
Pro-forma checklist for EHA completion

(Can be used in conjunction with Northumberland Thresholds Document and Northumberland Single Assessment Framework)

  • Reason for EHA: State clear reasons why the child/young person needs an EHA.
  • Current situation:Include what is happening presently include strategies that may have been undertaken before the completion of the EHA.
  • Child/young persons developmental needs:(include current strengths & needs)
  • Consent:Form must be signed by family/young person and also think about with whom will the EHA be shared especially with family members who are not blood relations. Also, professionals to consider, with parents’ permission, which agencies can have a copy of the EHA and who information can be shared with. In the case of a family who are not blood relatives, then the professional may have to consider separate EHAs being undertaken if there is an issue with sharing information with family members with parental responsibility.
  • Email Addresses: When contacting families via email, please follow your own agency’s guidelines on this as not all email addresses are secure to hold confidential information.
  • Health: Look at current conditions, health concerns affecting unborn child, impairments, access to GP, dentist, optician, are immunisations up to date, developmental checks, hospital admissions, accidents, health and advice.
  • Education: Include understanding, imaginative play(age appropriate), problem solving, access and engagement, attendance, participation, progress and achievement in learning, any aspirations, confidence & motivation. Schools shouldalso add involvement of LIST if any, strategies that may have been implemented already with the child.
  • Emotional and behavioural development:Early indicators of childhood neglect and emotional abuse can manifest themselves in early life. Attachments, risky behaviour/self-harm (age appropriate) phobias, psychological difficulties, coping with stress, positive attitudes, confidence, and relationships with peers, feeling isolated or often unhappy.
  • Identity & social presentation:Knowledge of personal/family history, perceptions of self, how they fit into the family, experiences of discrimination due to race, religion, age, gender sexuality and disability. How a young person presents themselves to you in terms of their appearance.
  • Family & Social relationships:Can the child/young person demonstrate empathy with others. What formal and informal support networks are in place from extended family or others. Day care, places of worship, transport, shops, leisure facilities unemployment social networks, religion.
  • Basic Care/Ensuring safety: Do the children have adequate clothing, are they well fed, is the housing suitable for them. Are they kept safe from harm, think about if there are safety procedures in place when children go out to play?
  • Emotional Warmth/Stimulation /Stability: Do the parents have a warm relationship with the child, have they lived in the area for a long time or have there been frequent moves. Is praise and encouragement given to the child?
  • Guidance & boundaries: Modelling positive behaviour, discuss routine and appropriate discipline, avoiding over protection.
  • Family History & functioning:Exploring and understanding family history is crucial to the assessment process. It can explain a family’s journey and give clues as to where they are at that moment in time. How a family functions is influenced by who is living in the household and how they relate to the child. You can also think about if there have been any illness, bereavement violence or parental substance misuse which may have had an impact on the child and family. Has there been any criminality, anti-social behaviour, relationship breakdowns, physical disability and mental health, abusive behaviour.
  • Social resources/ Wider family: What networks are available to the family, do they access daycare, places of worship, community resources, do they have support from wider family members or friends, look at peer groups and social networks.
  • Housing: Water/heating/sanitation facilities, sleeping arrangements, any problems with housing, area. Overcrowding that has a potential impact on child’s health or development.
  • Employment/Income: Families who are experiencing poverty do not necessarily neglect their children and poverty is not a single factor in neglect cases. Points to consider are the family members working? Do they have any existing debts? Can they manage on a budget if on benefits? Remember poverty is not just about money. Families living on a low income and living in poverty may affect access to appropriate services to meet child’s needs.
  • Consideration of safety & strengths:This section focusses on what the strengths are for the family, what are the needs, challenges and concerns for the family. Practitioners need to include protection, parental cooperation, and motivation to change and the impact on the child now.Also to include the family or young person views and wishes. Professionals should consider if the EHA needs to be stepped up to Social Care.
  • Immediate Action Plan: What needs to happen now- before you organise the TAF meeting(Immediate Actions to be done)

Registering the EHA:

  • Once you have consent then you must register your EHA by if you have a query you can ringbyringing 01670 629289/629273
  • You will be asked for some basic details – such as the child/children’s name, address and DOB. Also thename of the Author and Lead Professional, and a date for the first Team around the Family meeting.
  • You will be sent a confirmation of the registration showing the details as above, which will include the EHA id number.
  • Also for audit purposes, you will be asked to send a copy of the EHA form . This is a secure email. You will need to check if your agency’s email is secure to email documents to this email address.

Changes and Closure of the EHA:

  • Once the EHA has been registered, if there are any changes then please contact EHA Registrations. For example, to inform of next TAF meeting, change of Lead Professional or closure.
  • Whenever there is a TAF meeting you mustinform the database of thedate of next TAF meeting.
  • And finally when the EHA ends, then please ring 01670 629289/629273to close the EHA and complete the closure formand send a copy to the EHA database.

For further information see