I want to thank everyone who attended the annual January meeting and apologize to everyone, especially new members, for the bickering and personal attacks that went on then and prior to the meeting. We will never make this park the best in the valley until we examine our thoughts and our sources of rumors before we act. We don’t want our
logo to be “Together we COULD HAVE made this the best park in the valley”. Rumors have a way of spreading, and changing as they spread. Seek out a board director or myself or others to verify the value of stories you hear.
We only have February and March meetings left, and then it’s time to go home for the majority of us. The winter is passing fast, as are the lives we lead. Let’s make these final few months here in the valley a good time to remember and a place we want to return to next fall.
Your new board members have jumped right in, hoping to do what is expected of them. It’s a tough job and they know that and with your help they will make this the park we all want. Each director is a liason for individual committees. This list will be posted outside the main office for your review.
Regarding burning – I have talked with the Fire Marshal; there is no ban on chimineas. There is a restriction on materials to be burned – no plastic or rubber and of course, no garbage and no treated wood. Have consideration for your neighbors. And have a great season here in Hidden Valley Ranch.
Jan Coon, President
General Membership Meeting
9:00 a.m., Saturday, February 11th, 2006
H.V.R.P.O.A. Clubhouse
Call to Order-Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome and Introduction of First Timers
Introduction of Board Members
Reading & Approval of December Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
President’s Report/Announcements
Activity Coordinator Report
Committee Reports Including:
Long Range Planning Committee
Dance Committee
Architectural Committee
Environmental Committee
Covenant / 55 and Older Report
Unfinished Business Including:
Javelinas / Burning
New Business Including:
Security Report
Other Announcements
Report from King & Queen
50/50 Drawing
(NOTE: Dues must be current prior to the meeting, including 2006 , or attendance and/or proxy at the meeting will not be permitted.)
In accordance with the bylaw amendment passed in January 2005, proxy forms are now available from the business office during regular business hours or by mail or fax. Persons naming another member as their proxy should contact that member to determine if he/she plans to attend the meeting and is willing to serve as his/her proxy. Individual members may hold only four (4) proxies each.
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January 14, 2006
Vice President: Sandi Kienast
Treasurer: Carol McCulloch
Board Member: Ron Kling
Board Member: Margaret Leonard
12 Month Park Security: Passed
Change Quorum to 200 members: Failed
Dick Grissom, 2402 E. Bogey Drive, 584-1756
John Wardell, 2308 Fairway Court, 580-7958
PURPOSE: Pre-approve new and revised plot plans and lot improvements, including, but not limited to, concrete drives, patios, awnings, new structures, building additions, fences and placement of mobile homes and park models (any unit more than 7 years old must be inspected).
1. Plans and drawings for approval should be delivered to the H.V.R.P.O.A. business office where they will be held for pick up by the Committee.
2. The Architectural Committee will meet once each week to review plans.
3. Any non-conformance of plans will be discussed with property owners as to the changes required before approval can be given.
4. Concerns and/or complaints by property owners regarding any architectural matter must be made in WRITING and delivered to the business office.
5. Concerns and/or complaints will be reviewed by the Committee at its next scheduled meeting and the results of this review will be delivered to the property owners in WRITING.
6. A copy of descriptions of all setbacks, easements, heights of buildings, awnings, etc., will be included with approvals and receipts of same to be signed by property owners.
7. All architectural approvals will be completed within seven (7) days after receipt and will be valid for one year from date of signed approval.
8. All property owners will be notified and may pick up their approval plans at the business office.
9. All approvals will be signed by at least two (2) members of the Committee.
10. Property owners must notify the Committee of the arrival date of all mobile homes and park models that will be located in Hidden Valley.
Always remember to forget the troubles that pass
your way; BUT NEVER forget the blessings that
come each day.
