Korporatiivne poliitika ja kohalik praktika Hansapanga grupi personalijuhtimises
A/s Hansabanka is the business unit of Hansabank Group since summer 1996, when Hansapank acquired Deutsch-Lettiche Bank in Latvia. Integration of the acquired company with the mother’s organization was a delicate and complicated process. We were building our business on a good reputation of Hansapank, its business ethics, combined with our commitment to succeed. We have been working closely together, using corporate expertise of our shareholders and developed it on good understanding of the local market situation.
On the human resources management side, right after the merger we organized information flows, developed internal newspaper, where most of the corporate decisions and actions were described. That helped to create open and democratic environment for successful future corporation, as well as decreased the initial resistance to change.
At early stages we conducted management audit, which helped to identify the situation of HR processes in the organization at that time. Based on situation analysis, together with Hansapank’s HR experts, we developed a plan of necessary HR activities. We stated at the very beginning of the corporation process, that in order to gain success in human resources management, local characteristics and conditions have to be carefully considered. We implemented Hansabank’s Group HR policies, such as recruitment, development and compensation and by adapting them we made sure that there is added extra thought to local legislation, politics, cultures, market situation.
HR processes of Hansabanka have been managed quite independently – we have our own recruitment centre, reward systems, training centre, development programmes, administration office and others. Although with the globalization processes and further business development of Hansabank Group, more and more emphasis is put on the pan-Baltic Human resources management and corporation. Now HR teams of all business units are together building new HR mission and strategies based on Group’s business strategy. By working together we put emphasis on sharing corporate expertise, our experience and knowledge by both open and web-based communication. We believe that becoming really pan-Baltic organization means similar performance and career management systems, which are best developed by putting common effort of all HR professionals and then use local knowledge when implementing them in business units all over the Group.
We have achieved our business success by wisely using corporate knowledge and experience of Hansabank Group in combination with good local understanding and practice.