North Dakota State University

Student Government Code

Title 1 - General Provisions

1-01 - Definitions

1-01-01 - “Officer” shall refer to the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, any Executive Commissioner, any Assistant Executive Commissioner, the Parliamentarian, the Vice Chair of the Student Senate, the Chief Justice, or the Administrative Assistant.

1-01-02 - “Student Body Constitution” shall refer to the Constitution of the Student Body of North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science.

1-01-03 - “Student Senate” shall refer to the body established by Article II of the Student Body Constitution.

1-01-04 - “Student Court” or “Court” shall refer to the body established by Article IV of the Student Body Constitution.

1-01-05 - “Senate Bills” are used when the Student Senate takes an action or makes a change to an official document. Senate Bills may be abbreviated “SB.”

1-01-06 - “Senate Resolutions” are used to express the opinion of the Student Senate and expire at the end of the Senate year. Senate Resolutions have no binding power. Senate Resolutions may be abbreviated “SR.”

1-01-07 - “Special Projects” are events or projects sponsored by student-run Tier I, Tier II, or Tier III organizations open to the student body. Special Projects may be abbreviated “SP.”

1-01-08 - “Contingency Requests” are requests for funding for items or events unforeseen at the time of budgeting. Contingency Requests may be abbreviated “CR.”

1-01-09 - “Reserve Requests” are requests for money to be allocated from the Student Government Reserve Fund. Reserve Requests may be abbreviated “RR.”

1-01-10 - “Temporary Organization Requests for Funding” are requests for funding from organizations granted temporary status by the CSO Commission, or organizations that were temporary at the time of budgeting. Temporary Organization Requests for Funding may be abbreviated “TORFF.”

1-01-11 - “University Policy Bills” are proposed changes to university policies routed to the student senate by the Senate Coordinating Council. University Policy Bills may be abbreviated “UP.”

1-01-12 - “Proxy Voters” shall serve in place of voting members in committees as provided within the Student Government Code.

1-01-13 - “Regular Members” are members that were directly appointed or elected through the typical provisions stated in the code for that committee or organization.

1-01-14 - “At Large Members” are appointed members of commissions or committees who need not be members of Student Government.

1-01-15 - “Student-run Tier I Organizations” include Student Government, Campus Attractions, and the Media Advisory Board.

1-01-16 - “External Committees” are bodies outside of Student Government associated with North Dakota State University or its affiliates including, but not limited to the Joint Standing Committees, Technology Fee Advisory Committee, and Advisory Board on Student Affairs.

1-01-17 - “Recordable Vote” is a method that allows each member’s vote to be officially recorded.

1-01-18 - “Absence” is defined as missing a Student Senate meeting without approval from the President of the Student Senate or failure to complete hours of Student Government service without proper notice to the Vice Chair. In this context, “Absence” only refers to a member of the Student Senate.

1-02 - Oath of Office

1-02-01 - All Officers, Senators, and Justices must take the following oath or affirmation before they enter their respective positions:

1-02-01.1 - “I [name] do hereby accept the position of [office]. I promise to safeguard the rights of the student body and represent them to the best of my ability. I will do my best to promote a positive and open image for NDSU Student Government. All these things I shall do justly and faithfully.”

1-02-02 - The Chief Justice of the Student Court shall administer the oath. In the absence of the Chief Justice, a member of the Student Court may swear in the positions mentioned before.

1-03 - External Committees

1-03-01 - Selection and Responsibilities of Members

1-03-01.1 - Student Government members of external committees shall be appointed by the Student Senate. At Large Members of external committees shall be appointed by the Student Body President, unless another method of appointment is prescribed in the external committee guidelines or in Student Government Policy. Any student member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Student Senate.

1-03-01.2 - If the committee allows for proxy voting, it is a member’s responsibility to appoint a proxy voter to attend in said member’s absence. More than one absence without a proxy voter shall trigger a review by the Student Senate and removal of membership shall be considered. If the committee does not allow for proxy voting, student members shall be allowed two absences. A third absence shall trigger review by the Student Senate and removal of membership may be considered.

1-03-02 - Faculty Senate Committees

1-03-02.1 - Academic Affairs

1-03-02.1.1 - Student membership on the Academic Affairs Committee shall consist of one undergraduate student and one graduate or professional student appointed by the Student Body President with approval of the Student Senate.