Have a wonderful day with many *smiles*
Frank Bell, 7503 Birdie Drive, 580-0238
Leonard Klontz, 2113 Lost Greens Drive, 585-0666
Jack Parish, 7600 Broken Tee Drive, 581-1699
Marvin Rahn, 7521 Par Drive, 584-7996
Lyle Shaver, 7500 Birdie Drive, 584-7940
PURPOSE: Hear all requests by any lot owner concerning a violation of the covenants or any rules set out by the Board of Directors.
¨ CLUBHOUSE HOURS: 6:30am to 10:00pm
¨ COPIES: $.10 per page in Business Office.
¨ ENTRANCE GATE HOURS: 6:00am to 9:00pm
¨ FAX NUMBER: 956-580-4478; $1.00 per page.
¨ GARBAGE BAGS: May be purchased Monday through Friday between 10:00 am and 4:00pm at 7512 Par; Chairmen>Jane Rahn, 584-7996; $1.40 each or 5 for $7.00.
Garbage will be picked up in W.M. bags ONLY on Friday morning NO loose trash or other garbage bags will be collected.
¨ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: Held second Saturday in November, December, February, and March; Annual Membership Meeting held second Saturday in January.
¨ LAUNDRY HOURS: 6:30am – 10pm.
¨ LIBRARY HOURS: 6:30am – 10pm. Please return books to box for reshelving; donations gratefully accepted.
¨ NEWSPAPER: Self-service box is located in front of Clubhouse and The Monitor is available each morning at approximately 7:00am; $.50 daily and $1.25 Sunday.
¨ OFFICE HOURS: 9:00am-12:00noon Monday through Friday.
¨ PROPANE: In-park delivery Monday, Wednesday and Friday; place sign in unit window for service.
¨ RECYCLING: Thursday 7:00am - 9:30am; Taken away at 10:00am ALUMNUM CANS ONLY!
Chairman>Paul Hills, 585-9290.
¨ TELEPHONE: Located in Laundry Room—no charge for local or 800 calls; no long distance available.
If at first you don't succeed,
skydiving is not for you!
Anything not nailed down is a cat toy.
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Activity Coordinator: Donna Smith 583-2207
(Check the Weekly Activity’s Board
and/or Calendar for Any Exceptions)
¨ BIBLE STUDY: Thursday 10am in library.
¨ BICYCLE CLUB: 8:00 am Tuesday in front of Club-house; sign-up sheet; helmets and vests suggested (a few vests are available in the Clubhouse); stop for breakfast. Check board for details.
¨ BILLIARDS: MEN: Practice 9:00am Wednesday including 9-ball, 8-ball singles, 8-ball doubles, 1-15 singles, 1-15 doubles and 8-ball mixed doubles; 6:30pm Monday; 6:30pm Friday Chairman-Louie Cagler, 583-3978. WOMEN: Practice 9:00am Thursday including 8-ball, 9-ball and 8-ball mixed doubles; 6:30pm Tuesday, interpark play; Chairperson-June Furman, 581-5429.
¨ BINGO: Wednesday; doors open at 6:00pm and play starts at 7:00pm; cards $.50 each; open to all Martin Park residents—MUST WEAR BADGES!! Co-Chairmen>Dennis and Kathy Papenfuss, 584-1404.
¨ BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS: 7:30-9:30am Friday in Pool Room; Jan Gottberg, R.N.
¨ BOWLING: 9:00am Thursday; Valley Bowl; $2.00 per game/2 games;
Chairperson-Lucy Cagler, 583-3978.
¨ BREAKFAST: 7:30-8:30am Friday; check for sign-up sheet and details.
Chairperson-Jane Rahn 584-7996.
ª BRIDGE: 1:00pm Tuesday and Friday; no charge; Chairperson-Lou Gasspar, 424-0803; sign-up sheet; PLEASE notify chairperson if unable to play so a substitute can be found.
ª BUNCO (Dice Game): 12:30pm second Wednesday only; sign-up sheet; must have groups of twelve;
Chairperson-Barb Joslin, 585-6341.
