Please complete this form if you are the nominated representative for the Primary Schoolentering your school choir in the SunFest Battle Of The School Choirs on Saturday 18th March 2017.
1.Please complete and return this form to by 15th February 2017.
2. School Details
Primary School: ______
Address: ______
Suburb: ______State: ______Post Code: ______
School Representative: ______Position: ______
Landline Phone: (____)______Mobile Phone: ______
Email: ______Website: ______
ApproxNumber of Children in the Choir: ______Approx Number of Adult Helpers: ______
(Please note that all adults, teachers and parent helpers assisting the choir will need their names to be provided to receive a pass for access to the stage area.It is the schools responsibility to ensure that all names submitted possess a Working With Children (WWC) or similar accreditation, and this must be displayed whilein the stage area)
Is your Primary School an entrant in the Grand Street Parade?Yes / No / Undecided
3. Performance
School choirs should perform 2 songs, with a total time on stage of no more than10 minutes, this includes introduction/interview on stage with the MC, setting up and exiting of the choir. Please list your song details:
1/- Music Title: ______
Artist: ______Track Time : ______
2/- Music Title: ______
Artist: ______Track Time : ______
4. Stage Requirements (please tick where applicable and indicate number required)
Microphones will be arranged by the Sound Technicians to capture your choir on stage, other stage requirements need to be advised e.g. if a member of your choir is performing solo during the act and will need a separate microphone, or for any instruments you have included in your act, or special arrangements required for any of your choir members.
Additional Microphone Requirements / Stand / Hand HeldOther Requirements:______
5. Backing Trackfor your Performance:
Do Yourequire a backing track for your performance? Yes / No
If yes, how will this backing track be provided: / Music File / CDAnd, how will this be played on the day: / Sound Tech / Yourself on stage IPad etc
- Please note: CD’s or file ONLY – All CD’s must be clearly marked with your name, title of song, length of music including run-in and run-out times. One track per CD.
- Please bring a backup on the day of your performance, it is suggested that it is not a direct copy from the same media, but use another media, brand of CD, ipod, etc.
- Every attempt will be made to return your CD after the event, but cannot be guaranteed.
6. Attachments To Your Application:
- Please include a typed introduction or point form notes about your act for the use by the MC for your introduction. 100 words maximum.
- Please include a typed list of 3-6 questions that you would like to answer about your school and school choir. These questions will be used by the MC to interview your school on stage orif the opportunity presents for your school to be interviewed on 3NRG who will be providing an outside broadcast.
- Please include a copy of your current Public Liability Insurance Certificate valued at no less than $10 million.
7. Terms and Conditions for SunFest Performers:
- YourPrimary School must hold a current Public Liability Insurance Certificate valued at no less than $10 million.
- A nominated representative from yourPrimary Schoolmust complete and sign this application on behalf of your school choir.
- All parents/guardians must have approved their children participating in this event.
- Allteachers, parents, guardians, friends or helpers involved with the school choirs must possess and carry their Working With Children (WWC), or similar accreditation. Please keep numbers of helpers to a minimum.
- Access to the Main Stage, Changing Marquee or Green Room will only be permitted for the names provided prior to the event, who are identified and their name is marked off a list before entry will be allowed. Passes will be issued to be allowed access.
- The choirmaster and a maximum of 2 adults will be allowed to the staging area to assist the choir on and off the stage and to get them into position for their performance and all names must be submitted to have stage access.
- The Primary School Nominated Representative is to make sure that parents and helpers are informed of all the conditions for performers at SunFest.
- Application forms must be receivedby 15 February, late applications may be accepted but cannot be guaranteed.
- Please refer to our website for all Terms and Conditions of the Sunbury Community Festival – SunFest
- Applicants are reminded that SunFest is a FAMILY EVENT, and if the music content submitted is deemed inappropriate by the committee then the application may notbe accepted, please discuss any concerns with the Stage Entertainment Coordinator.
8. Return your completedApplication Form and Attachments to:
Mail to: SunFest Entertainment
PO Box 332, Sunbury VIC 3429
Email to:
9. Declaration:
I, as my Primary School Nominated Representative, named on this form, state that I have read and agree that our school will abide by all the Guidelines,and Terms and Conditions of the Sunbury Community Festival – SunFest.
I also understand and acknowledge that I as the Primary School Nominated Representative,declare that we hold a current Public Liability Insurance Certificate valued at no less than $10 million. I further understand that all adult performers and helpers will meet the requirements for Working With Children (WWC), and hold the applicable cards and authority. I understand that we may be required to produce said documentation if requested.
Signature:______Date: _____/_____/_____
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SunFest 2017 - Battle Of The School Choirs - Application FormPage 1