PhD Program in Astronomy Astrophysics and Space Science
300 Cycle
Courses 2014/2015
All the PhD Students should attend the following 3 courses
1) Title: An introduction to Complexity in Astrophysics and Space Science
Teacher Prof. Giuseppe Consolini(INAF and Tor Vergata)
2)Title: The synthesis of the elements, from the Big Bang to the Supernovae
Teacher Prof. Oscar Straniero (INAF-Teramo)
3)Title: Probabilità e Incertezza di Misura
Teacher Prof. D'Agostini Giulio
and choose one among the following 2 courses:
Teacher: Dr. L. Gualtieri (Sapienza)
Teacher: Dr. G.Montani (ENEA and Sapienza)
In addition they will have to attend all the seminars that will be announced during the year.
For the moment we have planned the following:
1) Date 16/02/2015, at 15:00, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Aula Caccin)
Speaker Prof. Lucio Crivellari
Title: la teoriaeuristicadellaluce di Einstein
2) Date 17/02/2015, at 15:00 University of Rome Tor Vergata (Aula Caccin)
Speaker Prof. Lucio Crivellari
Title: la formulazionefenomenologia di Einstein deicoefficienti di assorbimentoedemission
Student are welcome to indicate additional courses they want to follow. Please communicate any additional course you would line to attend.
An introduction to Complexity in Astrophysics and Space Science
Teacher -Giuseppe CONSOLINI
INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica e PlanetologiaSpaziali, Roma, Italy
Lectures 5, 10, 12, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26 February 2015 from 14:30 to 16:30 (Tor Vergata, Aula Caccin).
The aim of this course is to illustrate a series of concepts related to dynamical system approach, chaos, fractals and multifractals, criticality and turbulence in out-of-equilibrium systems, which are relevant to astrophysics and space-science. The main arguments of this course are:
1) Emergence of Complexity
2) From Scale-Invariance to Fractals and Multifractals
3) Chaos and dynamical systems
4) Turbulence
5) Emergence of criticality in out-of-equilibrium systems (SOC, FSOC)
The synthesis of the elements, from the Big Bang to the Supernovae.
Teacher: Prof Oscar Straniero
Lectures 9-10 April, 13-15 April and 20-24 April 2015 from 15:00 to 17:00 (Tor Vergata, Aula Caccin)
summary: introduction to nuclear astrophysics (theory and experiments), BBN nucleosynthesis implication for cosmology and fundamental physics, stellar nucleosynthesis, Thermonuclear Supernovae (type Ia) and their application to cosmology, Core collapse supernovae and their contribution to the synthesis of the elements.
Probabilità e Incertezza di Misura (Scheda)
Teacher: D'Agostini Giulio
You can find the timetable at the following link
Please notice that the course starts on January, 20th 2015
Introduzionecritica.-Concettoevalutazionedellaprobabilità.Regoledibasedellaprobabilità.Variabilievettoricasualidiscreti econtinui;distribuzioninotevoli.Principaleteoremidelcalcolodelleprobabilità.Distribuzionidifunzionidivariabilicasuali(propagazionedelleincertezze):metodiesattieapprossimati.MetodidiMonteCarlopersimulareeventialeatori.LinguaggioR.-Probabilitàdeglieffettieprobabilitàdellecause:approcciobayesianoall'inferenzastatistica.Retibayesiane.JavaBayeseHUGIN.-Casinotevolidiinferenzaconverosimiglianzagaussiana("erroridimisura"),binomiale("proporzioni"e"efficienze")epoissoniane("conteggi").Metodiapprossimativi-Combinazionidirisultati.Incertezzedovuteaderrorisistematicielorocombinazioneconincertezzedialtrotipo.-Casicriticidifisicadifrontiera.-Fit:approcciogenerale,dettaglioincasisemplici;metodiapprossimativi(minimiquadrati,etc).-Casicriticidifisicadifrontiera.Upper/lowerlimits.TestdiipotesiVsprobabilitàdelleipotesi.-Questionicomputazionali:approssimazionegaussiana,priorconiugate,MetodidiMonteCarlo,edinparticolareMarcovChainMonteCarlo(MCMC).IntroduzioneaBUGS.
Teacher: Dr. G.Montani (ENEA and Sapienza)
Length: 16 hours, in 8 lectures
Lectures between March and May (please contact the teacher to arrange the exact dates Lucia Cori and me): University of Roma La Sapienza
The Lectures introduce fundamental concepts of Plasma Physics, necessary for understanding the stellar accretion process. The Standard Model describing the angular momentum transport in the disk is analyzed in the framework of a viscoresistive Magneto-hydrodynamical theory, outlining, both its predictivity and the shortcoming. Due to the quasi-ideal microscopic nature of the accreting plasma, the problem is reformulated in a local two-dimensional scheme, which allows to fix a crystalline structure for the resulting magnetic field and a ring decomposition of the mass density profile. Materials will be provided following the lecture development.
Teacher: Dr. L. Gualtieri (Sapienza)
Length: 20 hours, in 10 lectures; it is possible to attend a reduced version of the
course (about 12 hours), neglecting point 6 of the program.
Lectures between March and May (please contact the teacher to arrange the exact dates and inform Lucia Cori and me) University of Roma La Sapienza
1)Schwarzschild black holes
2).Kerr black holes.
3) Geodesic motion in the Kerr metric. The Penrose effect.
4)An overview of astrophysical observations of black holes.
5)Black hole thermodynamics. The Hawking radiation: an introduction. The course requires a basic knowledge of the theory of general relativity.