1-03-02.2 - General Education

1-03-02.2.1 - Student membership on the General Education Committee shall consist of two students appointed by the Student Body President with approval of the Student Senate.

1-03-02.3 - Program Review

1-03-02.3.1 - Student membership on the Program Review Committee shall consist of two students appointed by the Student Body President with approval of the Student Senate.

1-03-02.4 - Grade Appeals Board

1-03-02.4.1 - Student membership on the Grade Appeals Board shall consist of three students and three student alternates appointed by the Student Senate.

1-03-03 - Joint Senate Standing Committees

1-03-03.1 - Senate Coordinating Council

1-03-03.1.1 - Student Membership on the Senate Coordinating Council shall include the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, and Vice Chair of the Student Senate.

1-03-03.1.2 - The student members shall advocate for the routing of policies affecting the Student Body to the Student Senate.

1-03-03.2 - Campus Space and Facilities

1-03-03.2.1 - Student membership on the Campus Space and Facilities Committee shall consist of one undergraduate or professional student, one graduate student, and one student residing in an NDSU owned and operated facility. The Student Senate shall appoint and approve Student Government members to fill each position. Any vacancies shall be filled by at large members, appointed by the Student Body President, and approved by the Student Senate.

1-03-03.3 - Library Committee

1-03-03.3.1 - Student membership on the Library Committee shall consist of one undergraduate student and one graduate or professional student appointed by the Student Body President with approval of the Student Senate.

1-03-03.4 - University Athletics

1-03-03.4.1 - Student membership on the University Athletics committee shall consist of the Student Body Vice President and the President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Council.

1-03-03.5 - University Assessment

1-03-03.5.1 - Student membership on the University Assessment Committee shall consist of one undergraduate student and one graduate or professional student. The Student Senate shall appoint and approve Student Government members to fill each position. Any vacancies shall be filled by at large members, appointed by the Student Body President, and approved by the Student Senate.

1-03-03.6 - Equal Opportunity Hearing Panel

1-03-03.6.1 - The Student Body President shall appoint six students to the Equal Opportunity Hearing Panel and shall be approved by the Student Senate.

1-03-03.7 - Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC)

1-03-03.7.1 - The ESC shall be charged with developing new ways to provide recycling opportunities, evaluate the needs of sustainability on campus, research outside entities to help NDSU with our sustainability efforts and develop new strategies to educate NDSU students, staff and faculty about our current and future sustainability options

1-03-03.7.2 - Student membership on the Environmental Sustainability Committee shall consist of three Student Senators and two at large representatives. The Student Body Vice President shall serve as the chair of the committee unless otherwise appointed by the Vice President and approved by the committee.

1-03-03.7.3 - The two at large representatives shall be appointed by the Student Body Vice President. The three Student Senators shall be appointed by the Student Senate. All student members shall be approved by the Student Senate.

1-03-03.7.4 - The committee shall also include two representatives appointed by the Faculty Senate, two representatives appointed by the Staff Senate, one ex-officio representative from Facilities Management, one ex-officio representative from Residence Hall Association and one ex-officio representative from Dining Services.

1-03-04 - Advisory Board for Student Affairs

1-03-04.1 - Student membership on the Advisory Board for Student Affairs shall consist of the Executive Commissioner of Academic and Student Affairs, four students appointed by the Executive Commissioner of Academic and Student Affairs, two students appointed by the Student Body President and two Senators elected by the Student Senate.

1-03-05 - Finance Advisory Board

1-03-05.1 - The following Student Government members shall serve on the Finance Advisory Board: The Executive Commissioner of Finance, who shall serve as the chair; The Assistant Commissioner of Finance, who shall serve as the secretary; the Executive Commissioner of the Congress of Student Organizations, who shall serve as the representative for Tier II and Tier III Organizations; The Student Body President, who shall serve as the representative for Student Government; and a student, appointed by the Executive Commissioner of Finance to represent the student body.

1-03-06 - Technology Fee Advisory Committee

1-03-06.1 - Student membership on the Technology Fee advisory committee shall consist of the Executive Commissioner of Technology, two at large members of the Technology Commission appointed by the Executive Commissioner of Technology and approved by the Senate. The Student Body President shall appoint all other student representatives.

1-03-07 - Information Technology Council

1-03-07.1 - Student representation on the Information Technology Council shall consist the Executive Commissioner of Technology and the Student Body President.

