Class Scheduling – BasicsMaintain Schedule of Classes
Class Scheduling-Basics
Oct 2006
Rev 2
Class Scheduling-Basics
This course explains how to maintain a schedule of classes in PeopleSoft 8.9 Student Administration
Course Objectives
This course explains:
- Create a schedule of classes.
- Schedule a class section.
- Add a topics section.
- Add meeting patterns to a scheduled class.
- Run a report listing the schedule of classes for a term
Table of Contents
Class Scheduling- Basics
Course Objectives
Table of Contents
Class Scheduling Process
Maintain Schedule of Class Component
Basic Data Page
Meetings Page
Enrollment Cntrl Page
Reserve Capacity Page
Class Notes Page
Schedule Class Meetings Components
Practice I – Add New Section to Schedule of Classes
Exercise 1-1: Scheduling a Class Section-Verify Course Attributes
Exercise 1-2: Scheduling a Class Section—Adding a Class Note
Exercise 1-3: Scheduling a Class Section-Adding a Free Form Text Note
Exercise 1–4: Scheduling a Class Section – Special Topics
Exercise 1–5: Scheduling a Class Section –Off-Campus Location
Practice 2 – Cancelling a Section
Exercise 2.1: – Cancelling a Section
Adjust Class Association Component
Class Association Page
Class Components
Class Requisites
Update Sections of a Class Component
Practice 3 – Adjust Class Associations, Components and Requisites
Exercise 3-1: Adjusting Class Associations
Print the Schedule of Classes
Print Class Schedule Page
Report Option Page
Practice 3 – Printing the Schedule of Classes
Class Roster
Class Roster Page
Print Class Roster Page
Practice 4 – Printing a Class Roster
Exercise 4-1: Printing a Class Roster-Cancelling Class Section
Class Scheduling Process
Below is the class scheduling process. The boxes shaded in gray indicate the task that will be completed by the Registrars Office or your School/College designated Schedule Manager.
Maintain Schedule of Class Component
When you set up PeopleSoft Student Records Schedule of Classes for the first time, you will be scheduling new courses. From that point on, you will only use the Scheduling New Course component when a newly approved course is to be scheduled. To make changes to already scheduled courses, you will use the Maintain Schedule of Classes component. This lesson today will cover the components, pages and steps you will use to maintain your Schedule of Classes.
The only difference between the functionality of this component and the Schedule of Classes component concerns the list of courses that is present to you when you use a search page. The Schedule New course component only lists all Courses in the Course Catalog that meet the search criteria. The Maintain Schedule of Classes component only lists those courses that already have a section schedule in the Term. Since you will be using the Maintain Schedule of Classes component the majority of the time, the following page shots on the following pages depict this component.
Basic Data Page
You will use the Basic Data page to define sections, add topic, and course attributes.
Navigation: Home>Curriculum Management>Schedule of Class>Maintain Schedule of Classes
Figure 1 –Basic Data Page:
Meetings Page
You will use the Meetings page to define class meeting patterns and link instructors to classes.
Navigation: Home>Curriculum Management>Schedule of Class>Maintain Schedule of Classes
Figure 2 –Meetings Page:
Enrollment Cntrl Page
You will use the Enrollment Control page to link sections for which you’d like the system to Auto Enroll students define the capacity for the Wait List, and define the Minimum Enrollment Number.
Navigation: Home>Curriculum Management>Schedule of Class>Maintain Schedule of Classes>Enrollment Cntrl
Figure 3 –Enrollment Cntrl page:
Reserve Capacity Page
You can define any number of Reserve Capacity groups for a class. Each of these capacities is associated with an Enrollment Requirement Group, which defines the conditions a student must meet in order to be given a Reserve Capacity seat.
Navigation: Home>Curriculum Management>Schedule of Class>Maintain Schedule of ClassesReserve Cap
Figure 4 –Reserve Capacity page:
The Reserve Capacity page is for administrative use only.
Class Notes Page
Class notes can be used to provide additional information about the class section. Class notes are setup on the Class Notes table, and then added to the section on this page.
Navigation: Home>Curriculum Management>Schedule of Class>Maintain Schedule of Classes>Class Notes
Figure 5 –Notes page:
Schedule Class Meetings Components
Use the Schedule Class Meetings component when you want to modify or maintain data for an individual class section that has been scheduled. This component contains three pages—the Meetings page, the Enrollment Cntrl (enrollment control) page, and the Exam page. These pages are the same as those in the Schedule New Course and Schedule of Classes component.
Figure 6 – Meetings Tab
Practice I – Add New Section to Schedule
of Classes
Add a new section to a course that already exists in the Schedule of Classes for the Fall 2007 (2077) term.
