8th Grade Fusion Science – RM. 1258 – Mr. Brown
Aug. 24 / T: I will get to know my teacher, my classmates and my classroom
Activity: Get to know classmates, Mr. Brown and Expectations
HW: Log into your new email account, Make sure you have a science notebook - both due by Wed. All About You done by Thurs. presentations either Thurs. or Fri.
Aug. 25 / T: I will get to know my teacher, my classmates and my classroom
Activity: Get to know Mr. Brown and expectations
HW: Log into your new email account, Make sure you have a science notebook - both due by Wed. All About You done by Thurs. presentations either Thurs. or Fri.
Aug. 26 / T: I will get to know my teacher, my classmates and my classroom
Activity: Log onto Gmail account
HW: Facts about you and 3 objects brought to represent you by Fri.
Aug. 27 / T: I will get to know my teacher, my classmates and my classroom
Activity: Who is Mr Brown, discuss Facts about you and classroom expectations
HW: Some students present today, make sure you are logged in by Mon with your new Gmail.
Aug. 28 / T: I will present 3 features about myself and learn about my classmates.
Activity: present 5 objects to represent you
HW: Some students will finish presenting on Monday, Earth structure read and complete 10-17, 10-21 for Advanced. Compact signed by Mon.