English IV Course Syllabus
Course Description:
In their study of British Literature, English IV students will gain base knowledge of the skills necessary for success in high school English. Identification and use of proper grammatical mechanics for written communication are also emphasized. Students will read and analyze for literary merit, and for historical significance. All students will study grammar and demonstrate composition effectiveness through writing. Students will also be given the resources necessary to successfully pass the SAT and ACT.
Classroom Expectations:
· Be prepared daily – Come to class with all materials necessary.
· Be respectful – Respect yourself, each other, the classroom, and the classroom always.
· Be focused – Be ready each day to eliminate distractions from your learning experience.
· And remember…Do right and ALWAYS bring your best!!
Course Supplies:
One (I) single-subject spiral notebook
One box of Kleenex
Any project materials students may need to be successful e.g. colored pencils, markers, glue sticks, paint, etc.
WHS English Department Grading Policy:
Daily work -30 points per day. No late work accepted after 2 days
Major grades -25 points per day. Nothing accepted after 2 days.
Late Work, Make-up Work, and Absences:
· It is the students’ responsibility to collect and complete all work missed due to an absence.
· Tests and vocabulary quizzes must be taken on the test/quiz day – even if the student is absent the day prior. If a student is absent on the day of the test/quiz, it is the student’s responsibility to make-up the test/quiz. The grade for a missed test or quiz will be entered as a zero regardless of the type of absence until the student makes up the missed test or quiz.
On-Going Assignments/Projects:
· Major Essays – Students will write all major forms of essays throughout the course of the year e.g. Persuasive, Expository, Demonstrative, Personal Narrative.
· Journal Warm-Ups – Completed daily and checked each grading period
· Vocabulary – Words will be given out on Mondays unless otherwise specified. The vocabulary will be graded as part of a unit test or a standalone quiz.
· Other – Projects tied to individual units as assigned
· Upon entry into the classroom, students are to pick up their spiral from their class bin, and complete the journal prompt on the board.
· Students are expected to complete the exercise within the allotted ten (10) minutes.
· At the end of each 9-week period, students will earn a test grade for their warm-ups.
· If you are absent, you are responsible for making up all journal entries – no exceptions!
Have a wonderful and successful year! I look forward to teaching each and every student who walks through the door. Come to class ready to work and ready to learn. We are going to cover a lot of ground quickly, so prepare to move fast and always keep an open mind!