EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/01/2002
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 2460
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FSM 2400 – timber management
Chapter 2460 – uses of timber other than commercial timber sales
/ Forest Service Manual
Kaibab National Forest
Williams, Arizona
fsM 2400 – TImber management
chapteR 2460 – uses of timber other than commercial timber sales
Supplement No.: 2400-2002-3
Effective Date: March 1, 2002
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: keith a. menascoActing Forest Supervisor / Date Approved: 03/01/2002
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 2400-2002-2 to FSM 2430.3.
New Document / 2460 / 8 PagesSuperseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date / 2467.13--1 – 2467.13--8
(Kaibab Supplement #69, dated July 1993) / 6 Pages
2462.03 – Reformats the section with no substantive changes.
2467.03 – Updates and reformats the section to reflect change in organization and maximum amount of paid personal use fuelwood per household for the Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts.
2467.1 – Updates Commercial and Personal Use Christmas Tree Program Management to reflect updated standard rates.
2462 - free use of timber
2462.03 - Policy
Established Free Use Areas will be designed to accomplish management objectives in accordance with the Forest Plan. It must be assured that free use areas are in accordance with goshawk guidelines and a "no effect" on Mexican spotted owl results from Biological Assessment and Evaluation.
The general public enjoying their National Forest by camping, picnicking, hiking, day use, hunting, visiting, and so on, shall be allowed to gather and use firewood on National Forest land without acquiring a fuelwood permit. Any unused portion of such fuelwood may not be transported from National Forest land without written permission.
2467 – sales of other forest products
2467.03 – Policy
Paid Personal Use Fuelwood.
Paid Personal Use Fuelwood areas will be designated in accordance with the Forest Plan, NEPA, and appropriate Biological Assessments and Evaluations. Any changes from the following policy statements will result from NEPA analysis under District Ranger authority (FSM 2404.28, Exhibit 01).
It is the responsibility of all Forest Officers to understand the Kaibab National Forest Mission and Fuelwood Policy. District Rangers will instruct all Forest Officers to visit with Forest visitors, including fuelwood cutters, explain the Forest Mission, fuelwood policy, check permit compliance, and report any observed violations.
Each Ranger District will issue Paid Personal Use Permits specific for that District.
Standard season of use will be June 15 - November 15 for the Williams and Tusayan Districts, and May 1 - November 30 for the North Kaibab District.
Each District Ranger will establish permit lengths as conditions warrant.
The maximum amount of Paid Personal Use fuelwood per household will be 6 cords on the Williams and Tusayan Districts, and 8 cords on the North Kaibab District.
Accountability procedures will be in accordance with FSM 2444.1.
Paid Personal Use Permits are to be non-transferrable unless authorized by the District Ranger or District Timber Staff.
Districts are encouraged to collect Salvage Sale, Road Maintenance, KV and BD deposits where applicable.
2467 – sales of other forest products
2467.1 – Conditions of Use for Miscellaneous Forest Products
Personal Use Christmas Trees. The cutting of personal use Christmas trees by individuals or families is an important recreation use on the Kaibab National Forest. Forest policy shall be to serve this use with the necessary controls to maintain our management objectives and provide optimum use to the public. Each District Ranger shall select personal use cutting areas. They will be compatible with management direction and policy for that part of the District. The District Ranger prior to final selection shall conduct an Environmental Analysis.
1. Cutting Areas.
a. The most accessible areas shall be designated for personal use Christmas tree cutting. Personal use cutting areas shall be selected considering the availability of trees and the ability to handle traffic during peak cutting periods. Prior to June 1 each year, Districts shall provide the Forest Supervisor with a map of personal use cutting areas; instructions or other special conditions that apply to the area; and estimated number of trees, by species, that can be cut from the area. Forest Supervisor will handle the ordering of maps, applications, and permits in coordination with the Regional Office Public Affairs and Arizona Christmas Tree Coordinator at the Tonto NF Supervisor's Office.
b. Signs shall be posted to direct Christmas tree cutters from the Ranger Station or other main point to personal use cutting areas. The cutting areas will also be signed for easy identification.
2. Pricing and Method of Sale.
a. Over the Counter Sales.
(1) Over-the-counter sales will be restricted to the North Kaibab Ranger District.
(2) The minimum charge for Christmas trees for personal use shall be $10.00 (FSM 2431.31c, Kaibab Supplement).
(3) All species of trees up to 10' in height are $10.00. Trees over 10 feet and up to 15 feet in height are $15.00. Trees over 15 feet in height are an additional $1.00 per foot.
(4) Oversize trees shall be sold under commercial sale for personal use.
(5) A maximum of one permit (tag) per individual, family, business, or organization may be sold.
b. Sales by Mail.
(1) Minimum charge for Christmas trees for personal use shall be $10.00 (FSM 2431.31c, Kaibab Supplement).
(2) All species of trees up to 10 feet in height are $10.00.