ª CRIBBAGE: 12:30pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday; no charge; Chairperson-Margaret Therman 583-5605 (WTAA Tournaments held bi-monthly in various parks in the valley—check bulletin board for details.)
ª DOMINOES (Couples): 6:00pm Sunday;
no charge
ª ELEVEN: 6:00pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday. Bring 1 quarter and 12 nickels per game. We play 2 games.
Chairperson-Libby Steen 581-8124
ª EUCHRE: 6:30pm Thursday; cost $.25; sign-up sheet.
Chairpersons-Joe Darlene Roberts, 583-2852
ª GARBAGE POKER: 1:00pm Monday, Tuesday and Friday; cost pennies;
Chairperson-Libby Steen 581-8124.
ª PEGS AND JOKERS: 6:30pm Sunday; no charge;
Chairpersons-Bob Bobbie Dudeck, 519-0460
ª POKER: 6:00pm Tuesday and Thursday; cost nickels, dimes and quarters.
ª SEVENS: 6pm Tuesday;
Chairperson – Donna Schmidt, 279-2231.
ª SHANGHAI: 12:30pm Thursday; cost $.45; Chairperson-Vonnie Roden, 583-8531
¨ CHOIR PRACTICE: 4:00pm Wednesday; Director>Darlene Roberts, 583-2852.
¨ CHURCH SERVICE: 9:00am Sunday; Pastor Clyde Shatswell officiating; coffee served at 8:30am.
¨ CRAFT SHOWS: Held monthly; lunch served; table rental $5.00;
Chairperson-Pat Baller, 583-3995.
¨ DANCES: Saturday 7:00pm; cost $3.50; check bulletin board for complete schedule;
Chairperson-Bill Rosicky 402-340-0008.
¯ CLOGGING: Tuesday (beginner) 10:15am – 11:30am; Wednesday (intermediate) 9:30am – 10:45am; Friday (Extra Practice, Intermediate / Beginner) 10:00am – 11:15am; cost $1.65 donation;
Instructors-Bill and Martha Stahl, 584-9962.
¯ EXERCISE/LINE DANCING: 8:00am Monday thru Thursday; no charge;
Contact Bobbie Dudeck, 519-0460.
¯ LINE DANCING: (beginner/intermediate) Monday 9:00am-11:00am, Tuesday 9:00am-10:15am; no charge; Instructors-Karen and Ken Weinberg, 583-1345.
¯ TRAIL DANCING: 1:00pm Thursday; Instructors-Fred and Yvonne Kamradt,
584-9089; $4.00/couple.
¨ ENTERTAINMENT: Watch bulletin board for particulars;
Co-Chairpersons - Lew and Rita Fry 581-8653;
Ray and Helen Lathrop 581-6931.
¨ 50/50 TICKETS: Sold at most activities and meetings; winners receive one-half of proceeds; park retains one-half;
Chairperson-Neve Catt 580-6719.
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¨ GOLF: HVR MIXED: Couples encouraged, but singles are welcome; 11:00am Friday; normal green fees plus $1.00; sign-up sheet in Pool Room; teams to be determined at time of play; Chairpersons-John and Elaine Sahlstrand, 519-6360; dinner every second week; LADIES: 8:30am Monday, sign-up sheet and tee times posted in Pool Room; normal green fees plus $1.00; Chairperson-Janet Craft, 583-5156; MEN: (Sodbusters): 11:00am Tuesday (limited slots available); Chairperson-Stan Hurst.
¨ INDIANA BREAKFAST: 9:00am fourth Saturday of each month; sign-up sheet on the bulletin board; Chairpersons-Neve Catt, 580-6719, and Janice Hughes, 519-4996.
¨ INTERNET AVAILABLE: Internet connection available in Library: Monday & Wednesday
6am-12pm 3pm-10pm; Tuesday 6am-1pm 3pm-10pm; Thursday 6am-10am 3pm-10pm; Friday 6am-8am 3pm-6pm; Saturday & Sunday 6am-10pm.