Home>Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes>Maintain Schedule of Classes
- On the Search Page enter the term Fall 2007 (2077).
- Enter the Subject Area.
- Click on the button
- Double click on your course with your campus course offering.
Please remember to always verify the course offering when selecting a course from the search results page.
- Place your cursor in the Class Section field and press F7 or use the insert row button .
- Select the Session and assign the new Class Section number. Use the scroll bar to determine the next available section number. Section numbers should be four digits.
The PeopleSoft system does not increment the Section numbers. They must be added manually.
- Enter a new Associated Class number.
To keep associated class numbers unique you should make the last number of the Class Section and the Associated Class the same.
- Click on the Meetings pagetab.
- Select the Meeting Pattern, Instructor, Instructor Role and Access.
- Select Room Characteristics and Quantity.
- Click on the Enrollment Cntrl page tab.
- Verify the following:
- Class Status: Active
- Consent: No Consent
- Enter the Requested Room Capacity and Enrollment Capacity for the class.
Exercise 1-1: Scheduling a Class Section-Verify Course Attributes
- Select a new course from your organization’s schedule.
- Repeat the steps in Practice 1 through step 7.
- Go to the Course Attribute Group box.
- Verify the following information:
- Funding values are appropriate for class section you selected.
- If not, write down the business process you would use to make correction or get information to someone else to correct.
Exercise 1-2: Scheduling a Class Section—Adding a Class Note
- Select a new course from your organization’s schedule.
- Repeat the steps in Practice 1 through step 7.
- Go to the Notes tab.
- Add a standardized note that is appropriate for your class. Does the note pertain to every section? If so, make sure that you put the note on each section.
Did you remember to check Course Offering number before you entered class note? If not, go back and verify the note you just added because you may have it on the wrong class.
Did you add the note to every section of the class? If not, go back and add notes to each section as appropriate for the section.
Does the note need adjustment for a specific format or text that is used by your department or school? Go to the next exercise for insertion of a free format note.
Exercise 1-3: Scheduling a Class Section-Adding a Free Form Text Note
- Select a new course from your organization’s schedule.
- Repeat the steps in Practice 1 through step 7.
- Go to the Notes tab.
- Add the following note to your class.
OASIS - Your Information. Anytime. Anywhere.
Exercise 1–4: Scheduling a Class Section – Special Topics
- Select a new course from your organization’s schedule.
- Repeat the steps in Practice 1 through step 7.
- Go to the Basic Data tab.
- Add a course topic by clicking on the Course Topic ID lookup button and selecting the appropriate topic.
Exercise 1–5: Scheduling a Class Section –Off-CampusLocation
- Select a new course from your organization’s schedule.
- Repeat the steps in Practice1 through step 7.
- On the Basic Data page, select an off-campus location.
- On the Meetings page, select an off-campus facility.
Practice 2 – Cancelling a Section
Home > Curriculum Management> Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes> Enrollment Ctrl
For classes without enrollments:
- Click on the Enrollment Cntrltab.
- Change the Class Status field from Active to Cancelled Section.
Notice that when you select Cancelled Section, the Cancel Class button becomes active.
- Click the Cancel Class button.
- Results: The class section has been cancelled.
Note that Section 1002 has been cancelled and Section 1001 is still active. You must cancel by individual section after scheduling classes has taken place.
For classes with student enrollments:
- Click on the Enrollment Cntrl tab.
- Change the Class Status field from Active to Cancelled Section.
RESULTS: You receive an error message stating that class can not be cancelled as there are active student enrollments.
Option 1: Go to checkbox at bottom of page that reads “Cancel if Student Enrolled” and turn it on. Now press the yellow Cancel Class button.
Results: System now allows you to cancel class. Additional steps must be taken to notify students of cancellation. What is your department or college’s business process to manage the administrative cancellation of classes?
Option 2: Go to enrollment pages and drop all students from classes. Then attempt cancellations once again. Let’s discuss what will happen in “real-time.”
Exercise 2.1: – Cancelling a Section
- Select a class from your organization’s schedule. Select a course that typically has multiple sections offered (freshman general education courses are very typical selections in this category).
- Verify that multiple sections exist for the selected class.
- Go to the Enrollment Cntrl tab.
- Change the Class Status field to “Cancelled Section.”
- Push the yellow Cancel Class button.
For classes without enrollments:
Class section is confirmed as cancelled.
Results: The class is cancelled.
For classes with enrollments:
- Select assigned class from the list given to you by the instructor.
- Attempt to cancel class following same steps as above.
