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WTSDC Paper 77/2005

Progress Report of the Meeting of the

Wong Tai Sin District Management Committeeheld on 26.8.2005

Construction of the South Lotus Garden Park

Members noted that the construction of the South Lotus Garden Park proceeded smoothly and could be completed in mid-2006 as scheduled.

Clearance Exercises in Wong Tai Sin District

2.Members noted that Shatin Pass Estate would adopt the design submitted to the Distict Council (DC) earlier on, and the Housing Department (HD) was preparing for the detailed design and tendering. It was expected that the related works would commence in 2006/07 and it would be completed in 2010/2011. The piling work for the foundation of the Upper Wong Tai Sin Redevelopment Stage 3 project would commence at the end of August and the whole project would be completed in 2008/09 as anticipated. The clearance date of San Po Kong Factory Estate would be postponed to November this year.

3.Members were concerned with the structural safety of the buildings arising from the postponement of the clearance date of San Po Kong Factory Estate and requested that HD paid more attention to it. Members also reiterated the proposed in-situ construction of a community hall at Tung Tau Estate Block 23 to cater for the need of the residents to hold large-scale function. As for the clearance of Tung Tau Estate Block 22, HD showed that they would carry out full-scale investigation into the buildings having been built for over 40 years in accordance with the old building inspection scheme, the order of which would be based on the age of the buildings. Tung Tau Estate Block 22 was also included in the scheme and was accorded the priority. Members considered that while arranging for the priority of the old building inspection scheme, HD should also consider the material used apart from the age of the building.

4.It was anticipated that the repaving work for the Local Community Economy Project site next to Wong Tai Sin Temple could be completed in the end of August. By then it would be transferred to the Hong Kong Playground Association for formulating the details of the Market, which was expected to be open at early December.

Control of Display of Non-commercial Publicity Materials

5.District Lands Office (DLO) reported that Wong Tai Sin had approximately 1300 markings and they had finished 980 of them. It was anticipated that the remaining markings would be completed in the end of October 2005.

Team Clean and Clean Hong Kong Programme

6.Members noted that the Ovitrap Index of Wong Tai Sin District had declined month by month from the highest point recorded in May 2005. In July, the indexes at Wong Tai Sin Central and Diamond Hill were 5.2% and 10.2% respectively, and the situation was satisfactory. The cleaning work at Wong Tai Sin must continue and the anti-mosquito work should not be relaxed upon the decline of the Ovitrap Index.

7.The Transport Department (TD) reported that the bus company would arrange for the regular cleaning of the bus shelter and its rooftop by the contractor, ranging from once per week or once per month. The company would handle the complaints immediately once they received them.

8.The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) reported that in view of the limited resources, they would carry out preliminary investigation of the rodent index at the 40 comparatively high risk areas that were selected tentatively.

Blitz Operations to Clear Unauthorised Building Works

9.The Buildings Department (BD) reported that in relation to the illegal structures at the roof-tops of the buildings in San Po Kong, they had carried out site investigation with the two Members raising this issue and the representatives of the District Office (DO) on 29.6.2005, and three clearance orders and ten warning notices had been issued afterwards. Regarding the fissures on the exterior wall of Ngau Chi Wan Village, BD had also carried out site investigation with the contractor of St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged and the relevant house owners. It could not be proved that the fissures on the exterior wall of the village houses were attributable to the works being carried out at the site of the St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged. The contractor undertook to monitor the situation continuously to ensure that the foundation works would not affect the buildings in the vicinity.

Problem on Illegal Shop Extension and Outside Seating Area of Food Premises in Ngau Chi Wan Village

10.Members noted that a number of departments, including FEHD, the Police, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), the Lands Department, BD, the Fire Services Department (FSD) and Wong Tai Sin District Office (WTSDO) carried out a series of joint actions in relation to the illegal occupation of the Government land and illegal hawking within Ngau Chi Wan Estate with remarkable effect. There was apparent improvement in the village environment. Similar joint action would be carried out once per month on a smaller scale until the condition could continuously improve.

Traffic Problem Arising from the Redevelopment of St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged

11.Members noted that in relation to the traffic diversion due to the redevelopment of St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged, TD, WTSDO, the developers and consultants of the project as well as the representatives of shop tenants and residents carried out site investigation and discussion on 27.8.2005.

Flooding on Lung Cheung Road during Heavy Rain

12.Members noted that in relation to the flooding on the pavement of Lung Cheung Road between MTR Exit A and Exit B, WTSDO, discussed with the Drainage Services Department (DSD), TD and the Highways Department (HyD) about improvement measures on 24.8.2005. HyD would expedite the commencement of the works, widen the drainage holes on roadside and upgrade the slopes alongside the pavements to facilitate the flowing of rainwater into the drainage channel. It was expected that the related works could be completed in October this year.

Progress Reports on Public Works Projects in Wong Tai Sin District

(WTSDMC Paper 21/2005)

13.Members suggested that the item of public works projects could be incorporated in the progress report on top of the clearance programme.

Progress Report of the 10th Meeting of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Committee of the Wong Tai Sin District Council held on 14 June 2005

(WTSDMC Paper 22/2005)

13.Members noted the paper.

Progress Report of the 11th Meeting of the Community Building and Social Services Committee of the Wong Tai Sin District Council held on 5 July 2005

(WTSDMC Paper 23/2005)

14.Members noted the paper.

Progress Report of the 11th Meeting of the Leisure and Cultural Services Committee of the Wong Tai Sin District Council held on 12 July 2005

(WTSDMC Paper 24/2005)

15.Members noted the paper.

Progress Report of the Special Meeting of the Finance, General and Economic Affairs Committee of the Wong Tai Sin District Council held on 13 July 2005

(WTSDMC Paper 25/2005)

16.Members noted the paper.

Progress Report of the 11th Meeting of the Traffic and Transport Committee of the Wong Tai Sin District Council held on 19 July 2005

(WTSDMC Paper 26/2005)

17.Members requested that TD closely monitored the impact of the exchange of Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) routes 3M and 3P at the Tse Wan Shan Terminus on the residents, especially the impact on School Village after the new school term had started in September.

Progress Report of the 6th Meeting of the Working Group on the Promotion of Local Community Economy held on 19 July 2005

(WTSDMC Paper 27/2005)

18.Members noted the paper.

Progress Report of the 11th Meeting of the Finance, General and Economic Affairs Committee of the Wong Tai Sin District Council held on 26 July 2005

(WTSDMC Paper 28/2005)

19.Members noted the paper.

Progress Report of the 11th Meeting of the Housing Committee of the Wong Tai Sin District Council held on 2 August 2005

20.Members requested that HD provided the information about the eligibility of the non-elderly singletons to apply for public housing, so that it could be discussed at the meetings of the Housing Committee.

Proposed Agenda for the 12th meeting of the 2nd Term of Wong Tai Sin District Council to be held on 13 September 2005

21.Members noted the proposed agenda.

Wong Tai Sin District OfficeRef: HAD WTSDO 14-5/5/2 Pt. 4

Septembet 2005


[OLO\ DMC progress report_26.8.05]