¨ IOWA BREAKFAST: 8:30am third Monday of each month, Granny’s Restaurant;
Chairpersons-Hank and Barb Joslin, 585-6341.
¨ JAM: 6:00pm Friday;
Emcee- Al Byrnes, 580-4168; everyone welcome!
¨ LADIES SALAD LUNCHEON: Watch bulletin board for particulars;
Chairperson-Jane Rahn, 584-7996.
¨ MINNESOTA DINNER 3:30pm First Thursday; Mr. Gatti’s; sign-up sheet;
Chairperson-Carol Liupakka, 581-3239.
¨ MISSOURI LUNCHEON: 1:00pm First Wednesday of each month; Mr. Gatti’s; Chairperson-Beverly Worl, 581-3566; sign-up sheet
¨ NEBRASKA BREAKFAST: 7:30am Thursdays at Danny’s.
¨ NEWSLETTER: Published monthly; please submit corrections, articles or other information by the 25th of the month. Info submitted later may not get included. Notes on committees, activities, announcements, thanks, and notes of general community interest should contain no more than 100 words. Please include your name and phone number and send via or drop off at office door slot. Editors-Ann and Chuck Neuenschwander 519-8553
¨ PETER PIPER PIZZA: 1:00pm third Thursday; Chairpersons-R.J. and Joyce Ennis, 585-8590; sign-up.
¨ PRESENTATIONS: Watch bulletin board for program particulars; Chairperson-Donna Smith, 581-3239.
¨ QUILTING CLUB: 12:00pm Tuesday; Chairperson- Yvonne Morvig, 519-7630.
¨ SHUFFLEBOARD: 9:00am Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday; no charge; Chairpersons-Doris and Don Swanson, 584-1419.
¨ STAINED GLASS CLASS: 12:30pm-4:00pm Friday; cost $10.00 for four lessons; a new class will start Feb 10th. See Craft Sign up book. Instructor-Linda Williams, 424-7574.
¨ TOURS: Information posted in Library; Chairpersons-Dick Tootsie Schneider, 583-0937.
¨ VIDEO LIBRARY: Video rental 10:00am to 12:00pm Monday and Friday; $.25 charge; video donations accepted (should be originals); used DVDs purchased;
Chairperson-Eileen Smith, 519-6674.
¨ WATER AEROBICS: 9:30am Tuesday and Thursday; also use jugs; no charge; Instructor-Mary Jenkins, 581-7606;
9:00am Monday, Wednesday and Friday; no charge; (tape only--no instruction); Contact-Jerri Sapp, 519-6705.
¨ WATER VOLLEYBALL: 1:00pm Tuesday and Thursday; no charge; Chairperson-Marge O’Neal, 583-6705.
¨ WISCONSIN BREAKFAST: 8:30am third Wednesday of each month; Danny’s Restaurant, Tom Landry Drive, Mission; Chairperson-Linda Kling, 583-7787.
¨ WOOD CARVERS: 1:00pm Tuesday; no charge; Instructor-Bill Anderson, 581-6686.
Note from the Editors:
Clarification of Acceptable Articles
for Publication
We have checked with prior editors and believe we are continuing with the policies of the past.
As editors, we do not want to open up the Crier to articles that concern issues with the board and/or personality conflicts within the park. We do not have the time to investigate articles of controversy to make sure the Crier would not be guilty of continuing to spread hearsay or half-truths.
We want the Crier to be a pleasant experience and will continue to publish articles and information about park meetings, committees, activities, announcements, thanks, and notes of general interest. The “President’s Corner” is continuing as in the past.
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Changes? Deletions? Additions? Please contact the newsletter/calendar editors, Ann and Chuck Neuenschwander, at or . If you do not have access to e-mail, you can drop off information at the office door slot. Be sure to include your name and phone number.