1-03-08 - Student Fee Advisory Board

1-03-08.1 - The Student Fee Advisory Board shall consist of the Executive Commissioner of Finance, the Executive Commissioner of Academic and Student Affairs, two Senators selected by the Student Senate, and two At Large Members appointed by the Student Body President and approved by the Student senate. A Senator, Officer, or Justice may not serve concurrently as an At Large Member of this committee.

1-03-09 - National Performer Committee

1-03-09.1 - Student Government representation shall consist of two members of NDSU Student Government selected by the Student Senate.

1-03-10 - History and Traditions Council

1-03-10.1 - Student Government representation shall consist of one member of Student Government selected by the Student Senate.

1-03-10.2 - The History and Traditions Council shall be charged with providing informational material about the history and traditions of NDSU to students, and promoting history and tradition events.

1-03-11 - Great Rides Bike Share Board of Directors

1-03-11.1 - NDSU representation on the Great Rides Bike Share Board of Directors shall consist of three (3) seats: one administrative representative, one Student Senator appointed by the Student Senate, and the Student Government Executive Commissioner of Finance.

Title 2 - Legislative Branch

2-01 - Senate Parliamentary Procedures

2-01-01 - A quorum of the Student Senate and all committees shall consist of two-thirds of the eligible voting members when voting on legislation, sanctions of Student Government members, and approval or appointment of Student Government Officials. Quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the eligible voting members in all other instances. If vacancies remain in either the Senate or any Senate committees, those vacant positions shall not count against the total utilized for establishing quorum.

2-01-02 - Voting

2-01-02.1 - A recordable vote is required on all motions except motions to adjourn, fix time to which to adjourn, recess, appeal the chair’s ruling on a question of privilege, elections, motions made in executive session, approval of the agenda, secondary motions applied to the above motions, call to previous question, or motions which pass with unanimous consent.

2-01-02.2 - A recorded vote must be taken on any of the above motions if a Senator requests it, except motions to remove Senators or other officials, motions made in executive session, or elections, unless otherwise stated in this code.

2-01-03 - The Administrative Assistant shall publish and distribute an agenda no less than 48 hours before each regularly scheduled Student Senate meeting.

2-01-04 - Nominations and Appointments

2-01-04.1 - When the Student Senate considers the appointment of students to positions, which it may elect, any Senator may nominate an eligible student for the position in question. Once nominations are complete, each nominee shall be allowed two minutes to give a speech about why they should be elected. This shall be followed by a maximum of five questions, with no Senator being allowed to ask a second question unless all Senators who wish to ask a question have done so. While a nominee is giving a speech or answering questions, all other nominees shall remain outside the room. The Senate shall then proceed into discussion about the nominees, who shall all be outside the room at this time. Upon the conclusion of discussion, the nominees may return to the room and may vote if they are Senators. Discussion, questions, and speeches of nominees shall not be recorded in the minutes. If there are not more nominees than there are seats open, the assembly may cast a unanimous ballot immediately after nominations.

2-01-04.2 - Voting

2-01-04.2.1 - The election must be done by either secret ballot or electronic device with record of vote held confidential. The Chair may require Senators to put their names on the ballots as a means of ensuring no multiple votes, however, the chair may not discuss how any individual Senator voted.

2-01-04.2.2 - A majority vote is required for appointment to any office, commission, or committee. If no candidate receives a majority vote in a single-winner election, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated. This process must continue until one candidate receives a majority vote. Multiple-winner elections must be done in accordance with the Parliamentary authority of the Student Senate, except that in rounds in which no candidate receives a majority, the lowest vote recipient is dropped. Candidates may voluntarily withdraw after any round.

2-01-05 - If there tie between candidates, the President of the Student Senate will break the tie.

2-01-06 - Approving new Student Senate members shall be the first order of business on the agenda.

2-01-07 - Senators may yield time to other Senators, or any other persons in the chamber. The grants may be for either a definite or indefinite portion of the Senator’s time, but may not exceed the Senator’s remaining time of debate. Having yielded time, a Senator may reclaim the floor at any time, and the individual yielded to shall yield back to the yielding Senator.

2-01-07.1 - If the President of the Student Senate relinquishes the chair, the President will have full debate privileges as if a member of the Senate, but shall have no other privileges granted to members of the Senate.