
ACHRO Exploratory Committee on

Advanced Training for Future HR Executives



The Association of Chief Human Resource Officers (ACHRO) is interested in developing an Advanced Training Institute for Human Resource Officers. We are interested in obtaining a quote for services by ACCCA for assistance in the following areas:

Professional Development Activities: Professional development activities sponsored by ACHRO for an annual advanced training program. This program will be directed and designed by the ACHRO Board of Directors, meaning all content and format decisions are made by the regional appointed members of ACHRO and the ACHRO Board. All administrative and meeting planning functions, including general planning assistance to the designated conference chair and Board, event management and reporting, developing site options for the Board's consideration, contracting sites, presenters and services, sponsor option development, registration payment processing, development of the registration list and onsite administration will be facilitated by ACCCA at the direction of the ACHRO Board, who is ultimately responsible.

ACHRO Advanced Training Institute: ACCCA staff will provide assistance to the ACHRO Advanced Training Institute to facilitate the program as requested by the Board. Program content and speaker selection and scheduling will fall under the purview of the coordinator(s) and the ACHRO Board. Logistics for each session, including site selection and contracting, sponsor development, participant communications, materials, registration and event reporting will be facilitated by ACCCA in cooperation with the program coordinators and the ACHRO Board.

The initial concept for the program would be for a two module program. The first module would be facilitated in the fall with the second module to be facilitated in February, for a total of five days of advanced training.

Module One: This module would be two and one-half (2½) days in length. There would be two identical modules facilitated on different days with one hosted in northern California and the other hosted in southern California.

Module Two: This module would be two and one-half (2½) days in length. It would be hosted adjacent to the ACCCA Annual Conference on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (half-day) of the same week and at the same location of the ACCCA conference.

On behalf of the ACHRO Board, we would like to obtain a proposal for these services. For any questions, please contact:

David Bugay, Ph.D.

Vice President/ACHRO Training Committee Chair

(949) 582-4698

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