Results: Error message is displayed warning of student enrollments in class. Do not proceed any further.
Adjust Class Association Component
You will use the Class Associations component once you have scheduled your class sections for a Term. The Registrar’s Office and Schedule Managers will be responsible for maintaining this component data. All other schedulers will have view access only.
Class Association Page
Use the Class Association page to modify minimum and maximum units, and to Roll Class information to update currently enrolled students’ enrollment records.
Navigation: Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes>Adjust Class Association
Figure ? – Class Association page:
Class Components
This page is used to modify aspects of class components such as grading basis, course components, and requirement designation.
Navigation: Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes>Class Component
Figure ? – Class Components page:
Class Requisites
You will use the Class Requisite page to view all requisites attached to a class. You can add a requisite to a specific section of a class on this page and you can deselect the requisite from the Catalog field.
Navigation: Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes>Adjust Class Association
Figure ? – Class Requisite page:
Update Sections of a Class Component
In the Class Sections component, you can view and override all Sections of a Class, Enrollment Capacities, and other vital information. Use the Class Control page to view a snapshot summary of Section information for a Class. The page displays one row for each section scheduled for a Course Offering during a Term.
Navigation: Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes> Update Sections of a Class
Figure ? – Class Status page:
Figure ? – Class Enrollments Limits page:
Practice 3 – Adjust Class Associations, Components and Requisites
Add new sections to a course that typically would have multiple laboratories or discussion groups available for a single lecture series. Select from existing classes in the Schedule of Classes for the Fall 2007 (2077) term.
Adjusting Class Associations:
- On the Search Page enter the Term and Subject
- Click on the Search button
- The Search Results page should appear.
- Double click on your chosen course with your course offering.
Please remember to always verify the course offering when selecting a course from the search results page.
You are now viewing your course with Section 1001 which in this example we will classify as the lecture section.
- Insert a row and add the appropriate session and section number for your selected laboratory class.
- Select Laboratory for the component value.
- Class type should be Non-enrollment.
- Enter 9999 in the Associated class field to create a 1 to many or many to many relationship between/amongst lectures and laboratories. See PeopleBooks or handout for additional information.
- Go to the Meetings and Enrollment Cntrl pages and update meeting patterns, times, instructors and capacities as appropriate.
- Add additional sections for labs as needed following all the steps in the practice session.
- .
- Go to the Update Sections of aClass page.
- Review the class associations you’ve established.
- Change the value for one on the 9999 sections to match to one of your lecture sessions. .
What do you think will happen now?
Exercise 3-1: Adjusting Class Associations
- Select a lecture class from your organization’s schedule.
- Confirm that there are at least two lecture sections available. If there are not two lecture sections, please add a lecture section first.
- Add two laboratory sections following the example in the practice session 3.
Hint: Please confirm that you have selected the correct course offering number before you save your updates!
- After verifying that you have created a many to many relationship, change the relationship to a 1 to many for one of your lectures and a one to one for your other lecture.
Hint: Do you need to create another lecture or lab to make this scenario work?
Print the Schedule of Classes
The Schedule of Classes report allows you to produce a hard copy of your Schedule of Classes. By using the selection criteria you can print the entire Schedule of Classes or the Schedule of Classes for your specific Academic Organization. You can also have the data printed by Campus or Location.
Navigation: Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes>Print Schedule of Classes
Print Class Schedule Page
Use this page to specify reporting parameters for your Schedule of Classes report.
This is the Print Class Schedule page:
Report Option Page
Use this page to further specify your Schedule of Class reporting options.
This is the Report Options page:
Practice 3 – Printing the Schedule of Classes
The Schedule of Classes
- Go to Home>Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes>Print Class Schedule
The Print Class Schedule search page should appear.
- Click on the Add a New Value link.
- Enter a name for your file in the Run Control ID: box; you may not use spaces. Click the yellow Addbutton.
Note: This file will be associated with your account only; please give the file a name that is meaningful to you. For instance: yourdepartment_fall2007
- Enter the Term.
- Select your Academic Organization.
- Select a Session. If you leave this blank the report will include schedule classes for all sessions within the Term.
- Click on the Report Option tab.
- Select the options you would like to appear on your report.
- Make sure to click the Report Only check box.
- Click the yellow Run button located next to the Process Monitor link.
- Click the checkbox next to the Schedule of Classes report
- Verify that the Type is set to Web.
- Verify that the Format is set to PDF.
- Click the OK button.
- Click the Process Monitorlink to check the status..
When you initially submit your job, it may have a run status of Queued or Initiated.
Click the button periodically until the Run Status reads Success.