Eco Schools focus After analysing the data from the Environmental Review that you all so kindly contributed too, we have decided that our focus this session should be on energy and food and the environment. We will of course continue to monitor litter in the school and hope that you will help us in that endeavour. Thank you for your support. (Eco group)

The HE department are looking for empty toilet roll holders and empty glass jars with lids. Please hand them to anyone in the HE department. Thank you.

Film Club – Captain America: Civil War – on Monday next week

Following the events of the Age of Ultron, the governments of the world pass an act to regulate all superhuman activity. This leads to an epic battle. Iron Man or Captain America?

Our next Film Club is on Monday next week. In the library from 3.30pm. All welcome to this free event. Just bring your snacks and park yourself on a bean bag and be ready for war!

Novelties Book Club – meets today in the library during lunchtime.

Speaker’s Corner - back on Friday this week Please come along and support Rachel Morgan in S1. Her talk is all about Cheerleading. In the library on Friday, from 1.20pm.


An open call for artists between the ages of 13 and 19 to submit a painting or drawing of ‘something’ that inspires you! Deadline- 3rd November 2017

To enter- send an e mail with an attachment of a photo of your piece of work to:

REMEMBER to include a title, your name, e mail address and contact number.

Successful artworks will be exhibited, and winner will be announced in our ‘Hall Gallery’ from Saturday 11th November @ MC3, above Royal Mail, in the High Street, Elgin.

Any questions? See Mrs Templeton in the Art Department. (VL)

CHRISTMAS CARD DESIGN COMPETITION! The Annual Moray Scottish Parliamentary Office

Christmas Card Design competition is upon us again!!!

All entries must be submitted to Mrs Templeton of the Art Department by Tuesday 14 November.

Your design should be on A4 paper, please add your name and age on the reverse.

Mrs Lee’s/ Mr Mullen’s classroom will be open for you to use for this competitionon Monday lunchtimes.

Hope to see you there! Let’s win this thing!!!:) (The Art Department)

S1-S6 Photography Competition: Hello all photographers. The camera club invites you to take part in school autumn theme photography competition. This is open to all years and whether you have experience or not. All entries must be savedby the 31st of October with your full name year and house to student in – camera club – photography competition. Be creative. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. For further information see Nathan Anderson S3 or Miss Tullis inB39.


S1-S2 Camera Club Hello photographers. Camera Club is back on this Wednesday the 1st of November 1.10 – 1.35pm in B39 (Art department). All Abilities welcome whether or not you are a complete beginner or an expert. Remember to bring your competition entries with you if you are taking part and haven’t already uploaded them. For more information see Miss Tullis.

S1 Parents’ Evening: Please note, the date for the S1 Parents’ Evening is Wed 8th Nov- not 11th as indicated in the letter home.

S2 into 3 Personalisation and choicePlease note that forms are due to be handed in to your register teacher no later than Friday 3 November. Please ensure that you have numbered your choices 1 to 7 as per the instructions on the form. Spare copies of the forms are available at the office. (KJG)

S2 students - Could the following 17-studentsbe informed to attend B35 this Friday 3 November P 2 only:

Jai O’Brien, Owen Thomson, Tyler Barrett, Ali Beaton, Ellie Foulis, Mike Hannah, Jan Kramer

Andrew Macpherson, Lucy Moreland, Sam Munron, Jason Stewart, Paige Stewart, Cameron Symon

Elizabeth Williamson, Mariem Ben Taleb, Wishe Holmes, Aimee Padley


SDS Careers appointment with Gayna England, Room G42 Wednesday 1st November

P3 –Morgan Cresswell, S5 P4 - Connor Falcus, S4 P5 - Dylan Morrison, S4

P6 - Shannon Bitters, S6

SDS Careers appointment with Gayna England, Room G42 Thursday 2nd November

P1 - Callum Farquhar, S6 P2 - Callum Nicol, S6 P3 - Jack Cooney, S5

P4 – Codi Maguire, S5 P5 - Brogan Jamieson, S5 P6 - Regan McHardy, S5

S6 House Leaders – Book Week Scotland Inter-House Book Quiz Can House Leaders please attend a meeting in the library with Mrs Toonen tomorrow? To begin planning, plotting and creating team names for the annual Big Book Quiz later this month. (ST)

S4-6 Biology Study Support Biology study support is available every Thursday after school from 3.25-4.25 for all Biology courses. Come along to the Biology department to get help with class work, access resources and work on problem solving skills. You will also be able to work on revision techniques and practice SQA past papers.

Glasgow School of Art, Forres campus trip: Could the pupils going on this trip please come to a short meeting on Friday 10th November at 1.20pm in B32. Please see Mrs Templeton if you cannot attend the meeting. Please ensure all consent forms are returned by this date.

S4/S5 Pupils - Rotary Youth Leadership Initiative – RYLA : Each year students from Elgin Academy are successful in gaining a place on the Rotary Youth Leadership Initiative. This takes place for one week during the summer break and is held at the Abernethy Outdoor Centre and is funded by Elgin and District Rotary Club.

This year’s dates are:

Girl camp – 7th – 14th July 2018

Boys camp – 14th – 21st July 2018

The object of RYLA is to develop leadership qualities and team working: to give a sense of pride in achievement; to stimulate mind and body, and in doing so to emphasise the importance of sportsmanship, fitness, character and personal relationships as part of quality living.

Successful candidates, in the age range 16 -18 year, will participate in a programme of physical and intellectual activities, which will develop skills in:

  • Team working
  • Positive leadership
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision making

Activities cover such things as Canoeing, Hill Walking and Map Reading, Mountain Bike Cross Country Riding, Rock Climbing and Gorge Walking. The Abernethy Challenge gives intricate, mind stretching problems to solve, and is an area which highlights leadership potential. (KJG)

For the attention of English students in S4, S5 and S6: I will be offering a drop-in session for Senior Phase English homework in G12 on Monday lunchtimes. I can advise or simply offer space to complete homework. Please be aware only one computer is available. This will be for help with English only: don’t bring me Chemistry, Modern Studies or any other subject! Drop-in sessions commence on week beginning 30th October between 13.05 and 13.35.(Mr Clark)

Employment Board: Please remember to check the jobs/employment notice board outside Guidance. There are new jobs advertised every week and many places are recruiting now for seasonal workers and part time jobs.(LB)