The House of the Scorpion Final Review Study Guide
Character Matching: Reference the front index of your novel & study guides.
1.) __C___ MattA. comes to comfort Matt when he is alone 2.) __T__ Celia B. cruel; manipulative child 3.) __A__ Maria C. lives like an animal for six months 4.) __S__ El Patron D. author of The History of Opium 5.) __E__ Rosa E. attempts to dehumanize Matt 6.) __N__ Tam Lin F. Lost boy who rescues Fidelito from the fight 7.) __M__ Willum G. oldest Alacran son 8.) __B__ Tom H. Alacran child that Celia thinks might have a soul 9.) __H__ Steven I. Member of Alacran family that refuses to receive transplants 10.) _P___ Jorge J. orders for Matt to be killed after El Patron’s death 11.) _G___ Benito K. Lost Boy in charge of the infirmary 12.) _O___ Macgregor L. Keeper that immediately warns Matt that if he is trouble, he will be sent to the boneyard. 13.) _I___ El Viejo M. Betrays Rosa to El Patron 14.) _R___ Felicia N.becomes Matt’s bodyguard 15.) _J___ Mr. Alacran O.Tom’s biological father 16.) _L___ Carlos P. Keeper that canes Matt 17.) _K___ Luna Q. petrified of bats in the boneyard 18.) _Q___ Chacho R. tricks Matt into going to the hospital 19.) _D___ Esperanza S. commands everyone to treat Matt with respect 20.) _F___ Flaco T. first one to love Matt
Reading Comprehension: Reference your study guides and novel.
21.) Where does Matt grow up as an infant and young boy?House in the Poppy fields(CH. 2) 22.) Describe Matt’s condition when he is taken before El Patron.Malnourished(CH 6) 23.) Felicia poisoned and killed Furball (CH 16). 24.) The priest at El Viejo’s funeral calls Matt an unbaptized limb of Satan. (CH 15) 25.) Felicia tricks Matt into going to the hospital by saying that Maria wanted to see him.(CH 12) 26.) Mr. Alacran orders Matt’s death once El Patron dies. (CH 23) 27.) Celia ruins the doctors’ plans to harvest Matt’s heart for El Patron bypoisoning Matt. (CH 18) 28.) Matt behaves maliciously towards Maria when he demands a kiss at El Patron’s birthday party. (CH 11) 29.) The Keepers threaten Matt with the boneyard if he makes any trouble. (CH 26) 30.) Tam Lintells Matt that he has a choice whether he is good or evil? (CH 7) 31.)The boys in the orphanage are called the Lost Boys. (CH 27) 32.) The mark of working with plankton is acne. (CH 28) 33.) Jorge beats Ton-Ton as an example to the other boys, especially Matt.(CH 30) 34.) The boys must recite the 5 Principles of Good Citizenship and the 4 Attitudes Leading to Rightmindfulnessbefore they are allowed to eat. (CH 27) 35.)Matt was able to quench his thirst in the boneyard by drinking rainwater. (CH 33) 36.) What is Matt referring to when he says, “I was purgatory. Now I’m in hell.” Purgatory is the orphanage Hell is the plankton factory (CH. 28) 37.) Name three specific items in the chest that Tam Lin left for Matt: 1.The History of Opium book2.Blankets 3.water purification pills (CH. 15) 38.) Explain the symbolism of the title, The House of the Scorpion, noting the importance of the mark of the Alacrans.Alacran means “scorpion” in Spanish. The Alacran family are sneaky predators that are controlling and willing to take down anyone in their way; sometimes even their own family.(CH 38) 39.) The police arrest the Keepers for the following crime:distributing drugs. (CH 36) 40.) What news does Esperanza deliver about Opium? Opium has been in lockdown for 3 months. (CH 37)
Literary Devices: Review your notes
Foreshadowing is a literary technique of giving clues to coming events in the story.
Directions: Please explain how the following examples provide clues to a future event.
Example / Explanation41.) Story of Peter Rabbit / Matt’s fate when he leaves the house in the poppy fields
42.) Tam Lin’s note/supply chest / Matt’s eventual escape
43.) Matt’s erratic heartbeat / Poison in his system
Name: ______Period: _____
Vocabulary Review: Refer back to your definition sheets. Directions: Reference your definition sheets to match the vocabulary terms in the word bank with their correct definitions.
Chapters 1-8malnutrition lunar clone alliances covey capitalists illegals consternation delusions warren momentous shards tetanus weevil ravenously typhoid rivulets tentatively tattered
1.) rivulets______small streams 2.) warren______a crowded area; a maze or passageways 3.) lunar______of or relating to the moon 4.) shards______pieces of broken glass or fragments 5.) clone______an exact duplicate of another 6.) covey______a small group 7.) momentous______very important 8.) delusions______a persistent false psychotic belief 9.) tetanus______an infectious disease caused by bacterial poisons; marked by violent muscle spasms, muscle stiffness, and possibly death 10.) malnutrition_____ faulty and especially inadequate nutrition 11.) ravenously______eager to eat; extremely hungry 12.) consternation_____ amazed dismay; confusion; paralyzing terror 13.) illegals______non-citizens living in a country without proper immigration documents 14.) alliances______a union to promote common interests 15.) tentatively______not fully worked or developed; hesitant and uncertain 16.) tattered______to make/become ragged or torn 17.) capitalists______persons of great wealth typically invested in business 18.) weevil______beetle 19.) typhoid______a communicable bacterial disease marked by fever, intestinal inflammation, etc.
Chapters 9-22 fervor mewling enraptured grovel harangued furtively jovialaristocrats servile ashen domain cravenly oblivion laudanum
ensconced rasping paranoid theological indignation abomination wraith decamped malevolence nationalist ethics pillaging vanity ecology penance sham DNA
20.) sham______fraud; scam 21.) abomination____something detestable, hated, and loathed 22.) DNA______the substance of which most genes are made 23.) enraptured______filled with great delight 24.) servile______befitting of a slave or servant; submissive 25.) pillaging______robbing with force or violence 26.) rasping______grating, harsh, or irritating (often referring to sound) 27.) wraith______a ghost 28.) decamped______having left quickly or secretly 29.) harangued______a ranting speech or writing 30.) laudanum______a solution of 10% opium in alcohol and water 31.) mewling______to cry weakly; whimper 32.) indignation______anger at something unjust or unfair 33.) penance______a punishment to make up for a wrong deed and obtain pardon for a sin 34.) ashen______pale; pallid 35.) cravenly______cowardly 36.) vanity______too much pride in one’s ability, looks, or accomplishments 37.) theological______having to do with the nature and will of God; religion or faith 38.) ensconced______hidden; sheltered from harm 39.) grovel______humble oneself; remain in a degrading state; crawl at someone’s feet; cringe 40.) fervor______intense emotion; passion 41.) paranoid______suffering from a psychosis in which a person imagines he is being persecuted or is suffering from delusions of grandeur 42.) malevolence_____ ill-will; spite; the wish that evil will come to others 43.) nationalist______a person who believes in and is devoted to the interests of his own nation 44.) ecology______the branch of biology that deals with the relation of living things to their environment and each other 45.) furtively______done with stealth; sly 46.) oblivion______condition of being entirely forgotten; nothingness 47.) jovial______marked by good humor; full of fun 48.) aristocrats______noble; privileged; upper class 49.) domain______territory; ownership of land 50.) ethics______formal or professional rules of right and wrong; system of conduct or behavior