(3) Applications for the sale-by-mail program shall be available at all District Offices and Forest Supervisor's Office.
(4) Processing of applications and issuing of permits shall be handled by the Arizona Christmas Tree Coordinator at the Tonto National Forest Supervisor's Office.
Personal Use Bough Sales (Greens).
a. For minor amounts there shall be no charge. Minor amounts would mean what can reasonably be carried in a family automobile (sedan or station wagon).
b. Greens shall be cut un-used portions of Christmas trees or from down material in recent logging or thinning. Removal of boughs from standing trees may be done only under supervision of a patrolman.
c. Requests for more than minor amounts may be handled by forms 2400-1, 2400-3T or 2400-4. These sales are subject to minimum rates and minimum charges for small sales per FSM 2431.31c (Kaibab Supplement).
Commercial Christmas Tree Sales.
1. Sale, Size, Location.
a. Prior to June 1, each year, Districts shall furnish the Forest Supervisor a listing of commercial sales to be offered and the sale locations. Sales must have an Environmental Analysis.
b. Commercial sales shall be located in areas where Christmas tree cutting will accomplish land management objectives.
c. Commercial sales shall be located to the extent possible in areas expected to be accessible during the cutting season.
2. Designation of Cutting Blocks.
a. Commercial pinyon and juniper cutting blocks shall be designated on the ground by flagging the exterior boundary of block. Marking of individual trees will not be necessary in pinyon and juniper blocks, however, it will be necessary to make an estimate of the number of cut trees in the block in order to establish the minimum value of the block.
b. Commercial spruce, fir and ponderosa pine cutting blocks shall be designated on the ground by flagging the exterior boundary of the block. Cut or leave trees will be designated as required and an estimate of the number of cut trees in the block will be necessary to establish the minimum value of the block.
c. Maximum number of trees per sale block shall be 250. A variety of sale sizes between 25 and 250 trees will be offered each year by the Forest. Each block will be numbered by District number and block number second. Example: Williams Block #1 will be Block 1-1.
3. Contracts.
a. Contract preparation and administration shall be the responsibility of the District Ranger.
b. Form 2400-3T or 2400-4 and map shall be standard for commercial Christmas tree sales. The Additional Clauses shown in Exhibit 01 shall be used with all 2400-3T Christmas tree contracts.
c. Sales may be lump sum by area or by number of trees to be cut.
d. Bid opening dates shall be specified in the advertisment and shall be held prior to November 15.
e. Contract termination date shall be December 24.
Definition of Sales.
1. Personal Use Sales for Personal Use. This type of sale applies when an individual wants to purchase over-the-counter or apply through sales-by-mail program for one tree only in his own name and/or one tree only in the name of a church, school, hospital, business or other organization and the tree is not for resale.
Minimum price for all tree species up to 10 ft. in height is $10.00. No trees greater than 10 feet in height should be cut.
2. Commercial Sale for Personal Use. This type of sale shall apply when an individual wants to purchase an oversize tree more than 10 feet in height or several trees up to 10 feet in height and the tree is not for resale.
a. Minimum price per tree for first 10 feet in height - $10.00.
b. Price per tree for trees between 10 feet and 15 feet - $15.00.
c. Price per foot for each foot over 15 feet in height - $1.00.
d. Minimum sale to each individual - $15.00.
3. Commercial Sales for Commercial Use. This type of sale shall apply when trees are advertised and bid upon by an individual, business or organization for commercial re-sale.
a. Minimum price per trees up to 10 feet in height - $5.00 except the minimum price per tree shall be set by low bid prices above $5.00 from previous year's sales.
b. Price per foot for each foot over 10 ft. in height - $1.00.
c. Minimum sale to individual or business - $25.00.
Example: An individual buys a commercial block of 50 fir trees for a successful bid price of $5.00 per tree for each 10 ft. tree; however, they would like to have ten 12 ft. trees included in the 50. The individual would have to pay $5.00 per tree for 40 trees and $7.00 per tree for ten trees.
2467.1 - Exhibit 01
Additional Clauses - Continuation Sheet
##. Submission of a bid will be conclusive evidence that the purchaser has examined the area, is acquainted with its location and accessibility during inclement weather, and is satisfied with the quality and number of trees offered.
##. The Forest Officer in charge will count trees cut under this contract before they are loaded on trucks. Twenty-four hour notice will be required for counting services.
##. Purchaser will affix to the stem of each tree a tag furnished by the Forest Service, such tag to be placed on the tree at the time of loading and to remain on the tree until retailed.
##. Maximum stump height for all species is 6 inches. Long-butting stems up to 4 inches in diameter at stump height is permitted. Slash created by long-butting will be lopped to within 12 inches of the ground.
##. Purchaser will use existing roads on the sale area. Vehicles will be loaded at a central point and vehicular travel of existing roads is prohibited.
##. Christmas Tree cutting with feet of the centerline of road is prohibited.