BOLROA BOARD Meeting – September 13, 2008
Present: Allman, Bates, Beers, Fleming, Hesselman, Hook, MacDonald, Meyer, Woltman
Absent: Gelb, Pierce
Guests: Frank Surpless, Jim Surpless
OPENING: Pres. Beers opened the meeting at 9:08 am.
Minutes for the August 12th meeting were presented and approved by Tom
Allman. Seconded: Wayne Woltman. Approved: 9-0.
Presented and accepted. Moved: Allman, Seconded: Woltman. Approved:
Discussion was held on purchasing new CD’s with money from the
Various funds. Parry will investigate and make the purchase. He will
rollover the $8000 CD when it comes due in Dec.
Parry advised us that Bolroa has 137 paid members to date.
Frank Surpless brought us up to date on the sale of the books. Out of the 500
books that were ordered, we received 482. 18 were lost. He informed us that some books have been placed in stores in Land O Lakes and Eagle River. He
will send a letter to members reminding them to purchase books for gifts. The
cost for the book and mailing will be $25.
Discussion was held on the possibility of reimbursing Diane Parling. Jim Surpless will get the cost from her. Kay Fleming moved to table further discussion until all books are sold and we decide if more should be ordered. Seconded: Walt Bates.
Barb Hook reported the grant monies are on track and brought us up to date on
expenses and reimbursements.
The storage box has been ordered, and will be placed on the ground on the
west side near the ladies room.
Volunteer hours at the boat landing for the year totaled 427, compared to
126 last year. The number of boats inspected so far is 268, compared to 131 last
year, and on two separate occasions boats with Eurasian milfoil were stopped.
Monitoring the landing will continue through October.
Conserve School students (5) are helping to man the beach on Mon, Tues, and
Thursday afternoons.
Joe Beers reported that 11 homeowners have inspected their lakeshore and turned in
Still being investigated. Tom Allman and Bob Pierce will talk to town board about the
possibility of reinstalling the two no wakes signs.
Kay MacDonald talked to Kathy Ducomen about Conserve School helping at the boat
landing for AIS inspection. She referred the matter to Dirk Meyer. Dirk contacted Kathy and we now have 5 students helping at the landing.
Kay will talk to Conserve School and the elementary school about the possibility of
presentations on AIS. Barb Hook has the curriculum for the elementary schools.
Discussion was held on the blog. It appears to be more negative than positive. Dirk
Meyer moved to let “sleeping dogs sleep”. Seconded: Parry Hesselman. Approved:
Kathy Gelb has volunteered to do the spring 2009 newsletter, and Kay Fleming has
agreed to do the one in the fall 2009.
Walt has contacted Susan Knight. She will conduct her meander search on September
28 and 29.
Walt is a member of the Lake Leaders Institute, replacing John Annin. They are working on shoreland restoration in Wisconsin. Discussion was held about sending a letter to Gov. Jim Doyle encouraging him to consider installing a native plant buffer between
Lake Mendota and the Executive residence lawn. Moved: Parry hesselman.
Seconded: Barb Hook. Approved: 9-0. Barb Hook will send the letter.
Discussion was held on the slalom course and the possible passing of SB 385.
This is expected to pass in spring 2009. It requires a 100 feet buffer zone off shore and
will affect installing the slalom course. Walt will keep us appraised of the situation.
Wayne Woltman investigated the possibility of hiring a hydrologist to determine why the
lake level is so low, and then decided there would be no benefit to do so at this time.
He explained that the lake level is primarily controlled by the amount of snow fall in winter. The snow raises the aquifer level around the lake, which in turn feeds the springs
on the lake bottom.
Barb Hook reported there are 35 reservations for the Survivor’s Dinner on Sept. 16.
This is down from previous years. Letters were sent to the membership by mail
reminding people of the date. Jane Surpless and Barb would appreciate hearing
any negative feedback.
Discussion was held on the weed Buckthorn . The board will address this next year.
Discussion held on the bike trail expansion. $100 will be sent to Wilderness Lakes
Trails. Moved: Hook. Seconded: MacDonald. Approved: 9-0.
Joe Beers informed us of the possible Highway B project at the old airport. As of last
report, this has been scraped. The board will take a “wait and see” attitude.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:12 pm.