Clinical instructor’s evaluation of athletic training students
Excellent(5) / Above Average
(4) / Satisfactory
(3) / Below Average
(2) / Unacceptable
(1) / No opportunity to observe or no opinion / NAME:
- Reports for duty on time, when leaving and returning to work
- Carries out assigned tasks; follows instruc. with min. supervision; doesn’t waste time; takes initiative
- Appropriately attired, neat appearance, good health habits
- Adaptable, accepts criticism with understanding, profits from suggestion
- Appreciates needs and viewpoints of others
- Accepts responsibility for actions
- Attentive during demonstrations
- Makes intelligent observations and reports them
- Enthusiastic and motivated in becoming an athletic training professional
- Displays good judgment; thinks logically; makes practical decisions
- Takes pride in performance; sets & achieves high standards of performance
- Works well with others; polite; tactful; unselfish; ethical
- Demonstrates leadership; commands confidence and respect; makes independent decisions
- Displays a sense of humor
- Emotionally stable; works well under emotional and physical stress
- Sympathetic attitude towards athletes; interested in their well-being
- Good rapport with athletes, staff, etc.
- Demonstrates ability to instruct and interview athletes intelligently
- Follows athletic training room procedures
- Taping technique-neatness, stability, purpose
- Treatment techniques, general injury management, first aid and emergency skills
- Injury recognition, knowledge of surface anatomy
- Strength, conditioning, rehabilitation programs
- Use of therapeutic modalities
- Takes part in athletic training room maintenance
- Knowledge and use of athletic training room supplies
- Knowledge of common injury mechanisms
- Knowledge of basic sports skills
Total Points Earned:______
Total Items Evaluated:______
Percentage of Total Possible Points:______%
Demonstrated Performance Level of Present Duties
Performance of duties is equaled by very few student athletic trainers at this level.
Performs duties better than most student athletic trainers at this level.
Performs duties as well as most student athletic trainers at this level.
Performance of duties meets minimum standards.
Performs duties in unsatisfactory manner.
Advancement Recommendation
Potential to accept additional responsibility --- recommended for advancement in program.
Evidence of potential to accept additional responsibility is lacking --- recommended for probationary advancement in program (probationary status is dropped when student demonstrates satisfactory improvements in areas listed as needing improvement).
Not suitable for present level of work --- recommended discontinuing program.
Evaluator’s Signature ______
Name: ______
Title: ______
Date: ______
Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______