary; Terry Lorenz, Assistant Superintendent; Kristen Niemeyer, Athletic Director/Assistant Superintendent; Terri Porter, Director of Special Services; employees and patrons of the district; Aaron Hustead, representing Democrat News; and Hobby King, representing KMMO.
Absent: None
On a motion by Mr.Hemeyer, seconded by Mr. Guthrey, the board unanimously approved the minutes of the June 21 board meeting, the July bills totaling $893,073.36, the monthly finance reports, the final reading of 2016B MSBA updates, and re-adoption of MPS Board of Education Goals which are as follows:
- Goal1: The MarshallPublicSchool District will provide and maintain a safe and supportive environment which contributes to the academic success, confidence, and happiness of all students.
- Goal 2:MarshallPublic Schools will recruit, support, and retain highly effective and efficient teachers, staff, and leaders who find joy in the workplace and are dedicated to the district’s mission of excellence.
- Goal 3:MarshallPublic Schools will encourage the involvement of all students, families, school employees, and taxpayers and will work to establish and maintain cooperation across the entire school community.
- Goal 4:MarshallPublic Schools will be fiscally responsible with taxpayer money, including as many community members as possible in short and long-range decision making pertaining to continuous improvement of district facilities and educational offerings.
On a motion by Mrs. Huston, seconded by Mr.Harper, the board unanimously adopted the agenda for the remainder of the meeting.
Gregory Thompson addressed the board regarding keeping student bathrooms and restrooms gender specific.
Dr. Terry Lorenz, Assistant Superintendent, gave the board a list of district wide facility/maintenance projects being completed or will be completed in the future.
Dr. Lorenz presented two bids he had received for concrete work on the high school sidewalk and driveway. On a motion by Mrs. Huston, seconded by Mr. Schulte, the board accepted the bid from Thompson Quality Construction Inc. in the amount of $61,676.40. The motion carried on the following vote:
Ayes: Schulte, Huston, Godsey, Hemeyer, Harper, Guthrey
Nayes: None
Abstain: Mills
Dr. Lorenz presented two bids he had received for a new phone system for the district. On a motion by Mrs. Huston seconded by Mr. Mills the board unanimously accepted a bid from Converged Technology Solutions (CTS) in the amount of $27,320.20.
On a motion by Mr. Guthrey, seconded by Mr. Hemeyer, the board unanimously approved the following Special Education and Federal Programs contracts:
- Kathy Monning for supervision of LPN nurses – 30/hour
- FitzgibbonHospital for PT services - $75/hour for PT and $55/hour for PTA
- Perkins Freedom Mobility for vision services - $85/hour
- Research to Practice, LLC for supervision of SLPA - $65/hour
- Crossroads Behavioral Consultants for staff training on working with students with behavior challenges – $85/hour on-campus; $65/hour off-campus
- Lamp and Light Electric for IT work for Great Circle
On a motion by Mr. Schulte, seconded by Mrs. Huston, the board unanimously approved the free and reduced lunch forms.
On a motion by Mr. Harper, seconded by Mr. Mills, the board unanimously approved to appoint Terry Lorenz as fiscal and legal representative.
On a motion by Mr. Guthrey, seconded by Mrs. Huston, the date of August 23, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. was set for the tax rate hearing.
On a motion byMr. Schulte, seconded by Mr. Guthrey, the meeting adjourned at 12:58 p.m. to reconvene in executive session with closed record and closed vote pursuant Section 610.021 (3) hiring, terminating disciplining or promoting, and Section 610.021 (13) personnel records, evaluations, applications. The motion carried on a roll call vote.
Ayes: Godsey,Mills,Guthrey, Harper, Schulte, Huston, Hemeyer
Nayes: None
In executive session on a motion by Mr. Guthrey, seconded by Mr. Harper, the board voted to go into closed session with closed record and closed vote. The motion carried on a roll call vote.
Ayes: Godsey, Mills,Guthrey, Harper, Schulte, Huston, Hemeyer
Nayes: None
The board accepted the resignations of Zachary Pannell, BMS Special Education Paraprofessional and Joe Brooks, Bus Driver and approved the employment of Ashley Wiecken, Early Childhood Teacher; Lori Leicher, BMS Department Chairperson; Ashley Bredehoeft, Head Volleyball Coach; Whitney Tuck, BMS 7thGrade Basketball; and Eden DeGonia, Social Worker. They also approved increasingSidney Ehrhardt, Missouri Options Teacher, pay from $20 to $25.
The meeting adjourned at 1:27 p.m.
President, Board of Education Secretary, Board of Education
The next meeting of the Marshall Board of Education is Tuesday, August 23 at 5:30 p.m. in the Central Office.