N.G.O.School as an Instrument of Peace – E.I.P. Italy
E.I.P. was founded in Geneva in 1958 by Jacques Muhlethaler to spread out into schools the six following universal principles of civic education elaborated by him with Jean Piaget:
- School is at the service of humanity.
- The school paves the way to mutual understanding for all the children of the world.
- The school teaches respect for life and for man.
- The school teaches tolerance, that quality which helps to accept attitudes and behaviours that are different from our own.
- The school develops the sense of responsability, one of the greatest prerogatives of man. The more his condition improves, the greater the responsability he must assume.
- The school teaches the child to overcome his egoism. It helps him to understand that humanity can only progress by personal effort and active collaboration.
E.I.P. has been working in Italy since 1972 and nowadays it has a network of 1063 schools in Italy, in Europe and around the world. E.I.P. Italy is also a permanent consultant on the steering committee of the Council of Europe on EDC - Education for Democratic Citizenship.
- Annual advertising contests for schools, arrived in 2005 to its thirty-fifth edition, for projects and actions dealing with the fields of interculture, human rights, peace education, sport.
- Congresses, seminars, training and refresher courses for teachers and students with study and research groups. We use different methodologies and strategies, and particularly peer-education, a key method recommended by the Council of Europe and based on the participation of all students in the training and educational process in order to achieve a new renewal of the run by the student (who is now the real protagonist, with his schools and his responsabilities).
- Tutoring intercultural projects with regional, national and international school networks, formal and informal education.
- Cultural exchanges of students and teachers using E.I.P. branch offices around the world: these last years, for example, we have worked a lot with China schools and universities.
- School partnerships and projects about HRE – Human Rights Education, EDC – Education for Democratic Citizenship, guardianship of minorities and EU dimension. Last year E.I.P. managed SHARE, a project inside the European PRINCE Programme, dealing with the issue of the European enlargement in May 2004.
- Publication of many handbooks and manuals concerning civil society, cultural environment, rules and roles of citizens, peace and human rights education.
- Encouraging teaching of human rights and world-peace through school as an instrument of co-operation, of overcoming individual selfishness, of comprehension, respect and love, finalized to people development.
- Founding national and international centres of documentation
- Managing and organizing activities linked to permanent education and to LLL – LongLifeLearning, inside the European Grundtvig Project.
ENAR (Network Against Racism); Tavola della Pace (Table of Peace, Assisi); LILLIPUT; COSPE; Gradara Ludens; YAV (Youth Against Violence); DARE (Networking for Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe); NECE (Networking European Citizenship Education)
President:Anna Paola
Delegate for Youth Section:Armonia
Web site:
Address: E.I.P. Italia -Via Angelo Bellani, 3 CAP 00153 RomeItaly
Phone: +39/06/58332203
Fax: +39/06/5800561